Physiological Aspect of Nadi Pariksha

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV13IS090093

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Physiological Aspect of Nadi Pariksha

Dr. Shilpa Yerme

Department of Kriyasharir, SGR Ayurved College, Solapur, Maharashtra India

Dr.Meera Suryawanshi

Sai Ayurved College Sasure,Vairag ,Barshi ,Maharashtra ,India

Abstract examination plays a very important role in diagnosis and further planning of treatment. Nadi pariksa is described under Asthavidh pariksha by Acharya Yogratanakar. Nadi pariksha is one of the effective method for identifying dosha dominance as well as diagnosis. Nadi pariksha is easy, cost effective, accurate, safe tool of diagnosis. Nadi pariksha can be performed in healthy, diseased person, pregnant women, childrens. Now a days nadi pariksha is not practiced much due to lack of knowledge, practice.

This paper made an attempt to incorporate physiological aspect of nadi pariksha .

Keywords Ashthvidh pariksha, Nadi, Dhamani, Pulse, Diagnosis


Ayurveda has given importance on diagnosis before the actual treatment.

Rogamadau pariksheta tatoanantaramaushadham. Charaka Sutra Sthana 20/20 Examination plays a significant role in diagnosis of the diseases1 . In Ayurveda different examination methods were explained like trividha pariksha, sadvidha pariksha, ashtavidha pariksha, dashavidha pariksha etc. Among them ashtavidha rogi pariksha was described by Acharya yogaratnakara2 .

Rogakrant sharirasya sthananyashtau nirikshayet.

Nadi mutram malam jivha shabda sparsham drigakruti.


Examination of pulse


Mutra- examination of urine



Jivha- examination of tongue


Shabda- examination by organ of hearing

Sparsha- palpation

Sparsha- palpation


Direct observation


Akriti- examination of whole body

Significance of Nadi Pariksha

As the strings attached to a Veena plays the raga and it can be identified, so as Nadi founds in Hands tells about the

diseases by which clear diagnosis can be made.

Aims and Objective

  1. The conceptual study of nadi pariksha.

  2. To study physiological aspect of nadi

Material and Method – Different Ayurveda texts, journals, research papers, articles are referred to study the conceptual understanding of nadi, its clinical significance and its usefulness in manifestation and sequelae of the diseases.

History of Nadi Pariksha


Acharya Sharangdhar

considered as The Founder of Nadi Parikshain Ayurveda ,titled Nadi Pariksha under Panch- Nidan



Astha sthana


Bhava Mishra

Detailed nadi pariksha


Acharya Basavaraja

Explained about site of Nadi pariksha.


Acharya Kanad

Kanadkrut Nadi Pariksha ( detailed elaboration of nadi )


Acharya Ravan

RavanKrut Nadi Pariksha ( given details of Nadi pariksha)

Nadi location – Vata, pitta and kapha nadi lies respectively under tarjini (index finger), madhyama (middle finger) and anamika (ring finger) of examining vaidya (physician)

Vata pitta Kapha

Synonyms of Nadi


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Snayu ,Nadi ,Hansi ,Dhamani ,Dhara ,Tantuki ,Jivandnyana these are synonyms of nadi 3. Nadi Parikshan Location

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Among seven hundred sira only twenty-four are prominent and only one nadi ie Bahiprakoshtika Nadi (Radial Artery) gives a clear idea about tridosh. This nadi is situated on Bahipraoshthasthi4.

Acharya Basvrajiyam has explained different sites for Nadi pariksha.

  1. Wrist (radial artery)

  2. Elbow (brachial artery)

  3. Arm (brachial artery)

  4. Axilla (axillary artery)

  5. Ankle (posterior tibial artery)

  6. Dorsum of foot (dorsalis pedis)

  7. Neck (carotid arteries)

  8. In front if ear (superficial temporal arteries), i.e. right earpusha left ear-yashaswini temples

branch of superficial temporal 10) Near the nose (facial artery branch) aambusha

  1. Tongue (lingual)

  2. Lips (labial branch of facial artery)

  3. Penis (Branch of Int.pudendal artery)

  4. Perineum (Branch of Int.pudendal artery)

  5. Apex beat

Importance of Radial Artery / Bahiprakoshthasthi

Acharya Yogaratanakar has explained about importance of Radial Artery.


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The artery situated at Angushthmool is Jivasakshiani (by palpation one can get knowledge about life) which throw light on Sukha Dukha. The Nadi is felt in the right hand in males and the left hand in females 5. It is the most easily available place for examination.

While examining it, there is no possibility of any body part being seen or obstructed.

Women, men, children, old, pregnant, handicapped, no one feels shy or uncomfortable in examining this place.

  1. The examination of the radial artery can be done easily in any condition – like sitting, standing, sleeping (lying down), unconsciousness.

  2. This Nadi is in the most exposed or always open place.

  3. This Nadi is raised and clear in all. Since the covering of the flesh and nerves is not very thick, the sparkling is clearly felt.

  4. The temperature here is normal and similar to the atmosphere, which is suitable for proper diagnosis.

  5. This place of radial artery or Manibandh joint is the purest Marma place.

  6. Acharya Ravan has called it Jeevasakshini Nadi . The knowledge of the mental emotions of life or body is easily obtained at this place.

  7. By examining this Nadi, almost all the diseases can be known.

  8. By shaking or twisting this artery, the pressure, tension etc. can be tested or differential diagnosis can be done.

  9. Symptoms indicating ill effects can be easily seen in this Nadi.

  10. In case of various diseases, it is pescribed to examine the nadis of both hands.

  11. Along with Nadi, the Vaidya can examine various emotions of the body like eyes, senses, shape etc. Especially, by looking at the face, one can know about the emotions like emotional state, worry, attachment, hatred, happiness, sadness, health and illness etc.

  12. Along with the condition of defects in Nadi, strength, tension, five physical tests can be done.

  13. In case of confusion or lack of knowledge during the pulse examination, the pulse can be tested again and again.

  14. Radial – Biomarker pulse is related to all the organs of the body and hence it helps in diagnosing the disease.

  15. Acharya Shargandhar clearly mentioned about radial artery and its clinical importance as the pulse Jeevasakshi and it lies at root of the thumb ( Angusthtmool) . pulsation in the artery reflects the evidence of life and physician may learn through Sparshana pariksha.

    Physiological View of Nadi Pariksha

    • Nadi Nali means flow of any liquid or Vayu from one side to another one.

    • Charak says Nadi tanukrut

    • Whereas Acharya Yog vashisht says nali hrdyasthit.

    • Though the blood flows through artery or dhamani it is called as dhamani.

    • Narad it is synonym of heart Manu explains Naar as jala or rakta

    • Ahara rasa is transferred from heart towards body parts through the dhamani so narad vidnyan is called as nadi vidnyan.

    • Nadi can be assessed by – sphuran pariksha, experience, sampradaya krama

    • Acharya Charaka in Sharir sthan says Touch is the cutaneous sense organ touch is dependent on the cutaneous sense organ 6. Words are important for consoling a patient, in the same way touch is important for knowing the nerves and disease. Through touch, nerve defects, impurities, and diseases are removed.

Procedure of Nadi pariksha

Routinely or at OPD level Nadi pariksha can be done at any time. To get correct knowledge of dosha best time is early morning after malmutra visarjan. Physician should be seated in comfortable position and patient should be calm, cool mind also, both should face each other 7. Then physician hold the left hand gently and feel the pulse with his first three fingers. Examine the pulse thrice by pressing & releasing technique and identify tridosh dominance. Identify Vata, Pitta, Kapha at index, middle & ring finger respectively and identify the character of different doshik pulse.

What we can observe in Nadi

  1. Dosha dominance

  2. Nadi gati (movement of pulse)

  3. Disease diagnosis

  4. prognosis of disease

Contraindications for Nadi Pariksha Nadi pariksha should not be done in certain conditions.

  1. just after taking bath

  2. Just after taking food

  3. After internal and external sneha dharan

  4. during hunger

  5. during thirst

  6. during sleep



Rasayani lymphatic duct

Nadi sharir important factors

Sira vein

Lasika vahini lymphatic duct



  1. Sira 700 total number of sira

  2. Dhamani 24 there are twenty-four important dhamanis which are connected with circulation. The mool sthan of dhamani are Nabhi & Hrdya (different opinions of Acharya)

  3. Shargandhar nabhi mool sthan Acharya Shargandhar was the first who explained Nadi vidnyan in different manner.

  4. Sushruta nabhi

    Spandan or pulsation is strong in vessels which carry blood from Heart so we can connect or feel the pulsation correctly. But when different capillaries or vein transfer blood the blood flows in slow nature, so spandan becomes mild or soft and in veins which are made up of small capillaries it is not identified. In humans only you can feel the nadi where blood passes from heart.

    Pulse / Nadi formation – How the pulsation is formed it is due to Contraction & Relaxation heart

    1. Flow of blood

    2. Vata Dosha Gati

    3. Sushmuna nadi medulla oblongata is centre or power house which promotes for heart activity. Nadi spandan are basically due to Vata flow.Arteries have aortic valve blood flows from one compartment to next anterior part is empty so vata is located first then pitta and kapha.

The amount of blood that comes into the blood vessels (arteries) due to the contraction of the left auricle of the heart, creates a bulge in them due to the blood wave. As the wave progresses, the bulge is eliminated and the artery returns to its original position. Again, there is contraction of the convulsive chamber due to which a bulge is generated again. In this case the artery always comes back to its position. These bulges themselves appear to be gold in the nadi pariksha. In Ayurveda, these are called 'Dhamana', ' It is the lamb of 'pulsation' and 'spuran'. Overall, these are the everything of pulse examination. By touching these the examiner takes the decision. From their peculiarities, innumerable emotions, diseases, birth and death of human being are revealed. Of all the medical systems or sciences, Ayurveda has researched them the most. It is very difficult to explain them. It is impossible to express them by saying or writing. This work is done through study, practice and experience

Characters of Nadi Nadi Gati

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    Fast, Feeble, Cold, light, thin, disappears on pressure

    Prominent, strong,

    High amplitude, hot

    and forceful, lifts up

    the palpating fingers

    Deep, slow, Broad,


    thick, cool or warm,


    Sometimes slow

    ,sometimes fast under specific finger

    Lava tittira varti gamanam (bustard quail, grey partridge and button quail like movement)

    Animal correlation

    / Gati

    Sarpa (Cobra),Jaluka

    Manduk (Frog),kuling ,kaka

    Hansa (Swan),Paravat


    Lava tittira varti ( bustard ,quail, grey partridge )

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    Nadi of healthy person stable, regular, at the proper place, not fast or not slow, good strength

    Discussion Nadi gati during Nadi pariksha is a touch sensation felt to different fingers. It may be felt with different pressure due to doshaadhkya.

  • Physiologically, pulse is the expansion of the artery due to pressure from the heartbeat, and thus is most closely correlated to systolic blood pressure. Sometimes the pulse cannot be taken at the wrist and may therefore be taken at the neck against the carotid artery (carotid pulse) or behind the knee (popliteal artery). The heart rate may be greater or less than the pulse rate depending upon physiologic demand. In this case, the heart rate is determined by auscultation or audible sounds at the heart apex, not the pulse.

  • Conclusion Nadi pariksha is a skillful observation one can have excellence after continuous practice and observation. Nadi can be learn by observation, experiences and Guru. To perceive correct knowledge of nadi one must some kind of dhyan, mudra practices which enhance the touch sensation.


  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita elaborated by Charaka & Dridhabala, Ayurved Dipika Commentary of Chakrapani data edited by trikamji Yadavji, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashana, Sutra Sthana 20/20, 2008; 115.

  2. Vaidya Shri Lakshamipati Shastri Ayurveda charya, Yogratnakara elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, reprint, Chaukhamba Bharati academy Varanasi, 2015; 5.

  1. Tripathi Indradeva and Tripathi Dayashankara, yogaratnakara, Krishnadasa Ayurveda Series 54, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Ayurveda Prakashan, 2007; 5.

  2. Dr. Savadeva Upadhyaya, Nadi Vigyana, reprint Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan Delhi, 2009; 55.

  3. Vaidya Shri Lakshamipati Shastri Ayurveda charya, Yogratnakara elaborated Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, reprint, Chaukhamba Bharti academy Varanasi, 2015.

  4. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita elaborated by Charaka & Dridhabala, Ayurved Dipika Commentary of Chakrapani data edited by trikamji Yadavji, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashana, Sutra Sthana 20/20, 2008; 115

  5. Dr. Vidyadhar Shukla, Ayurvediya Vikriti Vigyana, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan Delhi reprint, 2001; 417.