- Open Access
- Authors : Dr.Nopagon Usahanunth
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS040493
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 04 (April 2020)
- Published (First Online): 27-04-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The Application of MBTI to Develop A Learning Program: A Case Study for the Personality Type of the Occupational Health and Safety Students
Dr .Nopagon Usahanunth OHS&E Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health, Western University, Karnchanaburi, Thailand.
Abstract The application of The MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to develop a learning program as a case study of the personality test for Occupational Health and Safety students to establish a learning program for Occupational Health and Safety professional work. The study results found that personality types of Occupational Health and Safety students shown that the highest models were ISFJ (Introverts, Sensing, Feeling, and Judgment) at 22 % and ISFP (Introverts, Sensing, Feeling, and Perception) at 16 % respectively. These personality types reflect the work of Occupational Health and Safety students in future careers, including responsibility for duty and the importance of attitudes to follow the Occupational Health and Safety law or regulation. The principal learning programs needed to develop their potential are efficient communication, Leadership, and Occupational Health and Safety management.
Keywords MBTI, Personality, OHS professional requirements
In Thailand, The Occupational Health and Safety students who study in the university under the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare list (OHS students) after graduate will automatically become professional Occupational Health and Safety (OHS officers). Their general duty is to look after all safety and health of workers in the workplace. Accordingly, to maintain the health of all workers equally in various establishments, including evaluating the work environment to be a safe place always to achieve the highest working efficiency that shall not hurt or affect the physical and mental health of other workers as well.
OHS officers who succeed in his career shall demonstrate perseverance and love for the profession that is particularly incumbent in skills, technical knowledge, ethics upheld. As well as interpersonal communication with individuals and other entities. The personality study of Occupational Health and Safety students (OHS students) to aware of themselves for future professional development to meet their future careers. This study can utilize guidance for planning to comply with professional requirements. The OHS officers work under Thai OHS regulation [1] and conduct workers in safe operation. The studying tools were developed from the previous studying the engineer's personality test.[2],[3],[4]
This paper aims to survey the trend of personalities of OHS students and to know the MBTI personality model in the practice of Occupational Health and Safety professional for
the future development of their competency to meet the OHS of expert recommendations.
Jung developed a new condensed form (Short Version Survey) questionnaire of 32 questions and using multiple choice answers 5 Options and attitude in practice. [5], [6] Allpor (1960) described that personality is management and gathering. Individual and physical elements, which is a unique identification and pattern in the adaptation to the environment Hilgard and Atkinson (1979), declared that a personality is a different form of action, including ways of thinking, will be responsible for defining guidelines for personal adaptation to the environment.
MBTI personality model (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a measure used to classify and describe the personality traits of individuals. Created and developed by Isabel Briggs Myers (1896-1980) and Katharine Cook Briggs (1875-1968)
Carl G. Jung's classification mentioned in the theories of personality type is 8: 1) a global dimension. With a focus on the world outside their own. (Extraverts-E) 2) dimension of looking at the world with a focus on the inner self. (Introverts-I) 3) dimensional perception. Directly from the senses (Sensing-S) 4) recognition that forecasts the future. Or from experience (Intuition-N) 5) dimension of the decision. The main rationale (Thinking-T) 6) The decision by the feeling (Feeling-F) 7) dimension of life. A pattern rule (Judgment-J) 7) lifestyle. Flexibly adapted to the situation. (Perception-P) would be a mix of personality in a different dimension to the personality types, 16 models (16 Type), which is the difference of the attitudes, perceptions, decisions, and way of life is ISTJ. / ISTP / ESTP / ESTJ / ISFJ / ISFP / ESFP / ESFJ / INFJ / INFP / ENFP / ENFJ / INTJ / INTP / ENTP / ENTJ. [7],[8],[9],[10]
The research methodology applied for this paper is a quantitative method with the following scopes.
To understand the trend of personalities of OHS students during studying at university.
To know the tentative requirements of students for a future learning program to meet the OHS professional characteristics.
Sampling Method
The total number of samples equal to 50 students who are studying in the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
field with the limitation of time and some specific constraints.
Data Collection
The questionnaire of 32 questions collected the data and using multiple choice answers 5 Options and attitude in practice the same format using in the previous project.[2]
All data presented in the Descriptive statistics format.
From data collection and analysis in this survey can be described as shown in Table 1, Fig.1, and Fig.2.
Table 1. Personality test classification types of OHS students
Fig. 1. Personality Frequency/Percentage by Types of OHS students
Fig. 2. Percentage of each Personality Types of OHS students
From the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) professional recommendations, the required skills [11] can be compared with the majors' personality types, as presented in Table 2.
Table 2. The OHS professional requirements compare to the major personality types of OHS students.
Required skills of the excellent OHS professional
Excellent OHS professional [11]
Interpersonal skills
Communications skills
Get your priorities right Recognise safety
Broad thinking
Remember the Pareto Principle
A commitment to a continuous improvement philosophy
Change management
OHS technical skills
Well developed auditing
OHS Project management
Learning Avoid the lecture
Team-building skills
Well developed bull-dust detector
Area need to be developed
There is no ENTJ and ESTP personality type from the surveying of OH&S students.
The Personality types of OH&S students, the possible significant types are ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, INFP, and ESFJ. Other models are not significantly figuring.
The following significant recommendations for OH&S students who are ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, INFP. They need the learning program to develop themselves to meet OHS professional requirements in Efficient communication, Leadership, and OHS-Management. However, the ESFJ personality type needs to improve in OHS-Technical and planning.
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Act B.E. 2554, from http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/law/law2/%a4114/%a4114 -20- 2554-a0001.pdf
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