Simulating Time-Triggered Systems on a Chip with BIP

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS020132

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Simulating Time-Triggered Systems on a Chip with BIP

Hong Quyet Ngo2, Jan Olaf Blecp, Benoit Boyer2, Thanh Hung Nguyen2

Fortiss Gmbh, Municp

Hanoi University of Sience and Technology, Hanoi2

Abstract We present functional models for software and hardware components of Time-Triggered Systems on a Chip (TTSoC). These are modeled in the asynchronous component based language BIP. We demonstrate the usability of our components for simulation of software which is developed for the TTSoC. Our software comprises services and an application part. Our approach allows us to simulate and validate aspects of the software system at an early stage in the development process and without the need to have the TTSoC hardware at hand.

KeywordsBIP, Simulate, TTSoC; component based;


    Simulation and analysis of systems at an early stage in the development process allows the identification of problems prior to the systems deployment. Thus, it can save development costs.

    In this paper we present an approach that allows the simulation of application software parts of embedded systems without the hardware and low level software drivers and operating system. In particular we are targeting systems based on Time-Triggered Systems on a Chip (TTSoC) [9] hardware. TTSoC are multi core systems where hosts usually comprising at least a core and local memory communicate at pre-defined periodic times with each other. All hosts are integrated on one chip. Thus, it is possible to achieve time guarantees for messages sent between different hosts. This guaranteed behavior facilitates certification, e.g., in the automotive or avionics industry. Cores may be specialized, e.g., for application code our deployment scenarios typically feature one piece of software which controls the rest of the system called application and I/O. We formally describe an abstract model of the TTSoC in software using the BIP (Behavior, Interaction, Priority [2]) modeling language. This allows us to simulate software parts of the system prior to the deployment on the hardware. The deployment may be an expensive process, in some cases the hardware might even not be available at the start of a development project. Using our approach we are able to simulate software and hardware-parts of a system in software. This enables us to test software which can interact with the simulated software and hardware parts (software-in-the-loop). Our BIP model allows the simulation of application and I/O communication parts running on different cores. Our simulation aims particularly at causal dependencies between components and their interactions. These aspects behave in the same way as in the nonsimulated system. Causal dependencies is an important aspect in multi- core systems and even more crucial in TTSoC based systems.

    Furthermore, our models represent some architectural features of the system.

    In this paper we target TTSoC systems for controlling industrial automation devices. As a case study we are describing the BIP based simulation code which is needed to simulate the application software which controls a sorting station (Figure 1) used in the industrial automation domain. The main contributions of this paper are the BIP models

    Fig.1: Sorting machine overview

    of the TTSoC system, the case study, and a method to integrate generated C code pieces from tool chains used in the industrial automation domain into BIP models that simulate the industrial automation domain.

      1. Related Work

        The Distribution Operation Layer (DOL) [15] is used for the analysis of embedded multiprocessor systems. DOL can be used for system performance analysis as well as optimization / design space exploration tasks, like scheduling of applications. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [12], a system modeling language, is used to specify, construct, modify and visualize object-oriented software systems. Another approach for modeling and simulating real-time embedded systems is developed in the Ptolemy project [8]. Furthermore, a language originally driven by the avionics industry for simulating for the analysis and specification of hardware and software architectures is AADL [7]. For other languages and notations specific to tools, we can mention Simulink / Stateflow that is used to model and simulate event-driven systems; SystemC [11], a standard design and verification language built in C++; Metropolis [1], an environment for complex heterogeneous electronic system design that supports simulation, verification and synthesis; and IF-toolset [6], an environment for modeling and validation of heterogeneous real-time systems.

        In contrast to our work carried out using BIP the real-time aspects and precise timing conditions are of greater importance in these approaches. Thus, our models are more

        abstract and simpler to use. Simulating systems on the more abstract level is justified by the fact that we do not know the full timing properties of our system at simulation time. Hardware specifications might also be subject to change at the time we run our simulations. In our work we rather want to find out possible constraints that need to be fulfilled by running a randomized simulation. These constraints are taken into account during the implementation by, e.g., ensuring that certain code parts meet an upper bound execution deadline by using a Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis tool.

        A formal study and modeling of some aspects of the same sorting station from the industrial automation domain that we describe in this paper can be found in [5]. The Coq theorem prover [13] is used to prove some properties of the IEC 611313 model [10] of this same station. However, TTSoC aspects are not regarded in this Coq based work.

      2. Overview

        An overview on the BIP language is given in Section 2. Section 3 describes TimeTriggered Systems on a Chip and Section 4 presents their modeling in BIP. A case study simulating the application software controlling an industrial

        • (P,L,T) is an LTS over a set of ports P. L is a set of control locations and T L × P × L is a set of transitions.

        • X is a set of variables.

        • For each transition T:

          • g is a boolean condition over a valuation of X: the guard of ,

          • f is the computation step of , a list of statements.

    For = (l,p,l0) T a transition of the internal LTS, l (resp. l0) is referred as the source (resp. destination) location and p is a port through which an interaction with another component can take place. Moreover, a transition = (l,p,l0) T in the internal LTS involves a transition in the atomic component of the form (l,p,g,f,l0) which can be executed only if the guard g evaluates to true, and f is a computation step consisting of transformations of local variables in X.

    Example: Atomic component Global timer Figure 2 shows the global timer (clock) used in our TTSoC that we modeled as an example of an atomic component.

    automation device is featured in Section 5. A short evaluation is given in Section 6. A conclusion is given in Section 7.


    In this section we recall the necessary concepts of the BIP



    tick time ++



    framework [2]. BIP is a component-based framework for constructing systems by superposing three layers of modeling: Behavior, Interaction, and Priority. The behavior layer consists of a set of atomic components represented by transition systems. The interaction layer models the collaoration between components. Interactions are described using sets of ports and connectors between them. The priority layer is used to enforce scheduling policies applied to the interaction layer, given by a strict partial order on interactions.Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications

    Component-based Construction

    BIP offers primitives and constructs for modeling and composing complex behaviors from atomic components. Atomic components are Labeled Transition Systems (LTS) extended with C/C++ functions and data. Transitions are labeled with sets of communication ports. Composite components are obtained from atomic components by specifying connectors and priorities.

    Atomic Components An atomic component is endowed with a set of local variables X taking values in a domain D. A valuation of the set X is a function of X D that maps each variable to a value. Atomic components synchronize and exchange data with other components through the notion of port.

    Definition 1 (Port). A port p[X0], where X0 X, is defined by a port identifier p and some data variables in a set X0 (referred as the support set).

    Definition 2 (Atomic component). An atomic component B is

    defined as a tuple (P,L, T,X,{g}T,{f}T), where:

    Fig.2: Atomic component

    This atomic component has a port tick, a control location l1 and a variable time that is associated to the port tick and is increased every time the transition tick occurs. The absence of guard on the transition tick implies that its guard is always true.

    Semantics of Atomic Components. The semantics of an atomic component is an LTS over configurations and ports, formally defined as follows:

    Definition 3 (Semantics of Atomic Components). The semantics of the atomic component (P,L,T,X,{g}T,{f}T) is an LTS (P,Q,T0) s.t.

    Q = L × [X D],

    T0 = {((l,v),p,(l0,v0)) Q×P ×Q | = (l,p,l0) T :

    g(v)v0 = f(v)}.

    A configuration is a pair (l,v) Q where l L is a control location, and v [X D] is a valuation of the variables in X. The evolution of configurations (l1,v) p(vp) (l2,v0), where vp is a valuation of variables attached to port p, is possible if there exists a transition (l1,p[Xp],g,f,l2), s.t. g(v) = true. As a result, the valuation v of variables is modified to v0 = f(v[Xp


    Creating composite components. Assuming some available atomic components B1, …,Bn, we show how to connect {Bi}iI with I [1,n] using connectors.

    A connector is used to specify possible interactions, i.e. the sets of ports that have to be jointly executed. Two types of ports (synchron, trigger) are defined, in order to specify the


    feasible interactions of a connector. A trigger port is active: it can initiate an interaction without synchronizing with other ports. It is represented graphically by a triangle. A synchron port is passive: it needs synchronization with other ports for initiating an interaction. It is denoted by a circle. A feasible interaction of a connector is a subset of its ports s.t. either it contains some trigger, or it is maximal.

    In the TTSoC system that we modeled, the global timer communicates with all the components that need to synchronize their action according to some time schedule. These communications are done by using interactions between the global timer and these components. Figure 4 represents a connector with data transfer used in the TTSoC model. It connects two ports core2tiss io of a communication service component Comm and of a TISS component. These



    core2tiss_i ms

    m ports have their own associated message variables msg. The message variable of the Comm component is sent over the

    s1 r1

    r2 r3

    core2tiss_ :




    connector to the TISS component (TISS.msg = Comm.msg).


    s1 r1 r2 r3

    l ms





    l ttnoc_coml


    Definition 6 (Composite Component). A composite component is defined from a set of available atomic


    Fig.3 Rendez-

    Fig.4 ATTSoC connector with data and broadcast

    components and a set of connectors. The connection of the

    {Bi}iI using the set of connectors is denoted ({Bi}iI).

    Note that a composite component obtained by composition of

    Figure 3 shows two connectors: Rendezvous (only the maximal interaction s1r1r2r3 is possible), Broadcast (all the interactions containing the trigger port s1 are possible). Formally, a connector is defined as follows:

    Definition 4 (Connector). A connector is a tuple (P,t,G,F), where:

    • P = {pi[Xi] | pi Bi.P}iI s.t. i I : P Bi.P = {pi},

    • t : P B s.t. t(p) = true if p is trigger (and false if synchron),

    • G is a Boolean function over the set of variables iIXi (the guard), F is an update function defined over the set of variables iIXi.

    P is the set of connected ports called the support set of . The ports in P are tagged with function t indicating whether they are trigger or synchron. Moreover, for each i I, xi is a set of variables associated to the port pi.

    A communication between the atomic components of

    {Bi}iI through a connector (P,G,F) is defined using the notion of interaction:

    Definition 5 (Interaction). A set of ports a = {pj}jJ P for some J I is an interaction of if one of the following conditions holds: (1) there exists j J s.t. pj is trigger; (2) for all j J, pj is synchron and {pj}jJ = P.

    An interaction a has a guard and two functions Ga,Fa, respectively obtained by projecting G and F on the variables of the ports involved in a. We denote by I() the set of interactions of . Synchronization through an interaction involves two steps. First, the guard Ga is evaluated, then the update function Fa is applied. If there are several possible interactions inside a connector, we choose the interaction involving the maximum1 number of ports. One can also add priorities to reduce non-determinism whenever several interactions are enabled. Then, the interaction with the highest priority is chosen.

    1 If there are several maximal interactions, the choice between them is at random.

    a set of atomic components can be composed with other components in a hierarchical and incremental fashion using the same operational semantics.

    Definition 7 (Semantics of Composite Components). A state q of a composite component C = (B1,…,Bn), where connects the Bis for i I, is a n-tuple q = (q1,…,qn) where qi = (li,vi) is a state of Bi. Thus, the semantics of C is precisely defined as a transition system (Q,A,), where:

    Q = B1.Q × … × Bn.Q,

    • A = {a I()} is the set of all possible interactions,

    • is the least set of transitions satisfying the following rule:

      where a = {pi}iI, X is the set of attached variables on the ports of a, v is the global valuation of variables, and Fai is the partial function derived from F restricted to the variable associated to pi.

      The meaning of the above rule is the following: if there exists an interaction a s.t. all its ports are enabled in the current state and its guard (Ga(v(X))) is true, then we can fire the interaction. When a is fired, not involved components stay in the same state, and, involved components evolve according to the interaction.

      Notice that several distinct interactions can be enabled at the same time, thus introducing non-determinism in the product behavior, possibly restricted using priorities.

      Definition 8 (Priority). Let C = (Q,A,) be the behavior of the composite component (B1,…,Bn). A priority model is a strict partial order on the set of interactions A. Given a priority model , we abbreviate (a,a0) to a a0. The component (C) is defined by the behavior (Q,A,), where

      is the least set of transitions satisfying the following rule:

      Finally, we consider systems defined as a parallel composition of components together with an initial state.

      Definition 9 (System). A system S is a pair (B,Init) where B is a component and Init is the initial state of B.


    In a TTSoC several hosts communicate with each other using a time-triggered network. Hosts and time-triggered network are integrated on one chip.

    In this paper, we follow the TTSoC description given in [9]. A TTNoC consists of the following components:

    • Hosts are physical entities that interact via a time- triggered network with each other. In many cases a host is a CPU Core equipped with its own memory and possible local I/O access. Cores provide computation power. Distinct cores can be used for handling different I/O tasks. Apart from cores, hosts can be connections to other bus systems or related I/O devices.

    • Hosts are connected via a Time-Triggered Network on a Chip (TTNoC).

      The TTNoC provides communication channels between the hosts. For each application purpose the TTNoC is configured in a way such that messages of fixed length can be sent between the different cores in distinct time slots. In our case (following [9]) we are looking at a TTNoC which is organized using a mesh structure. This means that different parts of communication channels are connected via switches which route messages through the network. One consequence is that unlike in traditional bus-systems different hosts may be communicating at the same time as long as their communication channel parts and switches do not interfere with each other.

    • The connection between a host and a TTNoC is guarded using a Trusted Interface Subsystem (TISS) which serves as an interface and intermediate storage for the host thereby abstracting some TTNoC details and ensuring that time slots and routes for messages are met.

    An example TTSoC is shown in Figure 5. One can see that six hosts are connected via TISS to the TTNoC. Two of the switches are directly connected to two TISS. The other two switches are each connected to only one TISS. The switches are connected with each other realizing a 2×2 grid. One can see that parallel communication is in some cases possible, e.g., Host 1 with Host 4, Host 5 with Host 6 and Host 2 with Host 3 can exchange messages in the same time slot.


    Here we give a description of the TTNoC components and their connection to the environment using TISS. We present their modeling using BIP.

    Fig.5: TTSoC overview Figures and Tables

      1. Managing Time

        Time-triggered systems are characterized by the fact that the communication between different hosts is done in a synchronous time-triggered way whereas the hosts themselves may internally behave in an asynchronous way and the interaction with the TISS may also behave asynchronously.

        Global Time Our model features a component which emits a global time tick (cf. Figure 2). Different parts of our BIP model can use this time tick, e.g., for synchronization.

        Splitting of the global time tick into subticks In the TTNoC BIP model at hand a global time tick tick is followed by three subticks t1, t2 and t3 that represent internal steps that are taken to transmit a message between different TISS via the TTNoC switches. Thus, we have four ticks which may be used to transmit a message between a TISS and a switch, transmit a message between this switch and another switch, transmit a message between this other switch and yet another switch, and finally transmit it to another TISS. Thus, routes through the TTNoC may comprise at most three switches. The time tick splitting is modeled as an independent BIP component. Larger TTNoC would require the modeling of additional subticks.

      2. The TISS

        A TISS has two main purposes:

        • It communicates with the host and serves as an intermediate storage for messages. The interface to the host associates messages with a port number. The interface to the TISS comprises the message together with routing and target host information.

        • It sends and receives messages at predefined periodical points in time over the TTNoC. Thereby it ensures that no collision of messages from different TISS occur inside the TTNoC. For this reason a static schedule has to be computed in advance for the entire TTSoC and each TISS is programmed accordingly.

          Figure 6 shows a core that communicates over a TTNoC using a TISS. Variables and their modifications are not

          shown. The TISS receives messages from the core and sends messages to the core. In case of incoming messages from the core, routing information is added to messages and they are transmitted over the TTNoC. Otherwise, the routing information is deleted and the message is given to the core. The TISS also serves as a kind of buffer, since TTNoC and core do not have to be synchronized. The BIP model

          comprehensive implementation feature additional intermediate locations not visible to the external to facilitate the handling of additional constraints.





          / receive


          + t



          tic t


          + comm.

          / send


          + communication

          / send

          l t







          application componen



          application + services





          tick core2tiss_io


          m other cores



          m ….



          running on a core


          l0 l1




          TTNoC …


          Fig.7 Inside switch

          vices interactions


          Fig.8 Application and

          global time

          Fig.6: Connecting a host system to the TTNoC via a TISS

          comprises two locations l0 and l1. Messages may be received and collected at any time from the host system using the connector between the core2tiss io ports. The transmission and receiving of messages to and from he TTNoC happens only at the ttnoc comm transition from l1 to l0 while the global time tick performs a transition from l0 to l1. This ensures that at most one message is either sent over or received from the TTNoC per global time tick from a single TISS. Incoming messages from the TISS are associated with a port number and stored intermediately. The port number is used to determine the target host and additional routing information. This resolvement happens during or before a ttnoc comm transition. Messages to be collected from the host are also stored in the TISS together with a port number. The conditions when a message is actually sent during the ttnoc comm typically depends on additional internal variables that can, e.g., count global time ticks in the TISS during the tick transition. This ensure that different types of messages (e.g., associated with different ports) are only sent at predefined periodic points in time to predefined targets and remain in storage otherwise.

      3. Inside the TTNoC

        We refer to Figure 5 for on overview on the BIP components that represent a TTNoC and connectors and ports for message passing. Not shown in this figure are the means to emit and handle time ticks and the communication details. BIP models for switches A switch can handle one message per global tick. In our BIP model for swiches in the described TTNoC we model this feature by introducing three states: l0, l1 and l2. l0 is the state before a message arrives. l1 is the state where a message has arrived but not transmitted, l2 represents a state where the arrived message has been forwarded to another TISS or switch, but some time is still remaining before the next global tick. The arrival of a message occurs together with tick or during t1 or t2. The routing to the other switch or TISS happens in t1, t2 or t3. If it happens in t3 we return to l0 immediately, otherwise we mark the switch as used by taking state l2. Figure 7 gives an overview on a simple BIP model for the switch 2. It omits some communication details. The BIP models used in a more

        The TTSoC as a Component The TTSoC itself is modeled as a single composite BIP component comprising the switches, TISS components and connectors between these components. As interfaces it offers connections to the hosts and to the global time tick.

      4. Modeling the Host System

        In our case modeling a host system means the creation of BIP models that simulate the entire software that runs on a core and its execution characteristics. In the proposed scenario a host system is composed of components that realize: communication services, higher-level services, application code and I/O. Thus, the host is realized using different BIP components which may interact with each other. Unlike in the TTNoC different BIP components, e.g., representing different threads on the host core can run completely asynchronous. This may, e.g., be the case for different threads running on a CPU core.

        Communication Services Communication services represent software parts that realize some functionality that the application code may use. This can comprise operating system services and special hardware drivers. Here they are realized as BIP components that are connected to a TISS on the one side and to higher-level services, I/O, and application models on the other side. They simulate, services that we are implementing as part of a basic software support for our TTSoC.

        Higher-level Services Higher-level services are composed services that realize some higher-level functionality based on other services. Here we have modeled a voting service which takes several input values, e.g., from different sensors and establishes a mean value which is forwarded to the application.

        Application Code Component The application code is modeled as an atomic or composite single BIP component. A scenario with an application code component with connectors to other services is shown in Figure 8.

        Input / Output Components We provide BIP models that simulate Input and Output operations. These comprise simulation components that provide simulation of sensor data. Furthermore output components that simulate, e.g., actuators. In the current implementation these output components write their status data to files.

        Realizing a Host System Figure 9 shows the interaction of an application with a communication service. This interaction may occur asynchronously to the global time tick and the TTNoC. By means of this asynchronity we model the much faster execution clock speed of a core compared to the TTNoC.


        We have described an additional transformation from IEC 611313 to BIP in [4]. Unlike in this work, here we keep the BIP structure as minimal as possible in order to simulate the C-code pieces in the most realistic way.


    Here we describe the application code for our sorting











    .. servic










    rest of the

    station as depicted in Figure 5.

    Figure 10 gives an overview on a possible setting: this study is inspired by a real existing demonstrator [14]. Six hosts are connected via a TISS to the TTNoC. One host comprises a core that executes the application software, another core is dedicated to a voting service that judges the quality of values delivered by sensors. Two hosts each perform the reading of sensor values and control of actuators. Each host features communication services to communicate via its TISS over the TTNoC with other hosts. The IEC 61131-3 structure that runs as application is sketched in Figure

    Fig.9: Application and services on a core connected to a TISS

      1. Application Code for Industrial Automation

    In this paper we target different application scenarios for the usage of TTSoC based systems in the industrial automation domain. Software for industrial automation is typically described using the IEC 611313 [10] standard. These software descriptions divide computation into different steps which are often executed one after the other forming a kind of loop structure with branches. C code is typically generated for each of these steps individually. In the real system it is integrated into one large C loop structure. Here we realize this loop like top level control structure in BIP as an LTS and integrate generated or hand written C code that

    11 (cf. [5]). The different steps are shown for which we integrate C-code in our BIP model of the application. The BIP model itself has a similar structure. The entire application is modeled as a single BIP component communicating with services. Transitions between steps are replaced by transitions between BIP locations. Additional transitions are inserted to handle I/O at the end of each step. Each step is modeled in a way such that it terminates in a fixed amount of time. This is a typical feature in IEC 611313 that we took care of here.

    Common to all scenarios is that the application is running on different cores than I/O operations and has to communicate with and control the I/O. In our real systems

    realizes the functionality represented by the steps into the LTS transitions. This way, we have a device to test and simulate these generated or hand-written C code pieces and adapt them.


    API calls The generated or hand-written C code contains API calls (e.g., a POSIX API). Communication with BIP modeled services is done by using the same C API calls from

    application communication services



    actuator services actuator services communication services communication services





    the application code. However, the implementation is done in a slightly different way. Our C functions store and retrieve values from intermediate stores which are filled and collected by the services. The same principle is used in the real implementation so our simulation sticks close to it. In the real implementation services can, e.g., be realized as independent threads.

    Time The execution of a step is usually associated with a

    TISS 1

    TISS 2


    TISS 3

    maximal execution time called time slice. In our model execution of the C code associated with a step is done during one state transition. Modeling the duration of this execution is

    TISS 4



    TISS 5 TISS 6





    done by requiring that a number of global time ticks

    communication services

    communication services

    communication services

    (corresponding to the time-slice) have to be elapsed before the application code component is able to communicate its new result and control is passed to the BIP transition associated with the next step.

    voting service

    sensor services sensor services sensors

    Fig.10: Overview on a configuration scenario


    workpiece identification

    alternative 1 alternative

    alternatives continued

    alternative 3

    software parts (application) prior to availability of the entire system. Thereby we introduced a way of modeling and simulating PLC applications using BIP. Running our simulations we discovered additional timing constraints which have to be ensured in the real-implementation of the system.

    As future work, we plan to investigate additional case studies in other domains. Furthermore, we are also interested to formally analyze properties of our models. These comprise analysis of invariants and related properties like deadlock freedom by using,

    e.g., D-Finder 2 [3]. An extension to real-time aspects is also a goal. Another, area for future work is the connection of the input and output components to software that graphically

    Fig.11: IEC 611313 control structure

    the TTSoC is realized using FPGA technology. In principle it is possible to adapt the number of cores and the layout of the TTNoC to application needs. Furthermore, cores can be specialized towards distinct domains of computation and I/O. The number of API calls in the application C-code is very small: just Posix calls to receive and transmit messages.


    We have run and analyzed different system configurations using our BIP models of TTSoC components, services and application code. All of them realize different simulation scenarios for the industrial automation domain (cf. Section 5). In particular they are based on our application for the sorting station shown in Figure 1.

    The simulation gives us the ability to test and improve our application software. By omitting and modifying priorities of interactions different non-deterministic scenarios can be simulated. Due to this testing we where able to fix some minor errors in the actual C-code implementation. More importantly our simulation revealed the following weakness of our overall sorting service control strategy: it can occur that the application receives old sensor data and actuator commands are not delivered on time. The main reason for this is that the communication between the application and the TISS happens asynchronously and without a timing guarantee.

    One solution to overcome this drawback would be to change the design of the system and establish a synchronous communication between application software and TISS at distinct points in time. This, however would require major changes in the system design. For this reason we analyze application software parts to estimate a worst case execution time. This can be used to determine a maximal latency for reaction of the application software to sensor data and control of actuators. The overall speed of processing elements in the sorting station will be set such that these latencies do not lead to a wrong handling of an element.


    We showed a way to simulate and validate aspects of TTSoC based systems at an early development stage. We presented BIP models for representing hardware components of TTSoC based systems. Furthermore, we introduced BIP models for connected software services. These models provide an environment for simulating TTSoC based systems prior to deployment and availability of exact specifications. They can be used for a variety of TTSoC usage scenarios. We exemplified a case study from the industrial automation domain. Here the main purpose is simulating the controlling

    displays the status of an industrial automation device, so that one can actually see a virtual video of a machine that sorts work pieces controlled by our BIP components.


This research was supported by The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under Grant 102.03-2013.39: Automated verification and error localization methods for component-based software..


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  14. Specification of Industrial Control Application Demonstrator WP6. Deliverable 6.6 of the ACROSS project. http://www.across-

  15. L. Thiele, I. Bacivarov, W. Haid, K. Huang. Mapping Applications to Tiled Multiprocessor Embedded Systems. 7th Intl Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design ,IEEE , July, 2007. (ACSD 2007)

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