Performance Comparison of Real-Time Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recognition System using Haar Cascade, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and YOLO v5

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS070008

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Performance Comparison of Real-Time Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recognition System using Haar Cascade, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and YOLO v5

Nikhil S M, Chippagiri Vishnu, Anuradha S*

Department of Electronic Science, Bangalore University, Bengaluru-560056

Abstract – Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recognition (AVNPDR) system can be used to control and implement traffic rules effectively. A number of machine learning classifiers are employed for numerous object detection and recognition purposes. In this work, three classifiers viz., Haar cascade, Local Binary Pattern and YOLO v5 are used to detect and localize the number plate present in an image. The performance of these classifiers and their suitability for AVNPDR is studied for real-time implementation. In this work, the machine learning models are trained with number plates whose characters are present in a single line. After localization of the plate, the characters present in the number plate are segmented using image processing techniques. Finally, the characters are fed to an optical character recognition system PyTesseract, which recognises the characters and displays the recognised character as a string. The imple- mentation of the three models in real-time implementation is carried out with the help of Raspberry Pi Model 3B and their performances are compared. Among the three classifiers, Haar classifier ranks the best on accuracy (99%), precision (100%) and F1 score (99.3%) followed by YOLO and LBP.

Keywords: Automatic Number Plate Detection and Recognition, HAAR cascade classifier, Local Binary Pattern, YOLO v5


    Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recogni- tion system (AVNPDR) detects and isolates the number plate (or licence plate) present in an image and recognizes the char- acters present in the region of interest (ROI). AVNPDR has enormous possibilities in the current information driven world. As the vehicular volume is increasing year by year unprece- dently, the governments role in monitoring, maintaining, and enforcing laws have become strenuous and laborious. AVNPDR system can be implemented in traffic monitoring and vehicle tracking systems to assist in enforcing the law and or- der. It can be used in toll gates to identify the vehicle and link to its databases for automatic toll collection. These systems can also be used for entry and denial systems in parking lot and automate the whole process involved in managing a parking lot [1]. These real time applications demand the system to be ac- curate and automatic in nature.

    However, the task of detecting the number plate and thereon its license number in real time is challenging for reasons such as i) the obtained image may be skewed when the vehicle is in motion, ii) images may be noisy either due to poor lighting or weather conditions, camera fault etc., iii) non-uniformity in the placement and format of the number plates for different vehi- cles. This demands a detection and recognition model that is robust to these variations, can accurately localize the number plate and as well as read the characters present in the licence plate.

    In this work, we intend to build and implement AVNPDR system using machine learning techniques. For the detection of number plate, the recognition models studied are Haar cascade

    classifier, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and YOLO v5 which are implemented separately and their performances are compared.

    The AVNPDR system is built on three sub systems namely

    1. The number plate detection system: The system is used to detect and localize the number plate in an image. The three classifier models mentioned before are considered sep- arately for implementing AVNPDR.

    2. The character segmentation system: The image de- tected with number plate, in real-time, is subjected to pre- processing to segment out the characters present in the num- ber plate. Several image processing techniques are imple- mented such as binarization, building contours, and filtering.

    3. The character recognition system: PyTesseract (PyTesseract 0.3.10) OCR is used to recognize the segmented characters.

    All the three classifier models are used for implementing real time AVNPDR system using the Raspberry Pi Model 3B. The performance based on the accuracy, the time taken for training, and the computational cost are compared.

    The literature survey of related work is presented in Section

  2. A brief review of the classifiers used and the implementation of AVNPDR is presented in Section III. The details of training the classifiers are presented in Section IV. Section V presents the results and discussions and finally the conclusions are pre- sented in Section 6.


      Owing to the importance and requirement of accurate num- ber plate detection systems, many studies have been published

      related to this domain. The literature review reveals that the number plate detection system has been initially studied by im- plementing only the morphological image processing algo- rithms for edge detection and character recognition [2, 3] and have moved on to making use of the machine learning tech- niques such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Neu- ral Networks [3]. A detailed survey of the algorithms and pro- cesses used for number plate detection and character recogni- tion is available in [4]. To highlight the kind of work that has been carried out previously in this area, few papers have been reviewed which is relevant to this work.

      An automated number plate localization model is studied in [5] which is based on the modified Grab cut algorithm. The model is applied to licence plates of different countries and have reported 99.8% accuracy (500 images) for plate localiza- tion. The study is however limited to plate localization and the model does not include character recognition.

      In [6], the number plate recognition system is based on im- age processing techniques such as morphological transfor- mation, Gaussian smoothing, Gaussian thresholding and con- touring. The character recognition is achieved using the K- nearest neighbour algorithm. The accuracy stated by the au- thors are 98.02% for plate localization (101 images) and 96.22% for character recognition (768 characters). However, the algorithm is not studied for an automated system.

      In [7], deep learning technique for number plate recognition is employed using Faster- RCNN and Inception V2 model. Tes- seract OCR model is used for character recognition in the de- tected number plate. The accuracy of the number plate detec- tion model is reported to be 98.6%. In [8], the authors have de- veloped a character recognition model based on template matching. The model is implemented on localized number plates obtained from static images and an average accuracy of 80.8% is reported.

      In [9], the authors have implemented detection of vehicle number plate using a pre trained model called YOLO v3 and for character recognition using deep learning model based on CNN and have achieved an accuracy of 98%.

      A notable deficit in the various works that have been pub- lished till now is that some have studied only the localization of the number plate without considering the character recogni- tion, while some of them have considered both number plate recognition as well as character recognition in their work. How- ever, real time implementation has not been considered. In this study, we propose to study and implement some unexplored al- gorithms in AVNPDR for real-time implementation.

      In the context of face recognition, he two classifiers that have shown promising results are the Haar classifier and the Local Binary Pattern (LBP).

      In [10], a robust method for detecting human faces in im- ages and video in real-time is proposed which is claimed to be high on detection accuracy with minimum computation time. The method uses integral images and extracts the Haar features, for face recognition followed by a cascade of boosted classifi- ers, which is a type of machine learning model. The cascade of classifiers is trained to reject easy negatives early in the cascade and pass on difficult negatives for further consideration. This

      helps to achieve high detection rates while keeping false posi- tives low. Since the method seems promising on detecting faces, a similar approach based on Haar features is imple- mented in this work for the detection of vehicle number plates.

      In [15], the authors present a method for face recognition using Local Binary Patterns (LBP). They have proposed a fea- ture extraction technique that captures local texture information from facial images and are used to train the classifier for face recognition. The LBP method is reported to be computationally efficient and robust to illumination variations with an accuracy of 95% in face recognition. The method is also reported to achieve high recognition rates on several datasets, demonstrat- ing its effectiveness for face recognition applications.

      In conclusion, the literature review has revealed various approaches and techniques used for vehicle number plate de- tection and recognition systems. While some studies have fo- cused on the localization of number plates, others have inte- grated character recognition to achieve accurate identification. However, there is still a need for real-time implementation of these systems to make a complete performance comparison. The Haar and LBP classifiers that have shown promising re- sults in face recognition, and the YOLO classifier will be im- plemented here for number plate detection. Additionally, PyTesseract is used for character recognition. This study aims to contribute to the advancement of AVNPDR systems by providing a performance comparison of different algorithms and techniques for real-time implementation.


      The classifiers used in this work for localization of the number plate are Haar cascade classifier, Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and You Only Look Once (YOLO) v5. This section pro- vides a brief review of these classifiers.

      1. Haar Cascade Classifier

        The Haar cascade classifiers are effective for object detec- tion. This method was proposed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones [14]. Haar Cascade is a machine learning-based approach where a lot of positive and negative images are used to train the classifier. Cascading is a particular case of ensemble learning based on the concatenation of several classifiers; it is a multi- stage system. Cascading classifier are trained with several pos- itive and negative images. Positive images are images that con- tain objects which is to be detected by the classifier and nega- tive images constitute images which do not contain the object to be detected. The classifier is pre-trained before it can be ap- plied to a region of an image and detect the object in question.

        The Haar Cascade classifier is implemented in three stages

        1. Calculating Haar Features:

          The Haar features are determined by calculating the dif- ference between the sum of intensity in the dark region and the lighter region. The size of the Haar feature should be more than 1 X 1 pixels. Fig 1 shows different types of Haar features.

          Fig 1. Haar Features

        2. Creating Integral Images:

          Integral images essentially speed up the calculation by de- creasing the number of computations by summing the pixel in- tensity in darker and lighter regions. This calculation is per- formed by first creating a new image of the same size as the original image, with each pixel initialized to zero. Then, for each pixel in the new image, the algorithm adds up all the pixel values in the rectangle defined by the original image from the origin. Fig 3 shows the integral image generated using original image shown in Fig 2 These are then used to compute the Haar features.

          Fig 2. Original Image

          Fig 3. Integral Image

        3. Ada Boost Training:

        To determine the best features that represent an object from the thousands of Haar features, Adaboost training is used. It combines a group of weak classifiers to give out strong clas- sifier that an algorithm can use to detect objects [14].

      2. Local Binary Pattern (LBP)

        LBP classifier, is an object detection algorithm that iden- tifies objects in an image. The striking property of the LBP op- erator is its robustness to monotonic grey-scale changes caused by illumination variations. Another aspect of LBP is its com- putational simplicity, which makes it possible to analyse im- ages in real-time [15].

        LBP is basically an efficient texture operator which labels the pixels of an image by thresholding the neighbourhood of each pixel and considers the result as a binary number. To gen- erate the LBP texture descriptor, the image is first converted to grayscale. The LBP value is then calculated for the center pixel and stored in the output 2D array. The center pixel (highlighted in red in Fig 4) is the threshold value to be compared with its neighborhood of 8 pixels.

        Fig 4. Local Binary Pattern Values

        If the intensity of the center pixel is greater-than-or-equal to the neighboring pixel, then the corresponding neighboring pixel location value in LBP pattern is set to 1 otherwise, set to

        0. Fixing one of the 8 neighbors as the starting bit, and travers- ing through the rest of the seven bits in clockwise or counter- clockwise direction, a total of 28 = 256 possible combinations of LBP codes can be generated. The results of this binary test are stored in an 8-bit array which is then converted to decimal. An example of generating LBP code is shown in Fig 5.

        Fig 5. Local Binary Pattern Codes

        This value is stored in the output LBP 2D array. The process of thresholding, accumulating binary strings, and storing the out- put decimal value in the LBP array is repeated for each pixel in the input image. Finally, a 256-bin histogram of LBP codes forms the final feature vector.

      3. You Only Look Once (YOLO) v5

        The YOLO v5 algorithm requires only a single forward propagation through a CNN network to detect objects [16]. The prediction in the entire image is done in a single algorithm run. Glenn Jocher introduced YOLO v5 using the Pytorch frame- work [16]. Object detection in YOLO v5 is a regression prob- lem and provides the class probabilities of the detected images and predict bounding boxes simultaneously.

        YOLO algorithm works using the following three stages:

        1. Residual blocks: The image is divided into various grids. Each grid has a dimension of S x S. Fig 6 (a) shows an input image divided into equal dimension grid cells. Every grid cell detects objects that appear within them. An object that ap- pears within a certain grid cell, is detected and the object is indicated by green colour grid in the grid cell.

          1. (b) (c)

            Fig 6. Grid Cells

        2. Bounding box regression: A bounding box is an outline that highlights an object in an image. Every bounding box in the image consists of the following attributes: Width (bw), Height(bh), Class (for example, number plate, dog, bicycle.) represented by the letter c and bounding box centre (bx, by). Fig 6 (b) shows an example of a bounding box. The bounding box has been highlighted. YOLO uses a single bounding box regression to predict the height, width, centre, and class of objects.

        3. Intersection over Union: IoU is a phenomenon in object de- tection that describes how boxes overlap. YOLO v5 uses IoU to provide an output box that surrounds the objects perfectly. Each grid cell is responsible for predicting the bounding boxes and their confidence scores. Fig 6 (c) shows detected bounding boxes. The IoU is equal to 1 if the predicted bound- ing box is the same as the real box. This mechanism elimi- nates bounding boxes that are not equal to the real box. Fig

        7. provides a simple example of how IoU works. There are two bounding boxes, one in green and the other one in red. The red box is the predicted box while the green box is the real box. YOLO v5 ensures that the two bounding boxes are equal (IoU=1).

        Fig 7. IoU Values


      The proposed Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recognition system has several sub systems as shown in Fig 8.

      Input Image obtained from Camera in real time

      Image pre-processing



      Optical character recognition

      Output characters

      Fig 8. Implementation of the proposed AVNPDR model

      Input Image: The input image is the image of the automobile acquired in real-time whose number plate has to be detected and the characters in the number plate have to be recognised. In real time, each frame of the video is taken as the input image, for example, a car image is shown in Fig 9, which is obtained by interfacing Logitech c270 720p camera to Raspberry Pi Model 3B.

      Pre-Processing: This process involves basic image processing techniques and manipulations which are performed on input RGB images. The obtained image is converted to its grey scale image shown in Fig 10. This is done to increase the computa- tional throughput of the system.

      Localization: In this step the number plate present (if any) in the image is detected and the region of interest (ROI) is deter- mined by the pre-trained classifier, which localizes only the number plate from the entire image, thereby removing all back- ground noise. The localized number plate is enclosed in bound- ing box as shown in Fig 11.

      Post-Processing: After localization of the plate, the obtained number plate is resized to maintain uniformity and to assist in segmentation process. Post processing involves, image pro- cessing techniques such as binarization which is done to seg- ment the image into foreground and background, thereby mak- ing it much simpler to extract and recognize characters in the number plate. Fig 12. (a) shows the binarized image. On the binarized image, the contours are built. Contours of a certain size are selected and others rejected. For the selected contours bounding boxes are drawn as shown in Fig 12. (b). Fig 12. (c) shows a segmented character after eliminating noise using me- dian filter.

      Fig 9. Input Image

      Fig 10. Grey-Scale Image

      Fig 11. Localized Number Plate (using Haar Classifier)

      Fig 12. Post-Processing (a) Binarized image (b) Segmented Characters (c) Segmented character with median blur

      Optical Character Recognition: The optical character recog- nition system PyTesseract (PyTesseract 0.3.10) OCR is used in this work to recognise and display the characters as a string.

      Output Text: The characters present in the number plate are available as the output of the OCR in the text format.

      B. Dataset and training the classifiers

      For training the classifiers, we require dataset which have the essential positive images and negative images. Haar cas- cade classifier and Local Binary Pattern require such datasets. For YOLO v5 an annotated dataset is required, which has the image as well as the corresponding bounding box co-ordinates. Table 1 gives the details of the datasets used in this work for training the classifiers.




      Haar & LBP

      Positive images 2800 images from [17] Negative images 5000 images obtained from [18]

      YOLO v5

      Annotated images1500 obtained from [19]

      The 2800 positive images used for training the Haar and LBP contain images of number plates, which includes images that are blurred, skewed images and of different sizes. The neg- ative images make up 5000 images of cars which strictly do not contain number plates and are handpicked from [18]. As in- tended, we compared all three classifiers on different parame- ters such as accuracy, time taken for training the classifiers, and also the memory requirement of each classifier.

      The system configuration is AMD Ryzen 5 4600H Proces- sor, installed RAM 8.00 GB DDR4, 64-bit operating system and Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 1650 Ti. The time taken for train- ing Haar Classifier is, 3 days 2 hours 50 minutes 6 seconds, for LBP it is 4 hours 47 minutes 37 seconds and for YOLO v5 it is 3 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds. The time taken for training of the classifiers is tabulated in Table 2. The Memory Size of the trained weights are 147 Kilo bytes for Haar Classifier, 61 Kilo bytes for LBP and 27.3 Megabytes for YOLO v5.



      Time taken for training


      3days 2Hrs 50min 6s


      4Hrs 47min 37s

      YOLO v5

      3Hrs 12min 23s


      All the classifiers were implemented in real time on Rasp- berry Pi. For testing the model, 100 real time images are taken

      of which 85 of them are images that contain number plate and other 15 are random images that do not include number plate.

      A confusion matrix is used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning algorithm in classification tasks. It summa- rizes the number of positive and negative predictions of the al- gorithm on a set of test data. The inference from confusion ma- trix parameters relevant to the work is presented in table 3.


      True Negative [TN]

      The image has NO number plate and model did NOT predict the number plate

      False Positive [FP]

      The image has NO number plate and model predicted (YES) the number plate

      False Negative [FN]

      The image has (YES) number plate and model did NOT predict the number plate

      True Positive [TP]

      The image has (YES) number plate and model did (YES) predicted the number plate

      The confusion matrix of all three classifiers is shown in the Fig 13.

      [ ]



      [ + ]





The study involves performance comparison of the three classifiers namely, Haar, LBP and YOLO v5, for real time im- plementation of automatic number plate detection and recogni- tion. An accuracy of 99% was achieved using Haar classifier. However, LBP provided an accuracy of 94% and of YOLO is 97%. Also, LBP and YOLO v5 techniques either fall short of accuracy or memory size, hence making Haar Classifier an ideal choice for the current scenario. Post processing steps in- clude, binarization, segmentation and median filtering that are carried out on the localized number plate. Post processing of the localized number plates assist the OCR in recognising the characters present in the number plate. It was observed that PyTesseract provided an accuracy of 91.6% in recognizing the segmented characters. The accuracy of the OCR also contrib- utes to the overall performance of the AVNPDR system.

This work has focussed on detecting the vehicle number plates with characters present in a single line. The work can further be extended to detectnumber plates with two or more lines.

Fig 13. confusion matrix (a) Haar classifier (b) LBP classifier (c) YOLO v5 classifier

The performance parameter scores of the confusion matrix which include accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score for the three classifiers for number plate detection are presented in Ta- ble 4. The accuracy achieved by using Haar classifier is 99%, 94% for LBP and 97% for YOLO v5.








[ ]

+ + +





[ ]











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