- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 213
- Authors : Sandeep Kaur
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS120318
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 12 (December 2016)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS120318
- Published (First Online): 30-12-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Performance Evaluation of DBLA Technique Based on Image Enhancement by using Fuzzy Logic
Sandeep Kaur
B.C.E.T College, Gurdaspur, Punjab 143521
Abstract- Image enhancement is the utmost standard process for visualization uses. In recent times ample effort is done to enhance the brightness for improving the accuracy of remote sensing images. This research work proposed the DWT, Guided filter as well as Fuzzy logic technique as the post processing function to enhance the accuracy of image by reducing the problem of noise which has been present in the images.
Keywords: Adaptive histogram transfer function, DWT, dominant brightness level analysis, fuzzy based enhancement.
Remote sensing images have an essential function in several areas for example for instance metrology, agriculture geology etc[1]. Dominant brightness level analysis(DBLA)[1] indicates that it is an efficient method for the image enhancement. Contrast improvement images could have power distortion and eliminate image data in number of sections. To irresistible the glitches of images ,decompose the original image into numerous levels. The projected algorithm conduct discrete wavelet transform (DWT)[2] on the original images that decompose the original image into different sub- bands LL, HL, HH and HL[2]. From then decompose the LL sub-band into low, middle, and high intensity layers. Intensity transfer functions are adaptively estimated by applying the knee transfer function and the gamma adjustment function. The resultant improved image is obtained by applying the inverse DWT(IDWT).
Proposed image
Dominent brightness levels
fig(a)dominant result fig(b)Proposed dominant result
Image enhancement is the process of enhancing the feature of the digital images. The cause may be a low resolution camera or poor brightness. [3]They usage wavelet transforms due to their integral property. These transforms decomposed the input image into different frequency components. DWT has various uses in image processing, like feature extraction ,de- noising face recognition ,satellite image super resolution etc. I practice 2-D DWT to decompose the image into four sub- band HH, HL,LL,LH[1]. The LL sub-band contains illumination information while the other sub-bands set up the information of edges.
Block diagram of DWT
This algorithm computes brightness by using the Low intensity factor in the wavelet domain and transfer intensity values[12]. First of all DWT is attained on the new images and formerly utilise the log-average luminance. The LL sub group split in to three different forms. Power transfer functions are adaptively predicted utilise the log transfer function and the gamma adapt function. Since at that point, the subsequent improved image is attained usage the inverse DWT[10]. The algorithm promotes the complete contrast and recognition facts better than present techniques.
This function figured in three disintegrated by using the knee transfer function and the gamma transfer function[12]. Formerly, this function is applied for colour-preservation. The ensuing enhanced image is acquired via the IDWT.
Adaptive histogram equalization [AHE] is an excellent contrast improvement method for both natural images and medical images. It is dissimilar from standard HE in the respect that the adaptive process figures numerous histograms, each equivalent to a dissimilar part of the image[8]. AHE is the process by which at lower scales contrast is improved, though at larger scales contrast of a image is reduced. The benefit of AHE is that it is , reducible and frequently creates superior images.
This technique is among the vital methods of image processing. It has two essential parameters M and k. M is the average intensity value and K is the contrast intensity parameter. Only the V component spread with contrast enhancement techniques as well as compared with advanced algorithms
Jafar et al. (2007) [1] has proposed that contrast enhancement is a vital stage in virtually apiece image processing. This method is simple and effective. Li et al.(2008)[2] has suggested a novel color image enhancement process which is based on (Multi Scale Retinex)MSR. Apposite wavelets bases input image fragmented in three levels. Then decompose the process input image into different enhancements algorithms. Then coefficients were employed to scale. Chen et al.(2008)[3] has planned a new contrast enhancement technique for remote sensing images which is based on fuzzy. Fuzzy set theory proposed use grey due to the traditional division by values to evade claps. The foremost conception of the principle is that the elements of an interval [0, 1] instead of binary value membership degree. Sheets et al. (2010) [4] has proposed a new method to increase its brightness and contrast enhancement capabilities.Performance time- dependent on subdivision size and histogram. Yang et al. (2010) [5] has defined some nonlinear transform image contrast enhancement method. It is the most used functions to represent a regularized incomplete beta function estimates. But how to define beta function coefficients for Marg is a problematic. To avoid tricking in local optimum, a chaotic differential evolution algorithm is suggested. Men et al (2010) [6] has described a fuzzy contrast enhancement procedure using fuzzy principle in non-subsampled contour- let transform (NSCT) domain. In this technique the input image high pass sub-band and decomposed in sub-band low pass by NSCT. Then, map each high pass membership function in Fuzzy domain for applying to image contrast. Finally, modify the NSCT fuzzy domain and modified from image NSCT coefficients to regroup. Demirel et al.(2010)[7] has presented a new satellite image contrast enhancement process. It is based on the DWT and SVD. In these techniques divide the input image using dwt-up and low-sub- band image. Then singular value matrix estimates and again it is the inverse DWT. Experimental results shows that the planned process has the superiority over previous and State- of-artprocesses. Akho et al. (2012) [8] has suggested a novel fuzzy logic and histogram based algorithm for image enhancement. It has two essential parameters M and k. M is the average intensity value and K is the contrast intensity
parameter. Only the V component spread with traditional contrast enhancement techniques as well as compared with advanced algorithms. Ramadan et al (2014)[9]] has presented a novel technique for an images impulsive noise decrease and edge protection. There are two conditions to determine whether an image pixel is noisy or not in the detection stage. To distinguish between corrupted and uncorrupted pixels two predetermined threshold values are elaborate in the computation of the second condition.Only pixels detection stage to be set for the noise in the next filtering stage. Yu et al.(2014)[10] has provided that Edge preservation ratio (EPR) is a full-reference metric for objective image quality assessment(IQA).The probability and supremacy of EPR have now been validated via image amplification and noise decrease. Tentative effects propose it is tough to totally recover missing communications by image zoom and high image distinction may be produced from brief and distinctive image assemblies. Dshmukh et al.(2015)[11] has presented novel contrast enhancement method which is based on fuzzy. The image fuzzify, function and defuzzify is proposed.To capture the medical image contrast this method is applied. Arora et al.(2015)[12]has defined that a vastly overexposed color image is considered by high brightness, low chromaticity and loss of feature.Based on the intensity of exposure, split two areas, dark and bright image. Contrast improvement and bright areas darker than V components are fuzzified and choosing modify membership functions. For being illuminated , s component is modified and fuzzified. Sarangi, p. P. Et al (2014) [13] has presented an examination procedure for engineering and machine knowledge optimization problems. Enhance its adaptability and effectiveness in a gray scale image detail. Jin et al.(2015)[14] has offered a new method for both noise suppression and edge protection. To perceive the edge info the building tensor is proposed. In this technique reduction, detection and quantified process are integrated as a matrix mask.
Following are the various gaps in earlier work on image enhancement techniques.
The DBLA has neglected the use of guided image filter to decrease the problem of noise which will bes in the image.
It is also found the color artifacts which are existing in the image because of the transform domain methods are also ignored in DBLA.
Input Image
LL subband
HH,LH and LH subband
Image decomposition based on dominant brightness level
Low intensity layer
Analysis of dominant Of brightness level
Analysis of dominant Of brightness level
Middle intens- ty layer
High-intensity layer
Adaptive intensity transfer function Estimation
Adaptive intensity transfer function Estimation
Adaptive intensity transfer function Estimation
Adaptive intensity transfer function Estimation
Boundary Smoothing
Contrast enhancement
Contrast enhancement
Contrast enhancement
Image Fusion
Guided filer
Guided filer
Adaptive histogram equilization
Adaptive histogram equilization
Contrast enhancement
Weighted Map Estimation
Fuzzy based enhancement
Fuzzy based enhancement
Towards appliance the planned algorithm, plan and implementation has been prepared in MATLAB applying image control toolbox. Outcome appearances that this method provides superior effects than surviving procedures.Table 1 is show the numerous images that are found in that research work. As revealed in provided numbers, we're comparing the outcomes of many images. Results shows assessed method results which are a lot better than existing methodologies. The outcomes shows the performance analysis between existing and in the projected methods. There are various parameters are used to show the performance of projected technique
It necessities to be abridged so the projected algorithm is show the enhanced results than the accessible method such as MSE is less in entirely case
Table1. Images used in research work
Image name |
Extension |
Size in KBs |
image1 |
.jpg |
69.8KB |
image2 |
.jpg |
9.97KB |
image3 |
.jpg |
24.5KB |
image4 |
.jpg |
43.7KB |
image5 |
.jpg |
66.3KB |
image6 |
.jpg |
13.2KB |
image7 |
.jpg |
7.36KB |
image8 |
.jpg |
14.9KB |
Image9 |
.jpg |
10.0KB |
Image10 |
.jpg |
7.20KB |
Mean Square Value(Mse)
MSE is the best process to show dimension of the persisting technique and proposed technique. This is process is forthright to project algorithm that fall the mean square error.
Table2. Mean square error value
Fig1.Analysis of MSE
Peak Signal To Noise Ratio(Psnr)
This process is the relation between the determined probable unit of signal and debasing noise that affect the value of image. PSNR signify the peak error. To calculate the PSNR firstly find out the value of the MSE.
It is defined as:
=20 MSE
=20 )
Images |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
25.1205 |
34.3287 |
image 2 |
23.1754 |
34.1514 |
image 3 |
23.4326 |
31.6963 |
image 4 |
24.7066 |
35.8263 |
image 5 |
23.5671 |
36.6695 |
image 6 |
23.9644 |
32.6901 |
image 7 |
24.0484 |
39.6798 |
image 8 |
23.2453 |
33.5068 |
image 9 |
21.2644 |
36.3699 |
image 10 |
27. 3029 |
37.3390 |
Images |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
25.1205 |
34.3287 |
image 2 |
23.1754 |
34.1514 |
image 3 |
23.4326 |
31.6963 |
image 4 |
24.7066 |
35.8263 |
image 5 |
23.5671 |
36.6695 |
image 6 |
23.9644 |
32.6901 |
image 7 |
24.0484 |
39.6798 |
image 8 |
23.2453 |
33.5068 |
image 9 |
21.2644 |
36.3699 |
image 10 |
27. 3029 |
37.3390 |
Table3. peak signal to noise ratio
Image |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
Image 1 |
200 |
24 |
Image 2 |
227 |
11 |
Image 3 |
295 |
44 |
Image 4 |
220 |
17 |
Image 5 |
286 |
14 |
Image 6 |
261 |
35 |
Image 7 |
256 |
7 |
Image 8 |
199 |
7 |
Image 9 |
148 |
9 |
Imag 10 |
121 |
12 |
Fig2.Analysis of peak signal to noise ratio
The RMSE is used to figure the change amid the expected values and values detected from the surrounds that is being demonstrated. RMSE need to be minimized.
Table 4.Root mean square error
Image |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
14.1421 |
4.8990 |
image 2 |
17.6918 |
5 |
image 3 |
17.1756 |
6.6332 |
image 4 |
14.8324 |
4.1231 |
image 5 |
16.9115 |
3.7417 |
image 6 |
16.1555 |
5.9161 |
image 7 |
16 |
2.6458 |
image 8 |
17.5499 |
5.3852 |
image 9 |
22.0454 |
3.8730 |
image 10 |
11 |
3.4641 |
Fig4.Analysis of rot mean square error
This is simply the Bit Error Ratio among the input image and final image. It need to be minimized.
Table 5.Bit error rate
Image |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
0.0398 |
0.0291 |
image 2 |
0.0431 |
0.0293 |
image 3 |
0.0427 |
0.0315 |
image 4 |
0.0405 |
0.0279 |
image 5 |
0.0424 |
0.0273 |
image 6 |
0.0417 |
0.0306 |
image 7 |
0.0416 |
0.0252 |
image 8 |
0.0430 |
0.0298 |
image 9 |
0.0470 |
0.0275 |
image 10 |
0.0366 |
0.0268 |
Fig3.Analysis of bit error rate
Normalize Cross Co-Relation(Ncc)
NCC necessities to be close to 1, so planned algorithm show improved outcomes than the existing procedures as NCC is close to 1 in each instance .The main objective is to preserve NCC as much as possible to close to one.
Table6. Normalized cross co-relation
Image |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
0.9023 |
0.9991 |
image 2 |
0.9006 |
0.9997 |
image 3 |
0.9007 |
0.9988 |
image 4 |
0.9005 |
0.9998 |
image 5 |
0.900o3 |
0.9983 |
image 6 |
0.9004 |
0.9991 |
image 7 |
0.9004 |
0.9997 |
image 8 |
0.9005 |
0.9986 |
image 9 |
0.9005 |
0.9992 |
image 10 |
0.9010 |
0.9995 |
Fig5Analysis of normalization cross co-relation
NAE is a degree of exactly how distant is the fused image from the novel image. Large value of Normalized absolute error shows poor quality of the image.
Images |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
0.1001 |
0.0293 |
image 2 |
0.1000 |
0.0216 |
image 3 |
0.1000 |
0.0279 |
image 4 |
0.1001 |
0.0196 |
image 5 |
0.1000 |
0.0152 |
image 6 |
0.0999 |
0.0286 |
image 7 |
0.1000 |
0.0132 |
image 8 |
0.1000 |
0.0215 |
image 9 |
0.1000 |
0.0129 |
image 10 |
0.0997 |
0.0288 |
Images |
Dominant results |
Proposed dominant results |
image 1 |
0.1001 |
0.0293 |
image 2 |
0.1000 |
0.0216 |
image 3 |
0.1000 |
0.0279 |
image 4 |
0.1001 |
0.0196 |
image 5 |
0.1000 |
0.0152 |
image 6 |
0.0999 |
0.0286 |
image 7 |
0.1000 |
0.0132 |
image 8 |
0.1000 |
0.0215 |
image 9 |
0.1000 |
0.0129 |
image 10 |
0.0997 |
0.0288 |
Table7.Normalized absolute error
Fig6.Analysis of normalized absolute error
This paper represents enhancement approach based on dominant brightness level analysis Fuzzy logic for remote sensing images. The existing technique has been done work on the low-contrast images acquired by a satellite camera . As such no work has done for the images having the color artifacts.In this work proposed the DWT as well as adaptive histogram equalization as the post processing function and also uses the illuminate normalization to enhance the accuracy of image by reducing the problem of noise.The evaluation of technique is done on the basis of the parameters Mean square error, Peak signal to noise ratio, Root mean square value, Bit error rate, Normalize cross co-relation, Normalize absolute error has performed well as compared to existing technique.
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will compare the Gray Stretch Based algorithm for image