- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 183
- Authors : K. L. A. V. Harnadh, K. S. B. Prasad
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS10781
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 01 (January 2014)
- Published (First Online): 28-01-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Study and Analysis of Public and Private Transport Accessibility
1K. L. A. V. Harnadh, 2K. S. B. Prasad
1PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam,
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam,
The Rural public transportation is insufficient, accessibility is very much required in countries like India for the movement of passenger and goods .to nearby towns with in aspects of public participation, for overall development. Rural areas are suffering from transport problems such as inadequate transport facilities in terms of shortage of buses and non-availability of services.
Present study focused to increase the public transport accessibility in safe and efficient way and also meeting future demand upto 2018 for study area.
Transportation has an important role to play in the conditions that affect global, national and regional economic entities. It is a strategic infrastructure that is so embedded in the socio- economic life of individuals, institutions and corporations that it is often invisible to the consumer, but always part of all economic and social functions. Transport routes are established to distribute resources between places where they are abundant and places where they are scarce, but only if the costs are lower than the benefits. Transportation studies are multidisciplinary that can involve engineering, behavioral, and economic aspects depending on the dimension being investigated such as operational management or planning. One of the current issues pertaining to rural traffic is the role of public transport. The recent studies says that the environmental quality of the roads and the lack of frequency of buses have brought the need for an efficient rural accessibility planning.
Rural Accessibility defines access needs of rural households in relation to the basic social and economic services a household requires with respect to mobility needs, it pays attention to: The purpose
for which people travel, The availability of public transport services, The condition of the transport infrastructure, local level roads, footpaths, footbridges. The means by which people transport themselves and their goods, foot, bicycles, animals etc. The availability of social and economic services in relation to population density.
Objective of this study is given below
The main objective is to study the public transportation accessibility and population percent of public and private transport in study area.
To study the existing trip generation and accessibility.
To analyze the future trip generation and accessibility required.
The area proposed for the study is within the srikakulam district. The study area is between Rajam
Srikakulam. It is located between latitudes and longitudes of (Rajam) 18.2800° N, 83.4000° E and(Srikakulam) 18.3000° N, 80.9000° E.The population of the study area is 7480 and people living in this area their major occupation is daily labour and farming. The small population and absence of major transport facilities made the Governments to pay little attention to the provision of public facilities in the area and particularly the development of modern transport network. As noted by accessibility levels are poor in zones.
Household survey questionnaire was designed to obtain information mainly about the trip details of the family members, the importance put on easy accessibility to different activity centers by the respondents and the satisfaction levels with the existing accessibility level.
The on-board survey was conducted to assess customer travel behaviour. The surveyor will be asked customers to evaluate various elements of service as well as overall satisfaction, with the ultimate purpose of measuring the impact of the public transport on customer requirements compared to standard local bus service. Specific questions focused on customer behaviour, including trip origins and destinations and frequency of public transport use.
The villagers were asked to express their opinion in the form of satisfaction levels with the accessibility to various activities. The interview was conducted on one village at a time. At least one person from the research team was always present to guide the interviewers in case of any doubts and difficulties. At the end of a day, the data collected by different persons were checked. In case of some abnormal responses, the concerned interviewers were sent back the next day to verify.
The zones located for sample collection in the main route i.e. Rajam-Srikakulam corridor. For this study, a field work was carried out and household & onboard based surveys were conducted in the area along the route. For collecting the data, 7 enumerators were hired. After having them well trained, a pilot survey was conducted to study how people would respond to the questionnaire so that adjustments or change in the questionnaire is done, then the main survey was conducted.
For household survey sample size is taken as 435 for each and every village , for onboard survey sample size was taken as 200 for each zone, based on the sample questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and the details are shown in table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Villagewise data collection as per bureau of public roads.
Name of Village |
Population |
Number of households |
Number of households interviewed |
Rajam |
850 |
322 |
170 |
Antakapalli |
252 |
110 |
22 |
Pogiri |
485 |
307 |
62 |
Palakandyam |
343 |
211 |
43 |
Santa Uriti |
240 |
105 |
21 |
Anandapuram |
235 |
95 |
19 |
Ponduru |
647 |
412 |
83 |
Rapaka |
657 |
462 |
93 |
Reddipeta |
826 |
316 |
63 |
Lolugu |
673 |
286 |
53 |
Chilakapalem |
783 |
530 |
106 |
Echerla |
542 |
218 |
44 |
Srikakulam |
947 |
498 |
100 |
Trip purpose
From the total trips was collected as a part of the travel characteristics of the users and this was segregated based on work trip, academic, shopping and entertainment etc. The trip purpose composition is as shown in Figure5.1. Among all the trips office and college trips are more.
Figure 5.1 shows trip purpose
Trip length
The trip lengths are collected from the onboard survey, the data obtained was presented in Figure 5. 2.Among all trip lengths, it has been observed that more than 30 km trip lengths were high in number and less than 5 km trip lengths are low in number.
Figure 5.2 shows trip length
Income ranges
The income of each group i categorized from the stated preference survey and the Figure 5.3 below indicates the income ranges of each individual group, 49% of the income group in the range between 10 to 15 thousand Indian rupees.
Figure 5.3 shows the Income ranges
Accessibility is interpreted at the local scale and at a personal level in terms of peoples ability to gain access to certain facilities relative to the ability of the prevailing transport system to overcome the distance barriers involved. In order to determine the
weights of different activities the data collected through the household interview survey and onboard survey was utilized. By taking the sample size from each zone and they are divided by the total number of the questionnaires while doing the survey, from that we get the weightage of activities The analysis was carried out village-wise. It has already been mentioned that the respondents were asked to rate each activity.
Based on the weights and present accessibility to different activities obtained as shown in Table 6.1, the levels of accessibility are calculated for the 13 villages in the study area using equation . The results obtained are shown below
Overall accessibility levels are calculated by using the following equation
N = Number of basic activities required by individuals in the study area as obtained by interviewing.
Wi = importance (weight) associated with the accessibility to the i th activity.
Vi = present level of accessibility to the i th activity
Table 6.1 shows the total trips of each activities
Total No of Trips
After taking the sample size and separating trips from each and every village the weightage for each every activity is calculated by dividing the total trip by 2600(sample size)they are given below
Wi = Weightage for the each activities are taken as Office = 0.22
College = 0.26
Work = 0.21
Entertainment = 0.15
Others =0.14
Based on the ranges accessibility levels are determined they are given below.
Table 6.2 Shows the OAL ranges
(Source : Urban transportation planning by Dr.Thamiz Arasan)
After determining the OAL in the study area the following areas are having poor accessibility levels
, comparing to the remaining areas.
Santa uriti
Reddipet a
Fig 6.3 Shows the OAL
It has already been shown (Table 6.3) that the overall accessibility levels of all the villages in the study area are poor. The methodology developed in this study helps to suggest the measures to be taken to increase the overall accessibility of a selected village or the study area as a whole.
It would be appropriate if the activities are considered one by one in descending order of their weights. The impact on overall accessibility level will be the highest with a unit increase in accessibility level to the activity with highest weight.
e) In this way, it is possible to identify the necessities in the villages against all the activities. Since the weights, and overall accessibility levels are expressed numerically, the methodology helps the policy and decision makers to numerically calculate the improvement in the study area.
Travel demand modeling aims to establish the spatial distribution of travel by zones. This model implies a procedure for predicting what travel decisions people would like to make given the generalized travel cost of each alternatives. The base decisions include the choice of destination, the choice of the mode.
Fraters Growth factor model
According to this method, the total trips for each zone are distributed to different activities, according to relative attractiveness of each movement. Thus, the future trips estimated for any zone would be distributed to the movements involving that zone in proportion to the existing trips between it and each other zone
Assessment of growth factor
The assessment of growth factor is taken from the growth of population, here we are taken 5 years for future trip generation and the value is 4.9.% is the maximum growth in the past five years and in proportion to the expected growth of each other zone. it is calculated by using equation
In this study the accessibility to college has been given the highest weight with a value of 0.26 by the respondents. However, the accessibility levels with existing levels have been found to be poor santa uriti, Reddipeta,Lolugu respectively.
Where Ti-j
= Future trips from zone i to zone j
One way to increase these values is to provide better accessibility to work and office activities , which can be achieved by providing a few more buses and bus stops in the villages or by providing better transport facilities to the existing points. Better transport facilities may be provided by better roads and provision of motorized or non-motorized vehicles.
ti-j = Present trips from zone i to zone j Pi = Future trips produced at zone i
pi = Present trips attracted at zone i Ai = Future trips attracted to zone j aj = Present trips attracted to j
k = Total numbers of zone
Table 8.1 Shows the future trips
Palakand yam
Santa Uriti
Reddi peta
Echer la
This work quantified the travel characteristics of people and identified the choice of mode of commuters in Rajam – Srikakulam. The data is collected by means of a household survey and onboard survey along the study area, which provided the information about their economic status and travel behavior of a sample population.
The study showed that the accessibility to basic needs in the study area is highly inadequate.
The average household size was 6 and trip length were observed as 20 km from their origin to destination points from each village and the respondents in Santa Uriti , Ponduru , Rapaka , lologu indicated higher importance ratings on accessibility to work, , educational facilities office in the study.
In the study area, villages having the problems with lack of frequency and time maintenance comparing to the other areas.And the villages,palakandyam(41.7) Santa uriti (38.2) , Lolugu (39) , Reddipeta(41.6) and Echerla (38.3) are having low accessibility levels comparing to the ranges given in table 5.1.3.
The future trip generation with growth factor method shown maximum increase comparing with the present trips , highest is lolugu 11.4 times comparing to the other areas here the trip generation is very high
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