Surabaya Sub-Urban’s Housing Development Strategy with Community-based Ecotourism Approach Study Case: Kampung Jambangan Surabaya, Indonesia

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS060870

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Surabaya Sub-Urban’s Housing Development Strategy with Community-based Ecotourism Approach Study Case: Kampung Jambangan Surabaya, Indonesia

Fransiska Ines Setyawati Magister Student Department of Architecture Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Surabaya, Indonesia

Muhammad Faqih, Purwanita Setijanti Lecturer Department of Architecture Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract From time to time, a city will definitely grow and change dynamically. Nowadays, urban development has spread evenly to the suburbs. Surabaya, for example, currently, this city development has begun to lead to the suburban, specifically in south, west, and east area of the city. However, the progress towards suburban also has the potential of degradation at environmental quality which is quite large (Calthrope in Setioko, 2013). Therefore, we need a concept of sustainable development for the region. Meanwhile, viewed from another perspective, the aspect of tourism can also be used as one way to develop a region, particularly for the suburban. Surabaya has a great cultural potential to be developed as a tourism attraction. This cultural potential, physically transformed into a variety of places in Surabaya as a center of cultural tourism. One of them is the kampung tourism. Sustainable tourism development for kampung can be a good alternative for developing suburban area. This study conducted with both qualitative and quantitative methods with SWOT analysis to support primary and secondary data. This study takes the case study in Kampung Jambangan Surabaya. This object has been selected because it has excellent prospects to be developed into a tourism village / kampung, specially at environment and craft (Silas, 2013).

KeywordsUburban; Ecotourism; Community-Based; Kampung


    As a metropolitan city, Surabaya has developed dynamically over the time and its development has already lead to suburban area. It has a positive effect for the citys economy and also can reduce the appearance of slums in downtown. On the other hand, the development of suburban area was also considered as one of the causes of environment and human life quality degradation. This is caused by higher population growth in suburban area. The problem of this high population growth has been recognized to be exceed the carrying capacity of environment to do regeneration (Calthrope in Setioko, 2013).

    The number of people who are the main factors that form suburban area, seen as the biggest threat and pressure for environmental issues. Various negative impacts such as global warming, the reduction of agricultural land, and other threats to the viability of sustainable development cant be avoided. Each resident requires energy, land, and a great resource for

    survival, but on the other hand everyone also produces waste in various forms. Heaps of waste in various corners of the city has the potential to cause various diseases. These are the problems being faced by the city of Surabaya, one of them is waste management.

    To improve the environment and human life quality in the suburb area of Surabaya, there are a wide variety of development strategies that can be done, such as by developing tourism aspect. This is consistent with what is stated by the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini on "Surabaya Tourism Destination Award 2012" which says that although Surabaya has not many natural potential, Surabaya still has differentiation aspect. Differentiation owned by Surabaya look clearly in the form of cleanliness, comfort and security, good services, polite acceptance and appearance of existing attractions have become their respective characteristics. With these differentiations, Surabaya is now being visited by guests from various parts of the country and foreign countries

    A concept of sustainable tourism such as community- based ecotourism can be used as an alternative concept for the development of the inner city area. This is consistent with the statement Lascurain (2001), which states that ecotourism can provide an opportunity to raise awareness and knowledge of the natural environment along with its cultural aspects. Thus, the community can also actively involved in conservation issues and can create a more sustainable environment.

    Therefore, further research is needed to assess the potential in the suburban village that can be developed with community-based ecotourism approach. Thus, the expected quality of the environment and people's lives in the suburbs can be increased.


    1. Sub-Urban Settlements

      Basically, the growth of suburban in Indonesia have a high complexity. Suburban settlements characterized by a dualistic character between well-planned settlements and rural settlements, mixed with autonomous housing, which is built by individuals or families without interference from the municipal authority (Kuswartojo, 2005). This autonomous

      housing is attached by the existing region planned settlement, which was built by the developers or the original settlements which bordering the existing since the first. This area grows because of the high price of land in the city center. These conditions encourage people to buy the land and then build it without regard to the regulation of the design, and compounded by the weak supervision of urban development.

      Suburban became the location of scattered settlements are not integrated in the urban unit. This is in addition to complicate the scouting and development services, within the wider scope also has the destructive power to the environment. Spatial expression that occurs in the inner city area becomes very heterogeneous as new growth areas, characterized by planned settlements are not only occupy "vacant areas" or farms, but often occupy most traditional neighborhoods characterized by unplanned settlement that already exist. In general, the area around the new growth was followed by the emergence of "following settlements", ie individuals that independently build settlements in order to take benefit of social facilities built by the developers.

    2. Sustainable Development

      Sustainable development is the theoretical basis used to support the theory of the development of community-based ecotourism. This theory is used as the main theory for the concept of development which is meant in this research is the development of a sustainable region and will be focused on community based tourism approach.

      In relation to sustainable development, there are two rules that must be considered in the management of natural resources and the environment (Pearce and Turner, 1990), namely:

      • For renewable natural resources (renewable resources): The rate of harvesting must be less than or equal to the rate of regeneration (sustainable production).

      • For environmental issues: The rate of disposal (waste) must be less than or equal to the assimilation capacity of the environment.

        The concept of sustainability can also be defined into three aspects of understanding (Haris in Fauzi, 2004), namely:

      • Economic sustainability, which is defined as development that is able to produce goods and services continuously to maintain continuity of government and to avoid sectoral imbalances that could undermine agricultural production and industry.

      • Environmental sustainability: environmentally sustainable system must be able to maintain a stable resource, avoiding the exploitation of natural resources and environmental absorption function. This concept also involves the maintenane of biodiversity, the stability of the air space, and the function of other ecosystems that do not include the category of economic resources.

      • Social sustainability: Sustainability is socially defined as a system capable of achieving equality, providing social services including health, education, gender, and political accountability

        Fig. 1. Sustainable development diagram Source: :

    3. Tourism Supporting Factors

      Inskeep (1991) mentions that there are several factors/ components that create a region into a tourism area. The factors and components are interrelated with one another, and will affect the passage of a tourist activity in a region. As one of its supporting theory, according Maryani (1991), a tourist attraction can be interesting to be visited by tourists must meet the requirements for the development of the region, these requirements are:

      • What to see

        In these places there must be objects and sights are different to those of other regions. In other words, the area should have a special appeal and cultural attractions that can be used as "entertainment" for tourists. What to see include landscapes, activities, arts and tourist attractions.

      • What to do

        In these places other than the need to have something that can be seen and witnessed, facilities that could make tourists to stay longer on the ground also has to be provided.

      • What to buy

        Tourist destinations must provide facilities for shopping, especially souvenirs and handicrafts as souvenirs to take home.

      • How to arrived

        These include accessibility, how we visited the tourist attraction, the vehicle what to use and how long to arrive the place of destination.

      • Where to Stay

        How tourists will stay for a while during her vacation. Required accommodation either star hotels or non-star hotels and so on.

        Musanef in Hosen (2014) also adds appeal aspects of supporting the tourism component. Here are the components which must be owned by a tourist area in addition to Musanef:

      • Accessibility

        Element about how accessible a location by tourist. Elements that are used as a benchmark basically include:

        • The condition of infrastructure of land, sea, or air

        • The number and type of transportation to the object

        • The frequency of transport to the object

        • The number of public transport seating of the object to the distribution center

      • Market potential

        The level of market potential or tourists who will visit the object will determine the success of the object and its tourist attraction

      • Environmental Conditions

        Environmental conditions of an object is essentially reciprocal, meaning that travelers environmental influences on the environment objects (environmental, social, cultural, environmental entrenched) that can only be done through AMDAL.

      • Basic infrastructure

        An infrastructure which is essential for the construction of objects and tourism attraction. The elements are used as benchmarks are roads, electricity, clean water and the means of post and telecommunications.

      • Management

        Management carried out by stakeholders to manage the resources of existing tourist attraction

      • Tourism facilities

        Tourism facilities will be the most decisive component of a successful tourism development. In general, this means in the form of accommodation facilities such as lodging, restaurants, and others within a radius of 75 km or more.

      • The supporting attraction

        Within development, a main attraction requires support so that tourists will feel satisfied as witnessed several major tourism attraction. Elements assessed the deciding factor is based on the presence or absence and the number of other tourist attractions within a radius of 75 km from the object.

    4. Community-Based Ecotourism

      In addition to Directorate General of Tourism Development (2009), community-based ecotourism is a ecotourism business that emphasizes on the community active role. It is based on the fact that people have the knowledge about the nature and culture and the potential sale value as a tourism attraction, so that community involvement was paramount. Community-based ecotourism pattern recognizing the right of local communities to manage tourism activities in the area they have traditionally or as a manager. Community-based ecotourism can create employment opportunities for local communities, and reduce poverty, which is the ecotourism income from travel services for tourists: guide fee; transportation costs; homestay; selling crafts, etc. Ecotourism brings a positive impact to the environment and indigenous cultures, which in turn is expected to be able to foster a sense of identity and pride among the local population that is growing due to an increase in ecotourism activities.

      Community-based ecotourism activities should also be considered by the parties involved in it other than the community itself, such as governments, businesses, and organizations, non-governmental as ecotourism pattern is also seen as part of an integrated development planning carried out by a region. Thus, it is expected to be established a good

      partnership network or the appropriate role and expertise of each.

      Some aspects that must be considered in the community- based ecotourism is as follows (Directorate General of Tourism Development, 2009):

      • The community form a committee or agency for the management of ecotourism activities in the region, with the support of government and community organizations (the value of public participation and education)

      • The principle of local ownership (= the management and ownership by the local community) is applied as far as possible to the facilities and infrastructure has ecotourism, ecotourism, etc. (the value of public participation)

      • Homestay become the primary choice for accommodation facilities at tourism locations (economic and educational value)

      • Guides are local people (the value of public participation)

      • Planting, management and maintenance of tourism is the responsibility of the local community, including the determination of the cost (= fee) for tourists (economic value and tourism).

    As for the principles that should guide the development of community-based ecotourism is as follows:

    1. Sustainability Ecotourism of Economics, Social and Environment (principles of conservation and community participation)

      • The concept of development that meant here is an ecotourism with "GREEN & FAIR " concept, which provide sustainable economic alternatives for communities and increase the carrying capacity of the environment.

    2. Development of local community institutions and partnerships (the principle of public participation)

      • Other issues that need to be considered in the development of community-based ecotourism is the existence of organizational and institutional aspects to further encourage independent business activities and create a fair partnership

    3. Community-based Economics (Principles of public participation)

      • The public participation can also support the means of accommodation, such as homestay and guiding force.

      • Home Base Enterprises / HBE's which is a business activity of households which constitute economic activities of the people which is run by the family, activities are flexible, are not bound by the rules that apply generally, including working hours can be arranged themselves, a loose connection between the capital with places business.

    4. Principles of Education

      • Ecotourism activities will also contribute education for tourists about the protection of nature and local culture that will be shown as a tourist attraction.

    5. The development and implementation of site plans and location management framework ecotourism (the principle of conservation and tourism).

      • In planning the ecotourism area, carrying capacity (carrying capacity) need to be considered before perkembanganya ecotourism negative impact on nature and local culture.


    This study used descriptive qualitative research method, with the assistance of quantitative analysis, because this research is a field of research that identifies the condition of the development of a concept of tourism on society. Analysis technique used is SWOT analysis with the acquisition of data from the survey, questionnaire and interview.


    The object that will be taken for this study is Kampung Jambangan Surabaya. Kampung Jambangan located in southern Surabaya, precisely in the District Jambangan. The selection of this object based on a range of considerations, including:

    1. Kampung Jambangan is located in the outskirts of the city of Surabaya, precisely bordering between South Surabaya and Sidoarjo.

    2. Kampung Jambangan has developed with an indication of people's participation in it. It can be seen from the accomplishments achieved by Kampung Jambangan of various programs run by the government or private.

    3. The existence of environmental issues that arise as well as indications of elements of sustainable tourism is growing in this kampung. It is based on the observations made at Kampung Jambangan, such as:

      • The number of visits comparative study of domestic and foreign.

      • The growth of several Home Based Enterprise in Kampung Jambangan, which should support the sustainable tourism in the region

    4. Kampung Jambangan offer differentiation elements by offering the educational tourism of the environmental programs that exist in the kampung. However, until now, the educational tourism is still less attractive to public. This is unfortunate given that this kampung still has a lot of potential that can be developed regarding tourism and has excellent prospects to be developed into a environment and craft tourism village

      Fig. 2. The location of Study and Its Boundary Source: Google Maps, 2015

      Geographically, Kampung Jambangan located in the southern part of the city of Surabaya. Kampung Jambangan located at an altitude of ± 7 meters above sea level, with an overall area of 77.764 m2 is composed of 7 RW and 29 RT.

      Fig. 3. Land use of Jambangan Sub-district Source: Detail Spatial Plan of Surabaya 2010-2030

      The condition of Kampung Jambangan settlements is quite good. Mostly, the houses is a permanent type with brick wall material, roof tile, and ceramic floor coverings. The environmental conditions also good. This can be seen from the greening policy set by village officials to plant at least 3 types of plants in each house, and placing it along the front of the building. This is due to lack of land for afforestation in Kampung Jambangan.

      Fig. 4. Existing conditions of Kampung Jambangan Source: private documentation, 2014

      Infrastructure conditions also look good enough, with 5-6 meter wide main road (asphalt & paving), as well as the alley streets with a width of 2-3 meters (paving). Availability of electricity and clean water in this kampung has also been adequate. The power source is obtained from the PLN, while the clean water obtained from PDAM. Additionally, Kampung Jambangan also own some facilities of potable water supplied by the Government.

      Fig. 5. Infrastructure conditions of Kampung Jambangan Source: private documentation, 2014


    In this section, SWOT analysis is used to identify and analyze internal strategic factors within the framework of Strength and Weakness and external strategic factors within the framework of Opportunity and Threat to define alternative strategies and determining the choice of community-based ecotourism development strategies in Kampung Jambangan. Each factors has been questioned in quisioner for the residents of Kampung Jambangan. It calculated with Likert Scale of 1-5 which shows that 5 for the highest rating and 1 for the lowest rating. From 50 respondents who has been involved, the average rating can be calculated and categorized as if its a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat. The result can be seen in table 1


    Internal Factor





    Solid waste management program




    Liquid waste management program




    Recycling program








    Amount of places of worship




    Places of worship conditions




    Hotel/motel conditions




    Amount of restaurant




    Restaurant conditions




    Frequency of community





    Greening availability in every





    The role of government in the

    development of the kampung




    Private sector role in the

    development of the village




    The influence of tourism on the

    social environment




    The influence of tourism on

    environmental sustainability




    Contribution to public awareness






    Breeding program / Plants





    Fishing pond facilities




    Public transportation conditions




    Supporting tourism facilities




    Amount of Hotel/Motel




    Community involvement in

    environmental education




    Community involvement in

    tourism education




    Needs of green open space / park




    The role of media in kampung





    The influence of tourism on the

    local economy




    The growth of the recycling





    The growth of the shoes industries




    The growth of the industries of

    food and beverage products




    Workshop facilities conditions














    From the analysis in Table1, Strength factor has a total score of 2.06 while Weakness factors has a total score of 0.96. As in IFAS, then the external strategic factors EFAS also be identified that the results are listed in Table 2.



    External factors





    Government policies about tourism development in Kampung Jambangan





    Government policies to create

    a good image of the region




    The development planning of sub-terminal transport system (base public transportation) and the construction of bus

    stops along the main road.




    Road widening and improvement of function in Ketintang-Karah-Jambangan-

    Pagesangan street.




    The willingness of the community to develop the

    country with community based ecotourism approach




    The location is close to the area of religious tourism Al- Akbar, Karah agribusiness, and tourism Surabaya Zoo




    Environmental program competition organized by the government and private (each year)






    The enthusiasm and the quality of human resources as a facilitator in Jambangan




    Maintenance process of sewage treatment equipment requires greater funds




    Needs for science readiness to always bring forth creative ideas




    Time constraints of most citizens to carry out social activities









    Analysis Table 2 shows that for Opportunity factors value score is 3:28 and Threat factors 0:34. Furthermore, the total score of each factor can be specified, Strength: 2:06, Weakness: 0.96, Opportunity: 3:28 and Threat 0:34. It is

    known that values above Strength and Weakness is (+) 1.1 increment and the value of Opportunity under Threat value increment (+) 2.94. From the results of the identification of these factors, it can be illustrated in SWOT diagram.

    Fig. 6. Diagram Cartesius of SWOT Analysis Source: author, 2015

    Of the total value of each factor other than depicted in the SWOT diagram also described in the SWOT matrix formulation, can be seen in Table 3.







    SO Strategy :

    WO Strategy:

    = 2.06 + 3.28

    = 0.96 + 3.28

    = 5.34

    = 4.24


    ST Strategy:

    WT Strategy:

    = 2.06 + 0.34

    = 0.96 + 0.34

    = 2.4


    From IFAS and EFAS matrix analysis in Table x and x, it also prepared SWOT matrix to analyze the formulation of alternative strategies SO, WO, ST and WT are the result of the analysis as shown in Table x

    SO Strategies:

      • Develop a tourism routes that integrate with one another modes of transport and an appropriate tourism type.

      • Develop tourism zone, by grouping types of tourist activities and other similar businesses.

      • Provide some supporting facilities at each intersection zone travel.

      • Planning optimalization of Jambangan Kebonagung street as the main access to Kampung Jambangan and exit as well.

      • Utilizing the main access point as a center core zone of tourist and commercial

      • Develop tourism costs to improve the local economy

      • Supervision by the relevant government agencies

      • Optimizing the implementation and maintenance of sewage treatment and waterwaste program

      • Use some part of the land belonging to the municipality for parking area tours and souvenir shopping center

      • Creating an attractive urban farming area

      • The existence of regulations set by the local community and government to build facilities

      • Develop some transits area and sub-terminal according to government policy.

        WO Strategies:

      • Optimizing plants rehabilitation program and fishing pond as one of the ecotourism activities.

      • According to goverments policies about transport systems (sub public transportation terminals and bus stops), public transportation leading to Kampung Jambangan can be coupled with the attention about quality for the convenience of visitors

      • Widening and improvement of road functions, can encourage developers to invest in particular for accommodation facilities.

      • Conduct some tourism and environmental training within the neighborhood competition program that held every year, so that not only the cadres who have the knowledge.

      • Add Kampung Tourism as one kind of tourism activities in Surabaya Tourism Map, especially for featured kampung as a reward

      • Increase the promotion of creative industries with their branding and provide gallery / showroom

        ST Strategies:

      • Creating a community that has a good organizational structure for tourism, especially for housewives.

      • Providing rewards for community efforts, such as the provision of facilities, and costs for facilitators

      • Involving the environment cadres of Kampung Jambangan in the formulation of development ideas by local government and the international community.

        WT Strategies:

      • Creating regulations for visitors and the residents to develop Kampung Jambangan as a environment tourism object in order to be able to coordinate well in any tourism activities undertaken.

      • Hold the regeneration of the environment cadres regularly to foster any dwelling house and give responsibility to each member to perform some contribution into Kampung Jambangan tourism.

    Based on SWOT analysis that has been done above, it can be seen that the strategy should be applied in this condition is a strategy that supportsthe policy of aggressive growth (growth-oriented strategy). The development of tourism aspect in Kampung Jambangan should be more emphasis on the strength factor in an integrated manner, which is expected to take advantage of opportunities that may arise (Strength- Opportuniy Strategy)


Based on the analysis that has been done, then the strategy can be constructed in kampung Jambangan are as follows (SO Strategies):

  1. The concept of network / linkage between tourism destinations

    Types of tours offered are divided into two types, namely one day travel excursion and long-term travel that takes over one day. These excursions travel more potential to combine several types of tourist activities that are around Kampung Jambangan, which consists of religious Al-Akbar Mosque, Kampung Jambangan, Agrotourism STA Karah, Honey Scout Shopping Centre, and Jangkar Tourism Park Recreation. Travel over the long-term emphasis on education activities with the proposed route of Kampung Jambangan and Rolak Outbound.

    Fig. 7. Alternative tourism route based on linkage/tourism network Source: author, 2015

  2. The Zoning concept of Kampung Jambangan Surabaya and the placement of facilities for Tourism

    Zoning of Kampung Jambagan consists of three parts, there are the tourism zones for environmental education, creative industry zones and residential zones. Residential zone is more like a private zone because it is consist of housing built by developers so that kinship systems is still very low.

    Using one of the corridors to be used as the main access point as a center for tourism activities and central of commercial zone. It is intended to allow tourism routes in Kampung Jambangan can remain neat and well organized.

    Tourism supporting facilities also need to be provided to facilitate the tourists to make a visit. These facilities may include signage and travel gate.

    Fig. 8. Zoning Concept and Tourism Facilities in Kampung Jambangan Source: author, 2015

  3. Enhancement Concept of Participation, Knowledge, and Skills for the residents

    The provision of tourism costs is intended to maintain public enthusiasm in managing tourism in Kampung Jambangan. The calculation of travel costs can be negotiated along with the tour operators that are concerned, so that people of Kampung Jambangan can also take advantage of the tourism activities in Kampung Jambangan. Withdrawal of tourism cost can be done at the beginning of tourism activities.

    Besides that, active community participation should be coupled with the ability of people to understand the process of tourism and also improve people's skills to be actively involved in the creative industries that developed in the kampung.

    Due to the development in question is a community- based ecotourism, it is necessary to guidance from the relevant government agencies to provide guidance for the Kampung Jambangan residents in the process of managing ecotourism. In this case, the relevant government agency is the Department of Tourism and Culture and Department of Landscaping and Sanitation.

  4. Make an environment educational tourism concept as well as develop and provide marketing tools for the creative industry.

    Sewage treatment and waterwaste program is a flagship environmental program offered by this kampung.. Optimization program can be done by providing direct practical knowledge of composting, and water waste treatment. Compost that has been generated can also be sold or used by the residents itself in making urban farming.

    In the north, precisely in front of SMPN 21 Surabaya, there are land assets owned by the Government with an area of ± 11,000 m2. In the detailed spatial plan cities UP. Achmad Yani 2010-2030, the land will be used as the area of trade and services. Before controlled by private parties, it is better if the land used as a parking area and souvenir markets Kampung Jambangan. It lies on the main road makes it easy for visitors to reach them


    Fig. 9. Land use plannning Source: author, 2015

    The concept of urban farming can be packaged in a way that is neat and attractive so that tourists can be attracted to perform these activities.

  5. The concept of addition / optimization of facilities and infrastructure facilities

    Community-based ecotourism has the principle of conservation where the facilities to be constructed in accordance with existing regulations and does not damage the local ecosystem.

  6. The concept of 'gates' that build the image area of Surabaya

Utilizing the development direction by the Government about transportation systems as well as possible to use in order to facilitate the mobility of visitors.

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