Perception Analysis for University of San Carlos (USC) as an Educational Institution using Web Mining and Multinomial Naive Bayes Algorithm

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV4IS01001

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Perception Analysis for University of San Carlos (USC) as an Educational Institution using Web Mining and Multinomial Naive Bayes Algorithm

Angie M. Ceniza University of San Carlos School of Arts and Sciences

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Christian V. Maderazo University of San Carlos School of Arts and Sciences

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Mary Jane G. Sabellano University of San Carlos School of Arts and Sciences

Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Abstract:- The use of blogs, forums, and other forms of media over the web in order to express one's perception is tremendously increasing that either endorses or criticizes the performance of an entity or organization. The aim of this research is to determine the public's perception of University of San Carlos (USC) as an academic institution specifically in the classification of positive, negative or neutral polarity through Sentiment Analysis. In this paper we explore the use of Web Mining as the process of harvesting hyperlink structure and Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm to evaluate web content as positive, negative or neutral perceptions. The experiment results show that the approach used in the research achieves 52.92% precision and 92.88% recall.

Keywords: Perceptions, Sentiment Analysis, Web Mining, Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm


    Perception analysis is a key in knowing ones reputation. In an educational institution, it is an advantage to know their reputation through public sentiments. According to Pang and Lee [31] What other people think is an important piece of information during the decision making process. Administrators will be able to evaluate the performance of the university as provider of quality education. Sentiment analysis is a computational treatment of peoples opinions, attitudes and emotions towards an entity [25]. It helps individuals and organization in making decisions [31]. In gathering sentiments, web mining is one of the most conducive techniques since most of the people nowadays use different forms of media over the web as their means of expressing ideas. Researchers make use of this technique in gathering the information needed. Web data mining technique [23] aims to discover useful information or knowledge from the Web hyperlink structure, page content, and usage data. The Web mining process is similar to the data mining process. The difference is usually in the data

    collection. In traditional data mining, the data is often already collected and stored in a data warehouse. For Web mining, data collection can be a substantial task, especially for Web structure and content mining, which involves crawling a large number of target Webpages. The researchers gather all related information to University of San Carlos Cebu into the web. Those bag-of-words that will be collected will be analyzed and evaluated by Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier [35]. Medhat, Hassan and Korashy [25] identified the algorithm as one of the most frequently used for solving Sentiment classification problem. Bhadane, Dalal and Doshi [1] considered it as commonly used algorithm. For this reason, researchers decided to apply this algorithm in identifying the publics perceptions of University of San Carlos as an academic institution.


    These are several lines of related work which are reviewed in this section.

      1. Perception Analysis

        Most users publish personal messages about people, product, events and interest. These opinionated messages are available for study. The classification of users sentiments has been recognized as a significant research area. Sentiment Analysis has emerged as a rapidly expanding field of application and research in the area of information retrieval [6]. In the published work of Pang and Lee [29] they conducted a study of sentiment analysis that seeks identify the viewpoint(s) underlying a text span. In the research of Pathak, Mane, Srivastava and Contractor [31], they study about perception of knowledge in an organization through an email network. Iskender and Bati

        [13] conducted Sentiment Analysis in the context of

        Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness to obtain two university rankings. Kim and Hovy [18] identified sentiments as a challenging problem. Kandiko and Mawer

        [15] integrated the expectations and perceptions of the

        quality of the learning experience and the academic standards of their chosen programs of study. Ravindran and Kalpana [34] conducted a study that would assess management education students' expectation, perception, and satisfaction of services they experienced. In [22] the authors developed an adaptive sentiment analysis models for online reviews.

      2. Web Mining

        Web mining is the application of data mining and is used for the same task [39]. Kosala and Blockeel[19] published about the importance of web mining research in several research communities as well as sub-areas of machine learning and natural language processing. Wang [44] believed that web mining is consist of pre-processing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. Kosala and Blockeel[19] conducted survey that point some confusion regarding the usage of the term Web Mining and suggest three Web Mining categories. Guidici and Catelo [11] considered a model-based approach to web mining. Srivastava, Cooleyz, Deshpande and Tan[41] identified the detailed taxonomy of Web Usage Mining. In the study of

        [27] the user preference is automatically learned from web usage data by using data mining techniques. In [4] the authors presented the details of preprocessing tasks that are necessary for peforming Web Usage Mining, the application of data mining and knowledge discovery tech niques to WWW server access log. In the study of [16] the labeling process could benefit from employment of web mining and information extraction techniques in combination with flexible methods of web-based information management. Furnkanz[10] provided a brief overview of web mining techniques and research areas such as hypertext classification, wrapper induction, recommender system and web usage mining.

      3. Multinomial Naïve Bayes

        Multinomial Naïve Bayes is a popular method for document classification due to its computational efficiency and relatively good predictive performance [9]. Dhande and Patnaik[7] stated that sentiment classification is an effective tool in classifying reviews of user using positive or negative from textual information alone. Shimodaria[38] identified that an effective way of classifying text by their contents is text classification especially in classifying email messages into spam or non-spam. Kibriya, Frankm, Pfahringer and Holmes [17] believed that the use of Multinomial Naïve Bayes is an effective tool in classifying text and by adding a locally weighted learning. The authors in [3] used two classical classification methods, Naïve Bayes and SVM, to test whether the selected sentiment are useful for different classification methods. In [14] the authors build multinomial event models for SAGE data classification based on Naïve Bayes classifier. From the analysis of the

        experimental human brain and breast SAGE data, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes model can achieve very high classification accuracy. In [45] authors proposed Naïve Bayes Tree hybrid algorithm, which deploys a Naïve Bayes classifier on each leaf node of the built decision tree and has demonstrated remarkable classification performance. Shan and Banerjee [37] proposed a family of mixed- membership Naïve Bayes odels that extends the popular Naïve Bayes models to work with sparse observation by marginalizing over all missing features. Wong [46] introduced generalized Dirichlet priors to preserve the prediction accuracy and computational efficiency of Naïve Bayes classifier. The authors in [28] introduced the combination of Expectation-Maximization and Naïve Bayes classifier to reduce classification error. In [5] the authors proposed an extension of the Naïve Bayes classifier which accounts for biological heterogeneity in a probabilistic framework. Maruyama [24] used the classifier on yeast data sets with higher predictability performance. Frank and Bouckaert [9] applied Multinomial Naïve Bayes to unbalanced datasets.

      4. Opinion Lexicon

    Opinion words are used in many sentiment classification research. Positive opinion words are used to express some desired states, while negative opinion words are used to express some states [25]. The most commonly used lexicon sources are WordNet and Opinion Lexicon which exists in languages other than English. Building resources, used in Sentiment Analysis tasks, is still needed for many natural language. Hu and Lui[12][21] maintains and freely distributes a sentiment lexicon consisting of list of strings. In the study of [43] two experiments used a forty- word lexicon. Flekova, Ruppert, Pietro[8] uses open lexicon in identifying frequent bigrams where a polar word switches polarity. Cruz, Troyano, Ortega and Enriquez [2] computed the semantic orientation (positive and negative evaluative implications) of certain opinion expressions using opinion lexicon. Souza, Vieira, Busetti, Chishman and Alves [40] concluded in their research that Opinion Lexicons are linguistic resources annotated with semantic orientation of terms (positive and negative) and are important for opinion mining tasks. In [26] WordNet is an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. Pustejovsky [32] provided a method for the decomposition of lexical categories and outlined a theory of lexical semantics.


    In this section, we describe the methods used to determine public perceptions about University of San Carlos as an academic institution. Figure 1.0 shows the processing flow of the approach.

    Figure 1.0 The processing flow of the approach

    through the use of Opinion Lexicon[12][21]. Single words from a document or n-gram (two words) from a document in sequential order are chosen as feature. In this research two words refers to words with negation word, such as no, not, none, nothing, nowhere, neither, nobody, hardly, scarcely, barely. This research makes use of Multinomial Naïve Bayes algorithm in sentiment classification.

    3.3 Opinion Lexicon

    Opinion Lexicon [17][18] is a list of identified positive and negative (a z) words . There are 2,006 positive words and 4, 783 negative words. It includes mis-spelling words, morphological variants, slang and social-media mark-up. These words serve as trainings sets that enable us to identify positive and negative sentiments in a certain website.

    Here are some of the positive and negative words found in the Opinion Lexicon.

    Positive Words Negative Words

      1. Web Mining

        This research makes use of web mining in retrieving the information needed. Web mining [42] is the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web data, including Web documents, hyperlinks between documents, usage logs of web sites, etc. According to Liu [23], web mining aim to discover useful information or knowledge from the web hyperlink structure, page content, and usage data. The harvesting technique uses Link Klipper Chrome extension tool. The researchers make use of Google [42] as the search engine using the search keywords University of San Carlos Cebu City. was able to harvest 654 links, is less than a 100 links, and is less that 250 links while was not able to harvest links. Web structured mining and web content mining is being applied in gathering the information needed in this research. Web Structure Mining is the process of discovering structure information from the web. The Web Content Mining is the process of extracting useful information from the contents of Web documents. Content data corresponds to the collection of facts a Web page was designed to convey to the users. Researchers extracted all the contents of 654 links into useful

        {accessible, acclaim, accolade, creative, dazzle, decent, ease, educated, elegant, fast-growing, fast- paced,

        first-in-class, gentle, glow, hearten, intelligent, joyful, jubilate, kindness,

        lucky, lucrative, luminous, magical, marvel, non- violent, openly, pamper, proven, proud,

        reputation, recommendation, satisfied, secure, tender, thrive, unrestricted, unreal, valuable,

        vibrant, well-educated, well-managed, wholesome, worth-while, zeal, zenith}

        { abruptly, abscond, absence, absent-minded, barren, baseless, bash, bastard, cold, complain, conceited, desperate, destroy, devastated, disadvantage, entanglement,

        fell, fibber, get-rich, grind, halfheartedly, ill-advised, ill-conceived,

        ill-defined, jobless, joke, lamentably, maliciously, maltreatment, nightmare, obstructed, outrageous, paralize, parasite,

        tattered, temper, terrorism, unachievable, unaffordable, unappealing,

        venomous, vibrate, watered-down, wayward, yawn, zap}

        information that will be compared to an Opinion Lexicon.

      2. Bag of Words Model

    In this research, a document-level sentiment analysis classification was used. It considers the whole web content for each harvested link as a basic information unit. The document is represented as a bag of words model. The model knows which words are included in the document and its frequency count, and ignores the position of the word in the document. The bag of words model is used more often because of its simplicity for the classification process. In bag of words model, the occurrence of each word will be classified as positive and negative word

      1. Multinomial Naïve Bayes Algorithm

        Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) Algorithm [33] is used to characterize text documents in terms of frequency (tf,(t,d)). It is a popular method for document classification due to its computational efficiency and relatively good predictive performance [9]. A classification technique that performs well in many domains [36]. It is one of the top 10 algorithms because of its simplicity, efficiency and interpretability [45]. The term frequency is typically defined as the number of times a given term t (i.e., word or token) appears in a document d (this approach is sometimes also called raw frequency). In practice, the term frequency is often

        normalized by dividing the raw term frequency by the document length.

        normalized term frequency = tf(t,d)


        No. of Positive Words

        No. of Negati ve Words


        1 guidance-counselor-at- university-of-san-carlos




        2 ducation-schools/central- visayas/cebu-city/masters- programs/





        http://www.livinginthephilippi retire/schools/781-university- of-san-carlos




        4 telsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html




        5 otelsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.htm




        6 sity-of-San-Carlos.html





        /200709-university-of-san- carlos-cebu-city- scholarships.html/




        8 sNear-g294261-d7889978-

        University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html








        10 otelsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html





        No. of Positive Words

        No. of Negati ve Words


        1 guidance-counselor-at- university-of-san-carlos




        2 ducation-schools/central- visayas/cebu-city/masters- programs/





        http://www.livinginthephilippi retire/schools/781-university- of-san-carlos




        4 telsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html




        5 otelsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html




        6 sity-of-San-Carlos.html





        /200709-university-of-san- carlos-cebu-city- scholarships.html/




        8 sNear-g294261-d7889978-

        University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html








        10 otelsNear-g294261-d7889978- University_of_San_Carlos- Cebu_Island_Visayas.html





        Table 1.0 Harvested links with the number of positive and negative words



        • tf(t, d) : Raw term frequency (the count of term t in document d).

        • nd : The total number of terms in the document.

          The term frequencies can then be used to compute the maximum-likelihood estimate based on the training data to estimate the class-conditional probabilities in the multinomial model:

          P (x lw ) = tf (xi, d w ) + a


          i j dw + .v


        • xi : A word from the feature vector x of a particular sample.

        • tf(xi, d wj) : The sum of raw term

          frequencies of word xi from all documents in the training sample that belong to class wj.

        • Nd wj : The sum of all term frequencies in the training dataset for class wj.

        • : An additive smoothing parameter (=1 for Laplace smoothing).

        • V : The size of the vocabulary (number of different words in the training set).

    The class-conditional probability of encountering the text x can be calculated as the product from the likelihoods of the individual words (under the naive assumption of conditional independence).

    P(xlwj) = P(x1lwj) P(x2lwj) P(xnlwj) =

    im=1 P (xilwj)


    In this research, the number of positive and negative words

    The graph in Figure 2.0 shows result of the perception analysis for University of San Carlos as an academic institution. There were 17% of the links were evaluated to have a negative perception, 76% were positive perception and 7% were neutral perceptions.

    in every link (web page) being harvested will be counted using this MNB algorithm. Researchers decided to use this algorithm because according to Raschka[33] , MNB Algorithm is an effective algorithm in text categorization in counting how often the words would occurs in the document or number of times outcome number x_i is observed over the end trial. Compared to Multi-Variate Bernoulli Naïve Bayes Algorithm that would classify text based on the occurrence (1 or 0s) – words occurs in the document or words doesnt occur in the document. Table 1.0 shows some of the harvested links, the number of

    Neutral 7%

    Positive 76%

    Negative 17%

    positive words, number of negative words and its sentiment classification.

    Figure 2.0 Public Perception for University of San Carlos as an academic institution


The measurement of performance evaluation is done by using precision and recall of the sentiment prediction.


Total number of documents retrieved



Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (June 2011).

CAO, D., JI, R., LIN, D., AND LI, S. Visual sentiment topic model based microblog image sentiment analysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, (2014), 1-14.

l =

Number of relevant documents retrie




preparation for mining world wide web browsing patterns." Knowledge and information systems 1, 1 (1999), 5-32.

Total number of documents retrieved



Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (June 2011).

CAO, D., JI, R., LIN, D., AND LI, S. Visual sentiment topic model based microblog image sentiment analysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, (2014), 1-14.

l =

Number of relevant documents retrie




preparation for mining world wide web browsing patterns." Knowledge and information systems 1, 1 (1999), 5-32.

= Number of relevant documents retrieved


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