Regulated Distance Algorithm in Large Networks for Graph Partitioning

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS90760

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Regulated Distance Algorithm in Large Networks for Graph Partitioning

Anusha Swaminathan

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College

Chennai, India

Varsha Alangar

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College

Chennai, India


One of the fundamental needs in many networking applications is the computation of shortest paths. There are many methodologies and algorithms to compute the shortest path but the time and complexity plays a major role in choosing the algorithm that has less execution time and executes with low complexity. We thus propose a method that partitions the graph more efficiently by clustering method. This method also reduces the search space by clipping the unnecessary sub graph branches due to the creation of the abstraction graphs. The algorithm can be further extended to routing algorithms to compute the shortest paths of various routes. This algorithm also proves to reduce the traversing distance ratio as the clustering increases.

  1. Introduction

    Any field including geographic information systems (GIS), computer networks and social networks today requires the computation of shortest path for some purpose. It is one of the most fundamental necessity in networking area. There are various shortest path algorithms designed to deliver optimal solutions. In 1959, Dijkstra developed a successful shortest path algorithm that produced a complexity of O(|E|+|V|log|V|), where

    |V| is the number of vertices and |E| is the number of arcs. Though Dijkstra algorithm computes the

    optimal solution in a theoretical sense, it is often too slow in practical applications, giving way for several other techniques for improving its response time.

    A general path query is a regular expression over the labels of a graph G. For crucial applications, the path queries need to be solved with both time and accuracy kept in mind. Pre-computing, though fast, consumes lot of time and storage. A lot of research has been tried to balance between the preprocessing and the query times most of which uses graph partition techniques for the original problem decomposition. The query execution can be effectively enhanced through appropriate division and partitioning of graphs.

    In this work, we concentrate on shortest path queries in large networks. With minimal amount of storage of data, and a fast preprocessing technique, our algorithm aims to accelerate the path queries based on the most suitable graph partitioning without a layout or an embedding.

  2. The Hierarchical Graph Model

    Assume a road network or individuals in a friendship network. Let G=(V,E) be a graph, where each vertex in V represents the network objects and the edges E be represented as E={(u,v)|(u,v V) (u v)} are the connections between the preceding objects. The length of a path P is the sum of the weights or cost of all the nodes on the path, denoted by cost(P) and the distance dist(a,b)

    between two nodes a and b is defined by the length of the shortest path from a to b in the graph G.

    Given a graph G=(V,E), the subgraphs of G is represented as SG={G1(V1, E1), ,Gk(Vk, Ek)} with Vi V, Ei E, 1 i k. For a node v V, let Sub(v) denote the subgraph to which v belongs to.

    1. Inter community edge

      An edge (u,v)E is called an intercommunity edge if u,v belongs to adjacent subgraphs Gi and Gj respectively. The intercommunity edge set between Gi and Gj is denoted by IC(Gi,Gj)={(u, v)E|(uB(Gi)) (vB(Gj)) (i j)}.

    2. Border node and Inner node

      A node u Vi is called a border node of Gi if there exists an edge (u,v)E with vVj and ij, and an inner node of Gi otherwise; Gj is then called a neighbour subgraph of u, denoted by Ns(u) and the subgraphs Gi and Gj are said to be adjacent.

    3. Abstraction graph

      Abstraction graphs are those in which

      • Each node uVA is a supernode representing the subgraph formed by

        {vV| Sub(v)=u}

      • Each edge (u, v)EA represents the collection of edges { (u, v)E | (Sub(u) = u) (Sub(v) = v) }

      • The weight of any node u VA is defined by wvA :=minTd(u)

        Figure 1(a). Graph G with sub graph partitions.

        Figure 1(b). High-level graph constructed from the sub graphs of G

        For example, Figure 1(a) shows a graph G whose sub graphs G1, G2, G3, and G4 are shown in Figure 1(b). Fig 2 shows the high-level graph constructed from G1 to G4, where each sub graph is represented as a complete graph composed of its border node set and the community edge set. The intercommunity edge can be thought of as forming bottlenecks between sub graphs. The corresponding abstraction graph is shown in Figure 2, which contains far fewer nodes and edges.

        Figure 2. Abstraction Graph G for the

        Figure 1

        Thus, this process motivates in estimating the real shortest path value efficiently by eliminating unnecessary computations. This can be done by first searching in the abstraction graph when the maximum traversing distance equals the minimum one for each subgraph. This can be used to efficiently execute the path queries.

  3. Partitioning of Graphs

    In this section, we discuss about the graph partitioning technique adapted and also the notations followed for the Graph Partitioning using Regulated Distance Algorithm (RDA). The traversing distance is used for the partitioning process.

    1. Rate Determination

      Suppose that the original network is partitioned into k subgraphs G1, G2, , Gk. Let s(Gi) be the size of subgraph Gi,and Ri the ratio of the maximum traversing distance to the minimum traversing distance for subgraph Gi, Ri := max(Td(Gi )) min(Td(Gi )) , with 1 i k. The ratio Ri:=1 if Gi has only one neighbor subgraph. For any node u B(Gi), Num(u) represents the number of intercommunity edges incident to u. The permitted upper and lower bounds for subgraph size are denoted by U and L , respectively.

      In general,

      min {Ri | 1 i k }

      is subject to

      Num(u)=1, uB(Gi) (A) L s(Gi) U (B)

      • Condition A is necessary to ensure that the shortest path will pass through a subgraph via atleast one community edge rather than just one border node.

      • Condition B is necessary to avoid too large or small partitions and thereby regulating the path searching within each subgraph.

    2. RDA Algorithm

      The Regulated Distance Algorithm (RDA) comprises of two phases namely

      Phase1. Initialization

      In this phase, the network is divided into a series of small subgraphs. Initally, all the nodes are unmarked. The nodes are considered one by one. The node u is marked with a new subgraph number and a set "temp" is maintained for the nodes added to this subgraph in turn. This is repeated to avoid too small subgraphs. The first node is removed from temp and judged whether it has a neighbour in a different subgraph. If not, all the unmarked neighbours are added to temp. Otherwise, it is checked if the neighbour has a neighbour node in a different subgraph and added to the end of temp. If the temp becomes null, the algorithm exits.

      Algorithm1. Sub graph Initialization

      Node u # unmarked node

      Set temp # unmarked neighbors of u

      Node v # first node from temp

      Node x # neighbor node



      while(subgraph size too small)


      u.num=sn; //with subgraph


      temp={unmarked neighbors f





      if(v has neighbour node x in different subgraph)

      if(x has a neighbor node in a different subgraph)




      Figure 3(a). Actual Graph partitioning with boundary nodes {b1} and {b2,b3,b4}

      Figure 3(b). Modified graph partitions with

      boundary nodes {b1} and {b1}

      neighbors of v and x);



      At the end of the sweep, we randomly put the unmarked degree one node in its neighbor subgraph and mark it with the subgraph number. At that point, all nodes are marked, and each node is adjacent to one or two subgraphs (for inner nodes and border nodes, respectively). Then, for any border node which is adjacent to more than one intercommunity edge, we turn to add a zero- weighted node to replace the multiple nodes adjacent to it.

      In Fig 3(a), node b1 has three intercommunity edges which makes the

      if(degradationi is maximal)



      update neighbor


      computer Rj;



      compute Rcom for the combined subgraph Gcom;


      partitioning very chaotic. When a node is added, say b1' in its neighbor subgraph and linking up the

      endpoints of the original intercommunity edges via

      b1', we get a modified graph where each border node is connected to only one intercommunity edge, as shown in Fig 3(b) .

      Phase2. Clustering

      During this phase, the subgraph clustering process is performed on the graph partition produced in the phase 1. This is carried out in order to reduce the ratio Ri and regulating the subgraph size to [L, U].

      Algorithm2 : Sub graph Clustering

      Set Sg #set of subgraphs


      Set tdi #Traversing distance set for each subgraph 1<=i<=k where k is the number of subgraphs of graph G

      int i #present node

      int j #neighboring node

      Ri #ratio between

      maximum traversing distance and the minimum traversing distance



      for (each subgraph Sgi in graph G)


      The ratio Ri is calculated for each subgraph. At the end of the loop, the traversing distance set for each subgraph, and the ratio Ri is calculated. Then, for each subgraph the degradation of Ri is calculated by merging a neighboring subgraph. At the end, the constructed community edges are employed to facilitate the computation of the traversing distance ratio Rcom for a combined subgraph Gcom.

  4. Evaluation

    When the algorithm is evaluated for a generalized road network, it is seen that the average traversing distance ration follow a downward trend as the subgraph clusters, though it may fluctuate slightly.

    computer Ri; add to set tdi;


    for (each subgraph Sgi in graph G)



    Figure4. Plot between Traversing Distance ratio R and the subgraph clustering

  5. Conclusion

    In this paper, we propose an effective graph partition method for accelerating the path queries on large node weighted networks. We propose a new regulated distance algorithm based on our hierarchical graph model, which could compute optimal subgraph partitioning in both static and dynamic environments. The proposed method can also be applied to edge-weighted graphs through several conversions and is focused in another piece of our work. As part of future research, it would be beneficial to quantify the effect of the number of subgraphs and the average traversing distance ratio on the performance improvement of a query algorithm so as to determine the optimum values. Also, it is worth developing more fast and effective partition methods to further reducing the traversing distance ratio.

  6. References

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11. Authors

Anusha Swaminathan is also pursuing her B.E in Computer Science Engineering at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College which is affiliated to the Anna University of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. She has presented several papers and also won many accolades for the same. She specializes in Algorithms and programming.

Varsha Alangar is currently pursuing her B.E in Computer Science Engineering at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College which is affiliated to the Anna University of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. She has presented several papers on networking including Resource allocation in Wireless Mesh networks and other papers related to Operating systems and Cloud computing .

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