- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 657
- Authors : P. Suresh Kumar, Aditya Bhatnagar, P. K. Sahoo
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS2391
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 02 (February 2013)
- Published (First Online): 28-02-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Reduction 0f NOx Emissions With Three – Way Catalytic Converter For IDI Engine Fuelled With Diesel, JSVO and Their Blends
P. Suresh Kumar1, Aditya Bhatnagar2, P. K. Sahoo3
1&3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
2 [ M. Tech-Energy Systems ]
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
Petroleum based fuels are obtained from limited reserves. These are finite reserves which are highly concentrated in certain regions of the world. Currently Jatropha biodiesel is receiving attention as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. The subject of the research presented in this thesis was the development new control strategies for automotive three way
catalytic converters in order to fulfill future ultra-low exhaust emission standards. Three way catalytic converter is an effective technique to reduce NOx emissions from diesel engines because of Rh being used as catalyst helps to release the oxygen atoms stored in NOx in the reduction reaction. After these studies succeeded in reducing the NOx emissions from biodiesel by
three way catalytic converter without a significant change of BTE, BSFC and smoke opacity. The main focus of this dissertation is on finding out the best or the most suitable blend of biodiesel which when used gives out least automotive exhaust emissions using a 3 way catalytic converter. A single cylinder water cooled IDI diesel engine was used for investigation. Smoke , NOx ,CO, CO2 emissions were recorded and various engine performance parameters were also evaluated . The results and discussion based on the effect of 3 way catalytic converter on engine performance and emission characteristics of JB20, JB40, JB60, JB80, JB100 and diesel fuel without
3 way catalytic converter . The engine was tested at high load condition(100% maximum load) and fixed speed 1000 rpm. The performance parameters are measured and recorded for diesel fuel and JB and their blends.
Keywords: JB , 3way catalytic converter, NOx emissions.
Introduction :
The increasing focus on the environmental impacts of fossil fuel based power generation has led to increased research with the aim of reducing emissions and improving combustion efficiency. The search for alternative fuels which are eco friendly and can be used as a substitute to conventional HC based fuels is in demand due to concerns about depletion of fossil fuel reserves and also growing awareness against global warming [1]. The use of biodiesel is rapidly expanding around the world making it imperative to fully understand the impacts of biodiesel combustion process and pollutant formation. Biodiesel is typically produced through the reaction of vegetable oil or animal fat with methanol in presence of a catalyst to yield glycerin and methyl esters [2, 3,
4,5]. The methyl esters produced in this process are called biodiesel . this process at production of biodiesel is called trans esterification [5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11]. In the last years ,many researchers have conducted studies on various compression ignition engines using biodiesels. Biodiesel can lower some pollutant and particulate matter emissions. it can be blended with diesel engine without any major modifications. Slightly higher velocity of biodiesel makes it an excellent lubricity additive [12]. Biodiesel is non toxic and biodegradable when introduced in neat form [13] and it is oxygenated fuel which contributed to a more complete fuel burn. Its cetane number is higher than those of vegetable oil and diesel fuel [14] and hence produce less HC emissions.[15,16].Biodiesel does not contain any aromatic components with low sulphur content produces low exhaust emissions. Sulphur dioxide and lower aromatic HC emissions [17,18,19]. The behavior
of biodiesel in internal combustion engines is well documented in the literature. Engine performance is slightly lower when using biodiesel because of its lower heating value with respective to that of diesel fuel. The maximum NOx emissions were found for diesel fuel when compared to biodiesel and their blends. All biodiesel blends tests revealed that it can be safely used in the engine requiring no hardware modifications. Biodiesel has also showed interesting results when used 3 way catalytic converter. These studies have shown that engine efficiency does not change significantly. The aim of this paper is measuring regulated emissions such as NOx , CO, CO2 , HC and soot from 3 way catalytic converter fueled with diesel , biodiesel and their blends.
Experimental works
Properties of test fuels:
Jatropha biodiesel, diesel and their blends was chosen as a test
fuels, because it is non edible oil which doesnt conflict with food industries. The current study is focused to use jatropha biodiesel as blend with conventional diesel to improve its properties and reducing NOx emissions. The blending percentage are denoted by B20, B40, B60, B80, B100. The properties of diesel fuel and JBD blends (B20,B40,B60,B80,B100) were
measured Table 1. shows the properties of test fuels.
Prop erty
Di es el
JB 20
JB 40
JB 60
JB 80
JB 100
Perc enta ge of JBD
by volu me
Den sity( kg/ m3)
rific valu e(kJ
Prop erty
Di es el
JB 20
JB 40
JB 60
JB 80
JB 100
Perc enta ge of JBD
by volu me
Den sity( kg/ m3)
rific valu e(kJ
Table 1.The properties of test fuels
Three way catalytic converter technique:
The catalytic converter was used in the present work as shown schematically in figure 1. The catalytic converter is Three way catalyst. This 3 way catalyst was used in an open loop system.A three-way catalytic converter has three simultaneous tasks:
Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide:2CO + O2 = 2CO2
Oxidation of un-burnt hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide and water: CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2]O2 _ xCO2 + (x+1)H2O
Reduction of nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen:
2NOx _ xO2 + N2
Three way catalytic converter can store oxygen from the exhaust gas stream , usually when the air fuel ratio goes lean. When the insufficient oxygen is available from the exhaust stream the stored oxygen is released and consumed. This happens when oxygen is derived from NOx reduction.
Experimental Setup:
The properties of blended jatropha biodiesel and diesel fuels are detailed in table 1.the experimental installations used in the present work consists of a single cylinder , water cooled IDI diesel
engine. Specifications of this engine are given in table 2. This engine was connected to electrical loading system.
1. Electrical loading, 2. Engine 4. Three way catalytic converter, 5. Gas analyzer 6. Fuel tank, 7. Air drum.
Figure1.Line diagram of three way catalytic converter system.
Sl. No. |
Particulars |
Specification s |
1 |
Make |
Field marshal Diesel engines |
2 |
Model |
FM-4 |
3 |
Rated Brake Power (BHP/kW) |
10/7.35110 |
4 |
Rated (rpm) |
speed |
1000 |
5 |
Number cylinder |
of |
One |
6 |
Bore x (mm) |
Stroke |
120×139.7 |
7 |
Compression ratio |
17:18 |
8 |
Coling System |
Water Cooled |
Sl. No. |
Particulars |
Specification s |
1 |
Make |
Field marshal Diesel engines |
2 |
Model |
FM-4 |
3 |
Rated Brake Power (BHP/kW) |
10/7.35110 |
4 |
Rated (rpm) |
speed |
1000 |
5 |
Number cylinder |
of |
One |
6 |
Bore x (mm) |
Stroke |
120×139.7 |
7 |
Compression ratio |
17:18 |
8 |
Coling System |
Water Cooled |
Table 2. The specifications of test engine
9 |
Lubrication System |
Forced Feed |
10 |
Cubic Capacity |
1580 cc |
11 |
Injection Pressure |
145 kg/cm2 |
12 |
Specific Fuel Consumption |
265 gm /kWhr OR 195 gm / bhp /hr |
13 |
Sump Capacity |
4.5 Ltr |
14 |
Lubricating oil Consumption |
15 g /hr |
15 |
Gross Weight |
490 kg |
Figure 2. Photograph Of experimental setup
The fuel supply system was connected with the fuel tank and the temperature of intake air, exhaust gas and engine coolant were measured . k type thermometers(The wires from thermocouple data logger which connected to USB cable connected with PC). Circle edge orifice plate was used for measuring air intake mass flow rate.
A U-tube manometer was used for measuring pressure drop across the orifice plate. NOx , CO,CO2, HC were measured using a AVL fire gas analyser. Figure 2. Shows the schematic diagram of the equipment setup.
4. Results And Discussion :
The result showed that with 3 way catalytic converter NOx was reduced by 14.3, 13.79, 16.6, 5.03,
7.19,and 24.4% for B 100, B 80,
,B60, B40,B 20 and diesel fuel respectively at 100% load. Similarly soot emissions, CO2, CO were recorded and various engine performance parameters were also recorded. Table 3. Shows the effect of three way catalytic converter on engine performance and NOX emission with JB 100 fuel relative to the existing engine without three way catalytic converter.
4.1 NOX Emissions
Brake specific NOX emissions of diesel engine fueled with different test fuels and their bends at 100% load conditions are illustrated in the tables 3,4,5,6,7 and
8. Kinetics of NOX formation is governed by Zeldovich mechanism. The principle source of NOX formation is the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen at sufficiently
high temperature. NOX formed in cylinder areas where high temperature peaks appear mainly during the uncontrolled combustion. The NOX emissions of all the biodiesel-diesel blends have been found higher than diesel at higher loads. It is quite obvious, that with biodiesel addition in diesel more amount of oxygen is present in combustion chamber, leading to formation of higher quantity of NOX in biodiesel-diesel blends fueled engines. From the following tables at 100% load the NOX emissions from all the biodiesel and their blends are higher than that of diesel. For JB 100, JB80,JB60, JB
40 and JB 20 the maximum amount of NOX produced at full load are 882(PPM),848(PPM), 806(PPM),
775(PPM), 737(PPM) respectively. For diesel the maximum amount of NOX produced at full load is 643 (PPM) only. The reason is possibly due to the lower calorific value of biodiesel.
This is the most important emission charteristic of biodiesel the NOX emission is the most harmful gaseous emission from engines and emission can be reduced by several methods. One of the method is using of three-way catalytic converter on open loop method reducing the NOX emissions.
The percentage of reduction of NOX emissions for the fuels JB 100, JB80, JB60, JB40, JB20 and diesel are 14.3%, 13.79%, 16.6%, 5.03%,
7.19% and 24.4% respectively. By using of three-way catalytic converter on open loop method the effect on brake thermal efficiency is negligible. The percentage of brake thermal efficiency for the fuels JB 100, JB80, JB60, JB40, JB20 and
diesel are 0.43%, 0%, 0.42%,
0.67%, 0.29% and 0% respectively.
The result related to NOX emissions and brake thermal efficiency are very much similar to earlier studies reported by Scholl et al.(11) and Nabi et al (12).
Table 3. Reduction process of Nox JB 100 as a fuel at 100% load.
Table 4. Reduction process of Nox JB 80 as a fuel at 100% load.
Para mete rs |
Exi stin g Eng ine |
Engin e+3w ay- cataly tic conve rter |
NOX reducti on(%) |
chang e in BTE( %) |
NOX (ppm ) |
848 |
731 |
13.79 |
BTE (%) |
35. 74 |
35.74 |
0(No chang e) |
Paramet ers |
Existin g Engine |
Engine+ 3way- catalytic convert er |
NOX reduct ion(% ) |
chang e in BTE( %) |
NOX (ppm) |
806 |
672 |
16.6 |
BTE (%) |
33.59 |
33.17 |
0.42( Decre ases) |
Paramet ers |
Existin g Engine |
Engine+ 3way- catalytic convert er |
NOX reduct ion(% ) |
chang e in BTE( %) |
NOX (ppm) |
806 |
672 |
16.6 |
BTE (%) |
33.59 |
33.17 |
0.42( Decre ases) |
Table 5. Reduction process of Nox JB 60 as a fuel at 100% load.
Para mete rs |
Existi ng Engin e |
Engi ne+ 3 way- catal ytic conv erter |
NO X red ucti on( %) |
cha nge in BT E( %) |
NOX (ppm ) |
882 |
755 |
14. 3 |
0.4 |
BTE (%) |
34.13 |
33.7 1 |
3(D ecr eas |
e) |
Table 6. Reduction process of Nox JB 40 as a fuel at 100% load.
Par am eter s |
Exis ting Eng ine |
Engi ne+ 3wa y- catal ytic conv erter |
NOX redu ction (%) |
chang e in BTE(% ) |
NO |
775 |
736 |
5.03 |
X(P |
% |
PM |
) |
36.6 |
36.02 |
0.67 ( |
(%) |
9 |
Decrease |
s) |
Table 7. Reduction process of Nox JB 20 as a fuel at 100%
Table 8. Reduction process of Nox Diesel as a fuel at 100% load.
Pa ra me ter s |
Exi stin g Eng ine |
Engine+ 3way- catalytic convert er |
NOX reducti on(%) |
cha nge in BT E( %) |
N OX (P P M) |
643 |
486 |
24.4 |
BT E( %) |
41. 09 |
41.09 |
0 ( No cha nge ) |
5. Conclusions
Param eters |
Existin g Engine |
Engine+3 way- catalytic converter |
NOX redu ction (%) |
chan Th ge in work BTNEO( X %)device |
737 |
684 |
7.19 % |
conve diesel |
BTE(% ) |
39.91 |
39.62 |
0.2th9eir b (Dleocarde. I ases) |
Param eters |
Existin g Engine |
Engine+3 way- catalytic converter |
NOX redu ction (%) |
chan Th ge in work BTNEO( X %)device |
737 |
684 |
7.19 % |
conve diesel |
BTE(% ) |
39.91 |
39.62 |
0.2th9eir b (Dleocarde. I ases) |
e objective of the research
was to effectively reduce the emissions with controlling of three-way catalytic rter is connected to the IDI engine when diesel, JSVO and
lends is fuelled in it at 100% t was found during exhaustive
trial that the fuels like diesel, JB 100, JB 80, JB 60, JB 40 and JB 20
are operated with three way catalytic converter and without three way catalytic converter at 100% load. The three way catalytic converter have proved to be the most effectively reducing the NOX
emissions .However, various conclusions achieved can be summarized below.
The brake thermal efficiency of JSVO and its blends was found to be lower than diesel, which may be due to lower calorific value and slightly higher viscosity of biodiesel.
Combustion efficiency is not affected by attaching the three way catalytic converter in open loop method. Negligible reduction in brake thermal efficiency was experienced.
For all testing fuels at high loads there is no significant change of brake thermal efficiency.
The exhaust gas temperature of the test fuels (biodiesel), and their blends was found to be lower than that of normal diesel.The NOX emissions of both the biodiesel- diesel blends have been found higher than diesel at higher loads. For JB 100 fuel maximum amount of NOX produced at full load is 882ppm. However at diesel maximum amount of NOX produced at full load was found to be about 643ppm. The results related to NOX emissions are very much similar to earlier studies reported by Scholl et al.(11) and Nabi et al (12). By the three way catalytic converter with
open loop system maximum amount of NOX emissions reduction was found in diesel fuel is about 24.4% and with no change in brake thermal efficiency because Rh catalyst release the oxygen atoms stored in the NOX in the reduction process and hence NOX emissions to the atmosphere significantly reduced in diesel.
The author would like to thanks.
B. Tech students of UPES for their assistance during the experiments.
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P. Suresh kumar obtained bachelors and Masters degree in Mechanical & Thermal Engineering from SVU (Tirupathi) & JNTUCE(Hyderabad) respectively. He began his career as Asst. Prof Nimra college of Engineering & Siddhartha Engineering college (Vijayawada) then he shifted to UPES, DDN,INDIA. His research interest in Thermal Engineering, biofuels with main emphasis on alternative fuels for internal combustion Engines & emission control studies. He has contributed many papers on Refrigeretation & Air-conditioning with renewable energy sources, Alternative fuels harnessing in international/national journals and conferences. He published one book on Engineering Graphics with solid works software.