Test Suite Minimization using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms: Review

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS061242

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Test Suite Minimization using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms: Review

Renu Rajvir Singh

M.Tech in Computer Science & Engg., DCRUST, Murthal, Sonepat

Assistant Prof. in Computer Science & Engg. Dept., DCRUST, Murthal, Sonepat

(A State Govt. University), (India) (A State Govt. University), (India)

Abstract – Multi-objective test suite minimization problem is to select a set of test cases from the available test suite while optimizing the multi objectives like code coverage, cost and fault history.[1] Regression Test suite optimization is an effective technique to reduce time and cost of testing. Many researchers have used computational intelligence techniques to enhance the effectiveness of test suite. These approaches optimize test suite for a single objective. Introduction of nature inspired algorithms like GA, PSO and BFO may be used to optimize test suite for multi-objective selection criteria. Main focus of our approach is to find a test suite that is optimal for multi-objective regression testing.[2]

Keywords Regression testing, Test suite minimization, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm.


As any software system is developed changes are made to the software. Changes are done to introduce new features and functionalities. So after upgradation it is necessary to test the software to make sure that the system is working as intended. Hence, during regression testing the new test cases along with the old ones are executed to certify the functionality of the software. So, it becomes a tough task to carry out regression testing as size of test suite grows.[1]

In order to assist the software engineer in regression testing, test suite minimization techniques can be used

Test Suite Minimization Approach: Initially, a test suite T is given with all the possible test cases to test the software completely. Then use some algorithm to reduce T to get the test suite reduction T '.

T ' is not redundant, meaning that if any of the test cases is removed from T ' , the rest of the test case does not meet all the requirements.[3]

Test suite can be optimized based on fault detection, execution time and coverage given in eqn. (1),

() (1) Where ET= Execution Time, Cov = Path Coverage, FD=

Fault detection, S= Test Suite Size.[2]

The NP-completeness nature of test suite minimization problem inspired many researchers to experiment with different heuristics for its solution.

In recent years, biological intelligent heuristic optimization algorithms have become one of the mainstream methods to solve the non-linear, non- differential, multi-peak and complex problems. Many different bionic algorithms have been introduced by scholars from different countries, inspired from the foraging behaviors in the nature creature. Dorigo M et al. proposed the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [4] in 1991; Eberhart and Kennedy proposed the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [5] in 1995; Passino et al proposed the Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) [6] in 2002. Because of the advantages of parallel searching, jumping out of local minimum easily and so on, BFO is becoming a hot spot of bionic algorithm. Since the researching work of this algorithm in China is at the beginning stage and the randomness of bacterial chemotaxis in the algorithm, it leads to the slow chemotaxis speed and inefficient. So that, combining some common mechanisms

and principles of intelligent bionic algorithm with the differences in the internal operation mechanism becomes a natural way to optimize the algorithm.[7] The optimization algorithms are explained below :

  1. Genetic Algorithm

    Genetic Algorithms are population-based general purpose algorithms used to find accurate or estimated solutions to optimization and search problem.

    They are stochastic search techniques based on the phenomenon of natural selection and genetics.GA begins with an initial population which is a random set of solutions. Each individual solution in the population is called a Chromosome. A chromosome can be a binary digit or any other data structure. The chromosomes evolve through successive iterations, called generations. During each generation, the chromosomes are evaluated, using some measure of fitness.

    Selection, Crossover and Mutation are three basic operators responsible for GA and these are described below:

    1. Selection : A new generation is formed by selecting those chromosomes that satisfy the fitness value criteria. Suitable chromosomes with higher probability are selected. Some parents and offsprings are retained while others are rejected so as to keep the population size constant. After

      several generations the algorithm converge to optimal or near optimal solution.

    2. Crossover : the exchange of parents information produces an offspring, as shown in figrure 1.

      Fig 1: Crossover operation.[14]

    3. Mutation : Randomly change one or more digits in

      when dealing with some complex and multimodal functions.

      j j

      PSO involves a number of particles, which are initialized randomly in the space of the design variables. These particles fly through the search space and their positions are updated based on the best positions of individual particles and the best position among all particles in the search space which in truss sizing problems corresponds to a particle with the smallest weight[5]. In PSO, a swarm consists of N particles moving around in a D-dimensional search space. The position of the jth particle at the kth iteration is used to evaluate the quality of the particle and represents candidate solution(s) for the search or optimization problems. The update moves a particle by adding a change velocity Vk+1 to the current position Xk as


      Vk+1 = wVk + c1 × rk Pk Xk + c2 × rk (Pk Xk )

      the string representing an individual.

      j j 1j j j

      2j g



      Xk+1 = Xk + Vk (3)

      j j j

      where w is an inertia weight to control the influence of

      the previous velocity; rk and rk are random numbers

      1j 2j



      uniformly distributed in the range of (0,1); c1 and c2 are two acceleration constants called cognitive and social parameter, respectively; Pk is the best position of the jth particle up to iteration k; Pk is the best position among all particles in the swarm up to iteration k. In order to increase PSOs exploration ability, the inertia weight is now

      modified during the optimization process with the following equation:

      +1 = × × (4)

      where is the damping ratio which is a constant number in the interval (0,1); and rand is a uniformly distributed random number in the range of (0,1).[18]

      Fig 2: Genetic Algorithm Flow-Chart.[15]

  2. Particle Swarm Optimization

    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population- based meta-heuristic algorithm developed from the simulation of social models of bird flocking, fish schooling, and swarming able to find best possible solution(s) to the non-linear numeric problems. PSO was first introduced in 1995 by Eberhart and Kennedy. However, PSO can easily be trapped in local optimal point

    Unlike GA there are no selection, crossover and variation operation in PSO. So its algorithm is very simple and has a high execution speed.

    However if some particle finds a present optimal point then other particle will be closed to it rapidly. Hence the diversity of whole swarm and its global searching ability will be weakened obviousl. [17]

  3. Ant Colony Optimization

    Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) algorithm was proposed by Marico Dorigo in 2005.[8] ACO is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be used for searching shortest paths.[9]

    ACO deals with two important processes, namely: Pheromone deposition and trail pheromone evaporation. Pheromone deposition is the phenomenon of ants adding the pheromone on all paths they follow. Pheromone trail evaporation means decreasing the amount of pheromone deposited on every path with respect to time. Updating the trail is performed when ants either complete their search or get the shortest path to reach the food source.[16]

    Basic Principle of the algorithm is that Ants always find a shortest path between the nest to food source, which mainly depends on a hormone-pheromones. The shorter path contains more pheromone, the probability of choosing that path by ants is greater and finally ants colony will find a shortest path.[3]

    ACO technique has been already used in solving various combinatorial problem such as knapsack problem, travelling salesman problem, distributed network, telecommunication network, vehicle routing, test data generation.[9]

    Though ACO is next generation technique for optimization problems but it is not providing good solutions of problems like multiple objectives optimization, Dynamic Optimization Problems, the Stochastic Optimization Problems, continuous optimization and Parallel Implementations of the constraints.[10]

    Most ant colony optimization algorithms use this algorithm demonstrated below :[11]

    Initiation of the parameters which determines the pheromone trail.

    While (until result conditions supplied) do

    Generate Solutions Apply Local Search Update Pheromone Trail End

  4. BFO Algorithm

    Bacteria Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA), given by Passino in 2002 , belongs to nature-inspired optimization algorithms. Main idea behind the algorithm is group foraging strategy of E.Coli. bacteria in order to maximize energy obtained per unit time. Communication also occurs between individual bacterium to improve the

    searching strategy. This algorithm consists of four prime steps[13] :

    1. Chemotaxis: Here, swimming and tumbling are the two prime ways which define the manner in which bacteria search for food. Swimming means moving in a pre-specified direction. Tumbling means moving in a completely new direction. Mathematically, tumble of any bacterium can be given by multiplication of (j) and C(i),where (j) is unit length in random direction and C(i) is step length. In case of swimming, C(i) is constant.

    2. Swarming: For the algorithm to converge at the optimal solution, it is required that the optimum bacteria attract other bacteria so that together they converge at the solution point quickly. To achieve this, a penalty function is added to the original cost function on the basis of relative distances of each bacterium from the fittest one. Penalty function becomes zero when all the bacteria have reached to the solution point.

    3. Reproduction: Here, the fittest bacteria are divided into two groups. The weaker set of bacteria are replaced by other more fit set of bacteria. This keeps the population of bacteria constant throughout the evolution process.

    4. Elimination and Dispersal: Because of changes in environment some bacteria may be killed or may be dispersed to a new place. In BFOA, this phenomenon is simulated by liquidating some bacteria and initialing new replacements randomly in the search space. It helps in reducing the probability of being trapped in pre-mature solution point.[12]

Table 1 : Existing Approaches to optimize Regression Test Suite.[2]


Algorithm used




Krishnamoorthi et al

Genetic Algorithm

Maximized code coverage.

Time constrained execution environment.


Nachiyappan et al

Genetic Algorithm

To find a test suite with minimum test size.

To find test cases that have maximum coverage.


Suri et al

Ant Colony Optimization

Test suites covering the paths with minimum

time were selected for final testing

Time constrained regression testing.


Subramanian et al

Mutant gene algorithm

To find test suite with greater fitness based on

mutation score.

Branch-type coverage measures are chosen as the test adequacy criteria.Path-coverage

can also be considered.


Kaur et al

Hybrid algorithm of Particle swarm optimization and mutation

To find a test suite that finds maximum faults in minimum time.

The HPSO depends on randomly generating a mutant that makes the

execution time quite long.


Kaur et al

Genetic Algorithm

To optimize test cases that cover all independent paths with minimum number of test cases.

Time constrained regression testing.


Kaur et al

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with cross over

Test cases that cover the entire path or find all faults are selected

as global best.

Time constrained regression testing.


Kaur et al

Genetic Algorithm

Test suite optimization in Minimum time.

To find test cases that have maximum coverage.


Kaur et al

Bee Colony Optimization

The primary objective is to uncover all faults and time minimization is second objective.

Requires manual interface for the input test suite data making the technique restricted to small sized test suite.


Sehrawat et al

Neuro Genetic Algorithm

Whole Path Coverage.

Time constrained regression testing.


Suri et al

Bee Colony Optimization + Genetic Algorithm

Primary Objective is finding all faults. Secondary is time minimization.

Approach is not repeatable


Vivekanandan et al

Ant Colony Optimization

To find the faults

Time constrained


earlier or

regression testing.

in minimum time


Maia et al

Weighted sum approach

Select optimal test

Will not be



successfulto find an

aggregate weightage of

each test.

Suri et al

Swarm optimization and GA hybrid approach.

Reduction in Test- Suite.

The technique can provide different results in each run.


Ming Chn et al[17]

PSO combined with

To mitigate the slow

Results are not


mutative scale chaos

convergence and



local optimum points

in Standard PSO



I wish to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Rajvir Singh, Assistant Professor & Head, Computer Science & engineering department, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology for providing his uncanny guidance and support throughout the paper.


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Renu is pursuing M.Tech in the area of Software Testing at Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology (DCRUST) (A State Govt. University), Murthal: 131039 (India).

Rajvir Singh is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science & Engineering Department , Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology (DCRUST) (A State Govt. University), Murthal: 131039 (India) since 5th Feb., 2010 to till date. Before joining DCRUST he has

served in Delhi College of Engineering / Delhi Technological University, Delhi: 110042 (India) from 19th July, 2007 to 5th Feb., 2010 as Contractual Lecturer (Computer Engineering). He has completed his B.E.(CSE) degree in 2003 from MDU, Rohtak, Haryana:124001(India) and M.Tech. in Computer Engineering in 2007 from YMCA Institute of Engineering / YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad, Haryana, India. He is pursuing Ph.D.(CSE)(Part-Time) from DCRUST, Murthal:131039(India). He has qualified various national level tests like GATE-2003, UGC-NET- 2009(June), UGC-NET-2012(June), Research Aptitude Test (RAT)-2010 conducted by Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025(India). His areas of interest are Software Testing, Software Engineering, Data Base Management Systems, Computer Graphics, Theory of Automata Computation and Artificial Intelligence.

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