Survey for Stuck At Fault Modelling of Digital Circuits At Register Transfer Logic (RTL)

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS10133

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Survey for Stuck At Fault Modelling of Digital Circuits At Register Transfer Logic (RTL)

Ms. Naina A. Udge

Dr. S. A. Ladhake

Prof. P. D. Gawande

Assistant Professor



Faculty of Electr.&Telecom. Sipna COET Amravati (M.H.)


Faculty of Electr.&Telecom. SipnaCOET,Amravati(M.H.)


This research aims to testing of digital circuits. By using fault models at the lower levels, testing becomes cumbersome and will lead to delays in the design cycle. Thus there is a need to look for a new approach of testing the circuits at higher levels to speed up the design cycle. Different methods are implemented to detect the faults such as stuck-at faults in RTL circuits. A digital circuit usually comprises a controller and datapath. The time spent for determining a valid controller behavior to detect a fault usually dominates test generation time. A validation test set is used to verify controller behavior and, hence, it activates various controller behaviors. In this paper, different methods are presentedfor detecting faults in the datapath thus, resulting in the detection of a majority of stuck-at faults in the datapath RTL modules.

Keywords-stuck-at faults; fault coverage;datastructure;validation test sets

  1. Introduction

    There are following faults in the chip namely Single stuck-at faults;Transistor open and short faults;Memoryfaults;PLA faults (stuck-at, cross- point, bridging);Functional faults (processors);Delay faults (transition, path);Analog faults.Three properties define a single stuck-at fault :

    1. Only one line is faulty

    2. The faulty line is permanently set to 0 or 1

    3. The fault can be at an input or output of a gate.

      Advances in semiconductor and electronic design automation technology have increased the size and complexity of VLSI circuits. Various invasive [design for testability (DFT)] and noninvasive [software-based self-test (SBST), built-in self-test

      (BIST)] strategies have been suggested to reduce test generation time and improve fault coverage. While the invasive techniques tend to alter the characteristics of the design in terms of area and timing, the noninvasive techniques suffer from low fault coverages and/or large test application times. Validation/functional testing methods start with a functional description of the circuit and make sure that the circuits operation corresponds to its description. various methods are geared towards extensive validation of the controller behavior of a given circuit under test.

  2. Related Work

Various methods are implemented to detect the stuck- at fault in digital circuits.

  1. Adding Buffer to each ports of RTL Circuits. The very first method is adding buffer to each ports of RTL circuits to create a new faulty circuit[7].

    1. Firstly test bench is developed and the simulation is first run on a good circuit and then on each of the faulty circuits using any simulator.

    2. The outputs obtained in each case of the faulty circuits are compared with the output of the good circuit to determine which faults are detected. That is the new faulty circuit and the fault free circuit is simulated and the outputs so obtained are compared. The fault list is tabulated.

    3. The ratio of the numbers of RTL faults detected to the total number of RTL faults gives the RTL fault coverage.

      In this work Verilog Hardware Description Language is used for writing the RTL models. The basic assumption is that the components are fault free and

      only their interconnections are affected. These map to the operators and variables in the RTL descriptions respectively. Gate level primitives can be instantiated in a model using gate instantiation as these are supported for synthesis. These primitive gates describe the hardware. Therefore synthesizing a gate primitive generates logic based on the gate behavior which eventually gets mapped to the target technology .Based on this the single stuck-at fault is modeled.The assumption is also that at most one fault occurs at a time in the circuit.The most common model used for logical fault is the single stuck-at fault (SSF). In this a fault in a logic gate gives a favourable outcome in one of its inputs or the output being fixed to either a logic 0(stuck-at-0) or a logic 1(stuck-at-1).

      Table 1.RTL Versus Gate-Level Fault Coverage

  2. Using Validation Test Sets.

    Next method is that in which validation test sets are used to generate test sequences that detect a majority of stuck-at faults in the datapath[1].

    1. The scheme rst derives the controller behaviors from validation test sequences and reuses them for simplifying justication/propagation analysis corresponding to precomputedtest vectors/responses of datapath RTL modules.

    2. A heuristic is used to identify controller behaviors that are compatible with a given set of precomputed test vectors/responses. It requires only a single pass through the CDFG corresponding to a validation test sequence and is accu- rate, resulting in a small number of test generation runs.

    3. Test generation is performed at the RTL and the controller behavior is prespecied,which results in very small ltest generationtimes.First step is

      identification of compatible controller behaviors consisting of Augmented Fault Simulation to Derive Activation- Detection Time Frame Pair and Analysis of Requirements to Identify Compatible Faults. Next step is SAT- based RTL ATPG is used to obtain a test sequence that reuses the controller behavior to justify and propagate the precomputed test vector and response to primary inputs and outputs, respectively.

      SAT- based RTL ATPG uses an ILA model of the circuit under test.The circuit is unrolled for a predetermined number of cycles determined by the number of vectors in the validation test sequence from which the controller behavior is extracted. Test generation is performed on the entire circuit description comprising the controller and datapath by rst identifying the paths from the inputs of the module under test to primary inputs and from the output of the module under test to primary outputs in the ILA model. These paths are then translated into Boolean clauses by translating the functionality of the individual modules in these paths. Once the Boolean clauses that capture the RTL test generation problem and the controller behavior are generated, a SAT solver is invoked to resolve these clauses. If the solver returns with a satisable solution, then a test sequence can be extracted from the Boolean variable assignments corresponding to the primary inputs. This sequence is guaranteed to deliver the precomputed test vector to the inputs of the corresponding RTL module and propagate the fault effect from the output of the module to a primary output. If the Boolean clauses are not satisable, then test generation fails, indicating that the targeted precomputed test vector/response cannot be justied/propagated by reusing the controller behavior that was found to be compatible by using the heuristic.

      Table 2. Reduction In Number Of Test Generation RunsDue To TheProposedHeuristic

  3. Implementation of Automatic Test Paterrn Generation.

    Next method for detection of stuck-at fault consisting of an algorithm for generating test patterns automaticlly from functional register-transfer level (RTL) circuits that target detection of stuck-at faults in the circuit at the logic level.

    1. In order to do this, a data structure named assignment decision diagram are used[5]. The algorithm is very versatile and can tackle almost any type of single- clock design, although performance varies according to the design style. The first step is to convert each process and concurrent RTL statements in each leaf component of the circuit into ADDs.

    2. After that, each ADD is selected and its I nternals targeted for testing. First the arithmetic operations are targeted, then logic arrays, then untagged registers, latches, and memories, then untagged ADNs, and finally random logic blocks and black boxes.

      During testing of each RTL element, a nine-valued symbolic RTL justification and propagation is done to trace outpaths from the PIs to the element inputs and element outputs to POs to obtain a symbolic test environment for the module. The search is a branch and bound type of search with backtracking and has a backtrack limit and search time limit that may be adjusted. It requires hierarchy traversal in case of a hierarchical design. The transformations across operations are based on the nine-valued RTL algebra and placed in a look-up table. If a search fails to obtain a test environment, then some heuristics are used to increase the coverage. Once the test environment is found, a precomputed test set is used (only for arithmetic operations) from a test set library to get a system-level test set for the RTL element. All system-level test sets for all RTL elements are concatenated together to get the complete RTL circuit test set

      Table 3.Test Generation Results

    3. Conclusions

      It isobservedthat the RTL FaultCoverageobtained by the very first faultmodelingmethodology has a close match to the Gate-levelFaultCoverage for the tested digital circuits.A novel approach is presented for using a validationtest set to generate test sequences that have good stuck-atfault coverage for datapath RTL modules. The scheme first derivesthe controller behaviors from validation test sequences andreuses them for simplifying justification/propagation analysiscorresponding to precomputed test vectors/responses of datapathRTL modules. A heuristic is used to identify controller behaviors that are compatible with a given set of precomputedtest vectors/responses. It requires only a single pass through the CDFG corresponding to a validation test sequence and is accurate,resulting in a small number of test generation runs. Testgeneration is performed at the RTL and the controller behavioris prespecified, which results in very small test generation times.

      A versatileRTL-ATPG algorithm is presented that can generate test vectors for almostany type of single-clock functional RTL design. The algorithmuses a data structure called ADD that helps it to tackle controland data flow in an unified fashion and a nine-valued algebrathat helps it to do justification and propagation at the RTL. Thealgorithm degenerates to an inefficient logic-level ATPG algorithmif it is fed a Boolean network. The performance of the algorithm degenerates as thecircuit description becomes more and more logic type. Currentefforts are to map effective logic-level ATPG heuristics into thealgorithm so that the performance is comparable to logic-levelATPG even for logic type designs.

      Finally analysing each and every methods which are mentioned above on the basis of fault coverage percentage, a suitable method will be implemented to improve the fault coverage of stuck-at fault to greater extend.


      This Reasearch is done under the guidance of Dr.

      S.A. Ladhake, Principle,Sipna COET Amravati (M.H.) and Prof.P.D.Gawande, Associate Professor, Department Of Electronics and Telecommunication, Sipna COET Amravati (M.H.)


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