Role of Financial Institutions in the Development of Business Enterprises

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV12IS03045

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Role of Financial Institutions in the Development of Business Enterprises

Dr.G.Malathi Assistant Professor Department of MBA

Gobi Arts & Science College Gobichettipalayam. 9942543534

Kalaiselvi. T


Department of MBA Gobi Arts & Science College


Gowtham. N


Department of MBA Gobi Arts & Science College



This research report delves into the multifaceted role of financial institutions in shaping the trajectory of business development. It explores the historical impact of economic development on business enterprises across different decades, highlighting key events and trends. The report then delves into various financial institutions schemes and policies that support business development, ranging from SME Division Schemes to Industry- Specific Loans. The importance of financial institutions in fostering entrepreneurship and contributing to economic growth is emphasized, along with their role in providing capital, managing risks, facilitating global expansion, and supporting research and development. Looking ahead, the report anticipates that financial institutions will continue to evolve by embracing technology, tailoring their offerings, and focusing on sustainability.

Keywords :

Financial institutions, business development, economic growth, entrepreneurship, schemes and policies.


A Financial institution is established mainly to provide long-term capital for Industries & agriculture. These financial Institutions play an Important role in the development of SSIs and entrepreneurship. They have mostly been set up statutorily by the government but some private sector participation in the ownership and functioning of some of them may also exist. Usually recognized as specialized institution, they are also recognized as Development Bank or Term Lending Institution or Special Development Financial Institution. Financial institutions are pivotal actors in the modern business environment, as they contribute significantly to the growth and development of business enterprises. These institutions encompass a wide range of entities, including traditional banks, investment firms, venture capitalists, and private equity firms. This research report delves into the multifaceted role that financial institutions play in shaping the trajectory of business development.

Volume 12, Issue 03

Published by,

ISSN: 2278-0181

Economic development business enterprises during various decades :

  1. 1950s-1960s.

    Post World War II, many countries experienced rapid economic growth. Industries like manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure development expanded. Rise of multinational corporations and increased international trade.

  2. 1970s

    Oil crises in 1973 and 1979 led to stagflation in some economies. Technological advancements in computing and telecommunications began to shape business operations.

  3. 1980s

    Emergence of information technology and personal computers transformed business processes. Deregulation and market-oriented policies gained prominence.

  4. 1990s

    Globalization accelerated, leading to increased trade and investment flows. Dot- com boom led to the rise of internet-based businesses. Financial sector innovations and increased foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging markets.

  5. 2008s

    Rapid growth of emerging economies, particularly China and India. Continued expansion

    of e-commerce and digital services. Global financial crisis of 2008 impacted business and led to regulatory reforms.

  6. 2010s

    Recovery from the financial crisis with varying rates of growth across regions. Proliferation of smartphones and mobile apps changing consumer behavior and business models. Focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

  7. 2020s (up to knowledge cutoff in September 2021)

    Initial economic shock due to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by efforts at recovery. Acceleration of digital

    transformation across industries. Increasing emphasis on remote work and e-commerce. The effects of economic development on business enterprises can vary by region, industry, and specific circumstances.

    Various Financial Institutions Offering Schemes and policies SME Division Schemes:

    • International Cooperation (IC)

    • Assistance to Training Institutions (ATI)

    • Marketing Assistance

      Development Commissioner (DC- MSME) Schemes:

    • Credit Guarantee Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS)

    • Technology Up gradation ISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification

    • Reimbursement Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster

    • Development Programme (MSE- CDP)

    • National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)

    • MSME Market Development Assistance (MDA)

    • National Awards (Individual MSEs)

      National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Schemes:

    • Marketing Intelligence Services Lease

    • Bill Discounting

    • Informatory Services

      ARI Division Schemes:

      • Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)

      • Janshree Bima Yojana for Khadi Artisans

      • Market Development Assistance

      • Science & Technology Schemes

Financial institutions offer a variety of schemes and policies to support the development of business enterprises. These can include:

Business Loans:

Finacial institutions provide loan

Volume 12, Issue 03

Published by, ISSN: 2278-0181

specific terms and interest rates to help businesses with working capital, expansion, or purchasing assets.

Startup Funding:

Some institutions offer specialized funding for startups, which might involve equity investment or convertible debt.


Microfinance institutions provide small loans to individuals or small businesses in economically disadvantaged areas.

Venture Capital:

Venture capital firms invest in high- potential startups in exchange for equity, helping them grow rapidly.

Angel Investors:

Angel investors are individuals who provide capital and mentorship to startups in return for ownership equity or convertible debt.

Credit Lines:

Businesses can access a revolving line of credit to manage short-term financial needs.

Export-Import Financing:

Financial institutions offer support for businesses involved in international trade through export and import financing.

Equipment Financing:‌

Loans or leases specifically for acquiring business equipment or machinery.

Working Capital Loans:

Short-term loans to cover operational expenses and manage cash flow.

Government Subsidies and Grants:‌

Financial institutions might partner with governments to disbuse subsidies or grants aimed at fostering business growth.

Collateral-Free Loans:

Some institutions provide loans without requiring collateral, which can benefit startups and small businesses.

Factoring and Invoice Discounting:

These services allow businesses to access funds based on their outstanding invoices, helping improve cash flow.

Industry-Specific Loans:

Financial institutions may offer tailored loans for specific industries, considering their unique needs and challenges.

Trade Finance:‌

Services like letters of credit and trade insurance can facilitate international trade transactions.

Technology and Innovation Loans:

Loans designed for businesses engaged in technological innovation or research and development.

Debt Restructuring:

In times of financial difficulty, institutions might offer debt restructuring plans to help businesses manage their debt obligations.

Importance of financial institutions:

Entrepreneurship development is an important criterion for economic development of a country. It is a vital tool of an economy. From the beginning of the Five-Year Plan, Government of India has been giving emphasis on the scope of entrepreneurship, and Related developments. The financial sector has a great importance in the whole Entrepreneurship development pie of a country. Financial institutions act as the Mediators that look after the transfer of resources from the net savers to net borrowers (i.e. from those who spend less than their earnings to those who spend more than their Earnings). Financial institutions have been the major source of short, medium and Long-term funds for the economy. Such institutions offer a variety of financial

Volume 12, Issue 03

Published by,

ISSN: 2278-0181

Products and services so as to fulfil different needs of the commercial sector. These Institutions generally give financial assistance to buy sheds, industrial plots, required Capital at low rates of interest, to attend counselling sessions, etc. The main objective of the financial institutions being established, is to create positive climate for the regular growth of the women entrepreneurs and should foster them and make them flourish. The present study aims at highlighting the measures taken by the financial Institutions with respect to the development of women entrepreneurs. (Charumathi, 1991) reported that the banks and financial institutions, traditionally, Viewed women entrepreneurship as more doubtful prepositions than men in the Entrepreneurship.

Contributions of financial institutions to business development:

  1. Access to Capital:

    One of the primary contributions of financial institutions to business development is the provision of capital. Banks offer loans, credit lines, and other financial products that allow businesses to fund their operations, expansion plans, and research and development efforts. Similarly, venture capital and private equity firms invest in promising startups and established businesses, infusing them with the necessary funds to accelerate growth. This financial support fuels innovation, facilitates market entry, and creates opportunities for new business ventures.

  2. Risk Management:

    Financial institutions aid in managing various risks that businesses face. They offer insurance products that safeguard against unexpected events, such as property damage, liability claims, or supply chain disruptions. Moreover, through derivatives and hedging strategies, these institutions help companies mitigate financial risks associated with currency fluctuations, interest rate changes, and commodity price volatility.

  3. Facilitating Global Expansion:

    Financial institutions facilitate international business expansion by offering trade finance, foreign exchange services, and cross-border payment solutions. These services enable businesses to engage in global trade, access new markets, and establish

    international supply chains. The ability to navigate complex international financial transactions enhances the competitiveness of enterprises on a global scale.

  4. Research and Development Funding:

    Innovation is a cornerstone of business development. Financial institutions play a role in fostering innovation by providing funding for research and development (R&D) initiatives. They offer loans and grants that support technological advancements, product innovation, and process improvements. This funding empowers businesses to stay at the forefront of their industries.

    Role of financial institutions in developing business enterprise future perspective:

    Financial institutions play a crucial role in developing business enterprises by providing essential financial services and support. They offer various forms of funding, such as loans, credit lines, and equity investments, which enable businesses to grow, expand, and innovate. These institutions also provide advisory services, helping entrepreneurs make informed financial decisions and manage risks. In the future, financial institutions are likely to leverage technology for quicker and more efficient lending processes, offer tailored financial products, and focus on sustainable and socially responsible investments to meet the evolving needs of business enterprises.


    This paper covers Financial institutions have played a pivotal role in shaping the growth and development of business enterprises over various decades. From providing capital for expansion to managing risks and facilitating global trade, these institutions have been instrumental in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. The evolution of financial institutions, marked by technological advancements and a focus on sustainability, is likely to further enhance their ability to support businesses in the future. As the business landscape continues to evolve, financial institutions will remain key players in driving economic progress and enabling entrepreneurial success.

    Volume 12, Issue 03

    Published by,

    ISSN: 2278-0181




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Volume 12, Issue 03

Published by,

ISSN: 2278-0181