- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 767
- Authors : Shakunthala Devi M, R. B. Revathi
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS050399
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 05 (May 2014)
- Published (First Online): 16-05-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Real time Hand Gesture Recognition using AVR Microcontroller
M. Shakunthaladevi
Dept. of Embedded System technologies SKP Engineering College Tiruvannamalai, India
R. B. Revathi. Assistant Professor, ECE SKP Engineering College
Tiruvannamalai, India
AbstractThe hand gestures provide a natural and intuitive communication modality for humancomputer interaction. Efficient human computer interfaces (HCIs) have to be developed to allow computers to visually recognize in real time hand gestures. This project deals with real time hand gesture recognition using AVR Microcontroller. The existing system uses Digital camera for hand gesture recognition. The camera was used as an input device and the object need to present in front of the camera for capturing gesture. It limits mobility and cannot use camera in dark area as well as cost is very high. The camera specifications significantly affect GRS (Gesture Recognition System) characteristics. The proposed system, based on the input signal from the MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) accelerometer sensors measure the acceleration such as tilt, shock & vibrate. It is reliably and accurate detect. Here, the tilt motion information produced by the human subjects and transmitted to the AVR microcontroller
ATmega32A. The sign sequence and template matching algorithm developed to identify the gesture in a sequence. Based on the algorithm developed the microcontroller display the position of the hand in a display unit. We conclude that the recognition algorithm based on sign sequence and template matching as presents in this project can be used for non-specific users hand gesture recognition.
Index Terms—Gesture recognition, hand gesture, AVR microcontroller
measurement unit based on MEMS accelerometer sensors. The real time hand gesture recognition system which is capable of recognizing Hand Gestures of three axis such as X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis of each gesture of human hand such as normal, up, down, left, right by using AVR microcontroller i.e.(ATmega32a). Based on the input signals from the MEMS 3-axis accelerometer will be transmitted to ADC i.e. (analogue to digital converter), which is inbuilt in ATmega32a in AVR developer board. Based on the algorithm developed, AVR Micro-controller will display the hand position of the display unit with the help of serial communication i.e., rs232.
The objective of the project is to design a light- weight, wearable, gesture recognition system which is capable of recognizing hand gestures, based on the input signals from MEMS 3- axes accelerometers, ADXL335.Based on the algorithm developed the microcontroller displays the position of the hand in a display unit.Most of existing systems in the gesture recognition follows image-based approaches. Mostly cameras were used as input
devices. Object needs to be present in front of the cameras for capturing gestures, which limits the mobility. The proposed recognition system is implemented based on an inertial
Fig. 1. Block Diagram
The hardware components used in the development of the project are
ADXL335 MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer,
Atmega32A development board ,
USB to Serial converter,
AVR-ISP programmer.
ADXL335MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer
The ADXL335 is a small, thin, low power, complete 3- axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The product measures acceleration with a minimum full-scale range of ±3 g. It can measure the static acceleration of gravity in tilt sensing applications, as well as dynamic acceleration
resulting from motion, shock, or vibration. At midpoint when acceleration is 0 g output is typically 1/2 of supply voltage. If a supply voltage is 3V, then output is 1.5 V. Output sensitivity typically is 300 mV/g. The connecting ADXL335 to AVR developer board is simple. The accelerometer can be supplied from the 3.3 V output at AVR developer board, however then midpoint voltage and sensitivity is different from specified at datasheet. I used 3.0 V supply voltage, it came from voltage regulator LM317. Outputs of X, Y, Z axis are connected directly to analog inputs of AVR.
Fig. 2. ADXL335 MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer
Atmega32A development board
ATmega32A is an 8-bit high performance microcontroller of Atmels Mega AVR family. Atmega32 is based on enhanced RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture with 131 powerful instructions. Most of the instructions execute in one machine cycle. Atmega32 can work on a maximum frequency of 16MHz. The important features of ATmega32A microcontroller are
High-performance, Low-power AtmelAVR8-bit Microcontroller.
Advanced RISC Architecture
131 Powerful Instructions Most Single-clock Cycle Execution
32 × 8 General Purpose Working Registers
Up to 16MIPS Throughput at 16MHz
High Endurance Non-volatile Memory segments
32Kbytes of In-System Self-programmable Flash program memory
1024Bytes EEPROM
2Kbytes Internal SRAM
Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM
Data retention: 20 years at 85°C/100 years at 25°C(1)
Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits
In-System Programming by On-chip Boot Program.
Fig. 3. Atmega32A development board
USB to Serial converter
Data communication is a general technique for two endpoints to communicate with each other. Data is sent from one endpoint and received by the other endpoint and vice versa.Serial communication describes the scenario where the data bits are transmitted sequentially (one bit at a time). Since present day laptops dont have serial pin, a USB to Serial converter is used.
AVR-ISP programmer
The in-system programming(ISP) programming method is functionally performed through SPI, plus some twiddling of the Reset line. As long as the SPI pins of the AVR are not connected to anything disruptive, the AVR chip can stay soldered on a PCB while reprogramming. All that is needed is a 6-pin connector and programming adapter. This is the most common way to develop with an AVR. The Atmel AVR ISP mkII device connects to a computer's USB port and performs in-system programming using Atmel's software.
Fig. 5. AVR-ISP programmer
The softwares used in development of the projects are 1) AVR Studio5.1. This is an IDE used to develop the program using C. The code is compiled and debugged here. Once the code is compiled without error a hex file is genereated which is loaded into the microcontroller. 2) AVR-ISP mkII clone software which is Graphical User Interface that is used to program the microcontroller. It works along with the AVR- ISP programmer. 3) Hyperterminal, which is a software that is used as a display unit. It enables serial communication between PC and the microcontroller. The data sent from the microcontroller is displayed on the screen.
Two algorithms are used in this project. One is to recognise the hand gesture and other is to program the microcontroller.
Algorithm for Gesture Recognition
The algorithm used for Gesture recognition is developed based on Sign Sequenc and Template Matching Algorithm.
The Gestures we are going to recognize are left, right, front and back movement of the arm.The acceleration and its sign are previously measured for the gestures in all three axes are stored as a look up table. The look up table is given. Now, whenever the arm is moved, the acceleration values of the three axes are found and compared with the look up table.
Based on the comparison results the hand gesture can be recognized. This method can be used for non-specific users.
Fig.9.Look up table for hand gesture recognition
Algorithm for Programming the microcontroller
Step 1:- Get the values from the accelerometer and convert it into digital values for all the three axes and store it in a variable.
Step 2:- From those values find the acceleration and its sign for all three axes.
Step 3:- Compare the values of the acceleration with the look up table to recognize the hand gesture.
Step 4:- Display the output to a PC monitor using serial communication.
Calibration of the accelerometer
The three axis accelerometer actually measures the acceleration at three different axes X, Y and Z. Those acceleration values are used to recognise the hand gesture.
acc_x = (adc_x/1024.0*5.0-1.586)/0.3 acc_y = (adc_y/1024.0*5.0-1.586)/0.3
Table.1.Lookup table
Fig.10.Flow chart of the program
It was found that using acceleration alone to recognise the hand gesture is quite difficult. So, the angle between any two acceleration values is used for hand gesture recognition. The angle between acclerations of any two axis is found by the following formula.
angle_xy = atan2 (-acc_y,-acc_x)*57.2957795+180 acc_x => acceleration at X axis
acc_y => acceleration at Y axis
angle_xy =>angle between acc_x and acc_y
It was also found that using only two axis i.e. x and y we can only find the hand gesture only in that axis. The angle between those axes is used to recognise hand gesture in those axes. For recognising other gestures the values of acceleration of x and z axes should be used. Combining both the values we can also find the gestures such as bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right. Total of eight gestures can be identified using these values. The hand gesture recognition system shown in below figures.
Fig.11.Hand gesture recognition system is normal
Now we can see the position of the hand is normal condition.by using this we can implement in many robotics appications. For example we can control the car without steering to move all the direction which is convinent for the movement by using real time hand geture recognition. Now we can see all the position of the hand in the display unit in below figures.
Fig.12.Hand is moving left
Fig.13.Hand is moving right
Fig.14.Hand is moving back
Fig.15.Hand is moving front
Fig.16.Hand is moving front-right
Fig.17.Hand is moving front-left
Fig.18.Hand is moving back-right
Fig.19.Hand is moving back-left
Gestures as an input modality can provide efficient and flexible interactionbetween human and computer. Gesture control has fewadvantages compared with more traditional modalities: gestures aresilent, they require no eye focus and, for certain tasks, they can feelmore natural than, for instance, pressing a key on the keyboard.Inspired by the proliferation of MEMS accelerometer sensors built-in personal electronic devices, such as smartphones, musicplayers and game consoles, this paper presented a novel gesturerecognition system based solely on accelerometer data.In this paper the acceleration data is utilized to recognize the hand gestures. The algorithm used for Gesture recognition is developed based on Sign Sequence and Template Matching Algorithm. Up to eight hand gestures are recognised in this project. In future work the hand gesture recognition system is to be used in Human- Machine interface such as controlling a flying machine using the hand gesture etc.
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