- Open Access
- Authors : Azhagu Madhavan S, Mahadevi M, Vinotha P, Uma V, Ganesan S
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV9IS05057
- Volume & Issue : ICRADL – 2021 (Volume 09 – Issue 05)
- Published (First Online): 01-04-2021
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
People Preferences in Selection of Hospital During Covid-19 Impact on Personal Life Review
Azhagu MadhavanSa*, Mahadevi Mb, Vinotha Pc, Uma Vc, Ganesan Sa
PG & Research Deparment of Zoology & Biotechnology, A Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College, (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur, 613503, Tamil Nadu, India.
PG & Research Deparment of Botany & Microbiology, A Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College, (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur, 613503, Tamil Nadu, India.
PG & Research Deparment of Zoology & Biotechnology, A Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College, (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur, 613503, Tamil Nadu, India.
c.PG & Research Department of Bio-Chemistry, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. c.PG & Research Department of Bio-Chemistry. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.
Corresponding author – Azhagu MadhavanSa*,
Abstract – Corona virus has pushed our economy a step ahead. People started relying on digital platforms rather than conventional methods. This is a positive indication. The consumption demand raised by the customers act as a potential for these micro entrepreneurs. A more personalized and customized relationship happens between the seller and the customer. Also work from home employees and home entrepreneurs could make a very good combination in the economy. That is they can create a working environment where everyone can do their job peacefully in their comfort zone with their loved ones and there by earn their income. Being adaptable is one of the important qualities during a pandemic. Thus, a crisis can be turned into an opportunity. Research during any outbreaks is a chance to gather important information which will contribute to improving pandemic control measures, like conducting clinical or vaccine trials. The COVID- 19 pandemic is the new challenge for the whole world. Having done some relevant research on this area, would help to gain knowledge on various dimensions to this pandemic. The below research papers are undertaken during pandemic and these papers explores the new dimension of research.
Keywords: COVID- 19, Industrial Production, Cyber resilience in COVID-19, Hospital during Covid-19
The head of the International fund (IMF) said, "The world is facing extraordinary uncertainty about the depth and duration of this crisis, the worst economic collapse since the good Recession." The IMF estimates the external financial needs of emerging markets and emerging economies at trillion dollars [1]. India also sighed under the cauldron of an epidemic. According to an Economic Times report published on March 23, 2020, economists estimate
that the cost of the Covid-19 lockdown will be $ 120 billion, or 4 percent of GDP by 2020.
Structure of Coronavirus
Covids are minute in size (65125 nm in breadth) and contain a solitary abandoned RNA as a nucleic material, size extending from 26 to 32kbs long. The subgroups of Covids family are alpha (a), beta (b), gamma (c) and delta
(d) Covid [1,23].
Fig: 1. Basic structure of COVID Virus
Fig: 2. Structure of SARS-CoV-2
The effects of Covid-19 outbreak pandemic on human life have been started to be investigated from different angles [1]. It is seen that there are very few studies on the effects of Covid-19 outbreak on the energy sector and the environment. With this study, the studies reported the effects of Covid-19 outbreak on the renewable energy sector and the environment were examined, the importance of the subject was revealed, and future studies were shed light on. The recently released Index of Industrial Production (IIP) shows that economic output during April
20 contracted by over 55 % year-on year [14]. This constriction is reflected across all areas including assembling, mining, and power age. Be that as it may, the continuous lockdown has affected the monetary soundness of discoms. India's daily power demand has declined by 25 to twenty-eight percent since the start of the nationwide lockdown, driven primarily by factory and office closures within the commercial and industrial sectors [8]. The cost found on the trade stage during the lockdown time frame has arrived at the midpoint of around Rs 2.40 per unit with supply offers at the trade far surpassing the interest.
Legal Aspect behind Imposing of Lockdown in COVID-19 Pandemic in India
The imposition of nationwide lockdown by Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi on March 24, 2020 due to Coronavirus pandemic, especially after he announced a
Janata Curfew on March 22, 2020 there was some speculation the government would impose a state of emergency. According to constitutional expert and former Secretary General of Lok Sabha, Shri. P D. Thankappan Achary, however, although Article 352 of the Constitution originally did give the. Centre the authority to try to to so under three grounds War, External aggression and Internal disturbance the Janata Party government in 1978 did away with Internal disturbance clause, replacing it with Armed rebellion [23]. As such, he said, there was no question of an emergency under Article 352 being declared [1]. Now the question rose whether the lockdown declared by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi was illegal or arbitrary in nature? The Indian Constitution has not accepted the Maxim, The King can do no wrong and every one administrative authorities are subject to the Jurisdiction of ordinary civil courts of the land. The Centre took recourse to Article 256 of the Constitution, which stipulates that the Centre can give directions on the way to implement laws made by Parliament,—–Achary said. Moreover, Article 257 states that the executive power of the states should be exercised in a manner that does not impede or prejudice the executive power of the Centre.The Centre also took recourse to two other laws which provide the Centre and the states the statutory basis for acting against the pandemic:They are the Epidemic
Diseases Act, 1897 (EDA) and the Disaster Management Act, 2005 (DMA) [27]. The instance of the govt maybe is that these two laws arm it with adequate forces and there's no need to depend on the "crisis arrangements" of the constitution.The spread of COVID-19 has had a severe impact on countries, especially social and economic life across the country [9]. The world immersed in activities has been silenced and all resources have been diverted to deal with a crisis never experienced before. The virus has a multi-sectoral impact as countries' economic activity slows. The alarm bells sounded by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019 about the worlds inability to fight the global pandemic were shocking and noticeable [17-19]. The 2019 US report of the World Health Organization and the World Bank estimates the impact of such infections from 2.2 percent to 4.8 percent of world GDP [28]. That prediction came true when the world saw this crisis sink. In another report by the International Labor Organization, Covid-19 and the working world: Impact and Policy Responses, the crisis has already shocked the financial and labor markets, not only supply (production of goods and services) but demand (consumption and investment).
Sectoral impact
The COVID-19 pandemic affected manufacturing and servicesectors – hospitality, travel, travel, healthcare, retail, banks, hotels,real estate, education, healthcare, IT, entertainment and media. Asthe economic pressure began, it increased rapidly. Lockdowns andsocial isolation on the one hand lad to loss of productivity, whichin turn leads to a significant decrease in the demand for goods andservices by consumers in the market, which leads to a decline ineconomic activity [18]. However, the only low-cost devices to preventthe spread of COVID-19 are lockdown and social distance.Governments are studying the success of the container strategy inBhilwara district of Rajasthan, India, but the economic risks ofshutting down the economy remain. Similarly, appreciating the Import-oriented sectors such as electronics, pharma and consumerdurables are causing a large decline across the value chain. Itemssuch as rice, flour, peas. Sales of FMCG companies declined due tosupply chain failure. The e-commerce sector has slowed down.Companies that focus directly on customer routes and supply chaindelivery and pressure on customer expectations brings new delivery
Routes [1]. Dealing with and anticipating demand in this developingenvironment plays an important role in the field of consumerrelations.
Most humans have their childhoood memories with pleasantmemories, they are searching the products of emotions. Everyindividual is evoked by a word, music or any other visual effects.This study provides a clear
evidence of increasing nostalgiaconsumption caused by pandemic. Lock downs give a significantchange in psychological and physical factors of humans [3]. The currentstudy attempts to identify the significant factors in nostalgiaconsumption before, during and after lock down. Nostalgiamarketing can be used effectively in every part of business as itpenetrates human mind easily and the best evidence shows that afterthe lock down days they are preferring nostalgia product, Nostalgiaevergreens forever.
Digital transformation in education
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people regardless ofnationality, educational level, income or gender. Education is noexception. This emergency has uncovered numerous blemishes and imbalances in our schooling frameworks – from broadband access, Computers and backing for online training climate expected to zero in on figuring out how toimproper alignment between resources andneeds [15].Traditional school education with school closures across thecountry have been in response to Lockdowns due to COVID-19.The transition to digital learning was problematic because no one was ready until COVID 19.The realities of the 21st century havechanged the way we share / access information, share knowledgeand facilitate learning [6]. The COVID-19 epidemic and its aftermathhave increased the need to adopt innovative approaches to accessingeducational services at all levels [19,21]. The journey of empowering a full-fledged digital transformation in abrief notice is not a cockpit, but if implemented properly, it will be alesson in re- establishment. Advanced technologies have the abilityto plan, control and support the digital transformation needs of theeducation industry [11,29]. It helps companies shift their focus fromtraditional learning models to digital adoption. It inspires in-depthlearning experiences, future prepared staff and strategic outcomes.Faced with the COVID-19 crisis, the digital transformation in thefield of education is on the rise, it is a new time to abandon the oldtraditional teaching style [15]. The academy is embracing digitalsolutions that make e-learning more accessible and empower digitalreadyteaching ecosystems while innovating activities whileminimizing costs, risks and effort. Provides a pandemic opportunityfor investors and educational institutions to invest in educationalapplication development to facilitate learning and relationships.
Cyber resilience in COVID-19
COVID-19 Institutional awareness and the epidemic completelyundermined strategic, operational, technical and financial riskplanning [23]. The main threat emerging is
cyber risk. With home-basedpolicies expanding to unplanned levels, the time has come forcompanies to be worry for increased opportunities for hackers. Thepandemic has raised many risk considerations and questions forindividuals and organizations across all industries on whetherexisting cyber insurance policies are adequate.Opportunity forhackers
Cyber insurance
We hope that cyber insurance will cover claims and damages causedby security breaches and privacy incidents as the risk of an epidemicsituation increases.The cyber insurance policy provides limited coverage for setbacksin the company network due to difficulties in supporting increaseddemand from telecommuting settings [13,18]. An "overuse" of the networkis not an accidental or unplanned failure, administrative error orprogramming error, so the insurance policy will not work.Similarly, any elective coverage purchased for a manual shutdownof systems should include security or minimizing potential damageafter system failure is detected [17]. Therefore, stopping businessactivities due to an epidemic in general is not included in thecompanys cyber insurance policy.While companies are navigating new operating methods during theCOVID-19 era, those with a strategic perspective on technology willbenefit from the competition during these challenging times.
As a second most populous country India needs more electricity tofulfill the needs of rural , urban and working people [8]. For to generatethe power Ultra mega power projects are developed and foreffective distribution of power schemes like Deen Dayal UpadhyayGrameen Vidyuthikaran Yojana (DDUGVY) ,Ujjwala DiscomAssurance Yojana (UDAY) and SAUBHAGYA scheme areimplemented. these schemes were introduced to develop the urbanand rural electrification [19]. For effective supply we should not onlyrely on fossil fuels, so government planned to use the nonconventionalenergies. In the 343 GW installed capacity 69 GW weare getting from renewable energy. The government planned toimprove this as 175 GW by 2022.
Determinants of Ethical Norms for Health Care Professionals
Ethics is described as ethical concepts that govern individualbehavior. Ethics generally focuses on the disciplines such asphilosophy, theology, law and psychology or sociology that studynorms of behavior, although we experience a lot of ethical andmoral problems in our lives, most of them come with relativelysimple
solutions [11]. Medical ethics is the relevant subject of ethics thatanalyzes scientific medicinal drug and associated medical research.Medical moral principles are primarily based on a set of values tofacilitate an expert who can talk to in case of misunderstanding orconflict. Most of the Professional ethicists or experts recommendusing this four basic values, or principles, to decide ethical issues inthe healthcare profession and this approach is called as the fourprinciples plus scope.
Effect of Covid-19 on Gold Price
The pre and post price During COVID -19 which created an impacton the gold price tend to increase, the stock market crashed duringCOVID -19 the investors they started in investing in gold, there aresome factors which determine the gold rate due to the inflation,currency, crude oil, interest rate where, a drawn out financialspecialist and need to gather riches as long as possible, the currentcost or a little up or down value development ought not influence your choice [7]. According to the examination of Oxford Economics,gold ought to do well in the time of collapse. Flattening is whereloan costs are low, utilization going down, and there is a monetaryworry in the economy.MOODLE is determined to be an effective method for thecompatible and flexible teaching of students upon the present era ofcrisis [21-26]. It provides a comfortable platform to both students andteachers constituting the education system.Teaching-Learning in the digital age is a research paper which refersupon the study of problems faced my students through the currentdigital learning system and briefs up the components of its essentialunderstanding [15].The paper Educational Research performs the basis of all the entitieswhich make the whle education system. This includes policy makers, educators, managers etc. The paper portrays the analyzingsuch problems by the method of educational research [11].The study of pre- primary education on Indian context is a study ofthe education system in pre- primary stages of the country.
The sudden crash of major industries like automobiles,aviation, travel and tourism, chemical industry, oil and gas sector,consumer goods sectors, film industry, sports and cultural sectors
and the like experienced an all-time low [17-19]. But like Phoenix bird, theyrose from their ashes and are now limping their way forward. At thesame time, there are many beneficiaries of this pandemic situation.Nature stayed temporarily free of pollution, the feathered friends,the flora and fauna in general heaved a sigh of relief from theinjustices of man. The work from home (WFH) concept has at lastrevived familial relations and better bonding of individuals alongwith a beautiful work-life balance for
which the entire humanity wasinvesting in billions [23]. At last nature has found its unique way ofsolving so many puzzles in a single stroke of the pandemic belland the all is well positive vibes keep humanity to march ahead inthe unchartered oceans of life.
People Preferences in Selection of Hospital during Covid- 19
With the fast development of population and deficiencies of humanservices offices in governments medical hospitals, privateemergency hospitals in the general public have been assuming animperative job. Patients can pick a medical hospital or clinic as indicated by what makes a difference most to them, regardless ofwhether it's area, cost thought, framework accessibility, proposalfrom companions, alluded by specialists, and so forth [21]. The most significant determinant of emergency clinic orhospital decision was whether it was a government or privatemedical hospital, with respondents definitely bound to pick agovernment medical hospital than a private medical hospital.The research done onpeople preference for the treatment of COVID-19 is between private and public hospital. In that people prefer moreof public hospital as this pandemic is really new and people believethat government hospital would give a better treatment [18].This study is about the determination of the gold price during theCOVID-19 under the pandemic situation, gold went high one of the reason is the investors who invest in gold during COVID -19. The study of human rights in the schools of India focuses upon the physical, mental and social needs of the studentsstudying in these schools. It specifies on attributing these basicnecessities as major fights of students [1,22].They prefergovernment hospitals because it charges reasonable fees and theytrust government in this uncertain, hence this COVID-19 is a newdisease and there is neither treatment nor medicines.The given set of papers focus upon the impacts of COVID-19on various fields such as economy, welfare, education, internationalrelations etc. through a study upon the same on the basis of physicsand statistics.Statistics and physics, being diverse subjects help to give riseto various such studying factors and attain a precise understandingupon the COVID-19 data.In the Present study mental math, logic, aims of Physics &statics, astrology, semiconductors, nano phosphors, single crystals,discussion on crystal properties, Graphene were explained.Hope that the papers would encourage you and make youaware of the societal, national and international and Geographicalproblems of the concept.
We would like to express our sincerest condolences to the patients and families who suffered from the COVID-19
outbreak. We also greatly appreciate the healthcare personnel and staff members who worked together to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak.
Funding: None.
Competing interests: None declared. Ethical approval: Not required.
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