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- Total Downloads : 7
- Authors : Sachin S. Kallurkar, Vishnu Y Sonawane
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV5IS01036
- Volume & Issue : ICIATE – 2017 (Volume 5 – Issue 01)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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The Potentials to reach goal of Make in India, in Global perspective, Entrepreneurial Competency Development
Sachin S. Kallurkar Vishnu Y Sonawane
Assistant Professor, Department of Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering, Production Engineering,
And I/C Coordinator, Entrepreneurship AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune Development Cell,
AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune
Abstract- The issues are involved in the international arcade, to accept Make in India campaign as it is prospected. The article tries to brief about some of criterias which can be directed towards the goal and relative achievements of the same. Certainly as the time requires, there has to be a scientific way which can elaborate the significance of it. The paper highlights on the accepted wisdom established during a training course at Indian Institute, this summer. Mostly the facts discussed are with referral to the research opportunities and established work in the area of entrepreneurial competency. Trustworthiness and affiliation motivation observed between entrepreneurs today are the probable paths to arrive at the desired goals of startup concept. The desired growth is conceptualized as a possible combinatory of technology and Exponential curve. The author observed that earlier work, few decade before, has completely given a different perspective to current requirements. So is the discussion.
Keywords- Competency Development, Technopreneurs
World is going beyond the concept of development of third world, to now a Make in India initiative. The objective is to make zero defect to zero effect products, improving quality conscious systems in development and systems manufacturing. The major contributors are SSI and MSME sectors. The question arises, about its feasibility, in these consequences where flexibility is a major criterion for success of an enterprise in world of globalization.
Entrepreneurial competency development is not a new word, but a buzz for the entrepreneurial training. Candidates willing to start business must have three types of motivations.
Achievement Motivation can be defined as the need for success or the attainment of excellence. Individuals will satisfy their needs through different means, and are driven to succeed for varying reasons both internal and external.
Affiliation Motivation describes a person's need to feel a sense of involvement and "belonging" within a social group.
Power Motivation A person motivated by this need enjoys status recognition, winning arguments,
competition, and influencing others. With this motivational type comes a need for personal prestige, and a constant need for a better personal status.
Need theory, also known as Three Needs Theory, proposed by psychologist David McClelland, is a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context. McClelland stated that we all have these three types of motivation regardless of age, sex, race, or culture. The type of motivation by which each individual is driven derives from their life experiences and the opinions of their culture. This need theory is often taught in classes concerning management or organizational behavior.
Entrepreneurial Competency development is a method to build all these motivations together, especially achievement motivation.
According to experts, and some literature provided on this topic, in todays world, following issues are part of entrepreneurial competency. One needs to be competent in following areas in order to succeed in entrepreneurial market.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Identification of Projects
Marketing for Entrepreneurs
Types of Entrepreneurship, Joys and Challenges
Working Capital Management
Personality Trait in Entrepreneurship
Developing web for enterprise
Market Research for Enterprise Development
Creativity and Innovation in Enterprise Development
Managing People
Qualities of Entrepreneurs
Motivation by Entrepreneurial personalities
Promotion of Ventures
Importance of IPRs
Supply Chain issues
Financing options
Management of Finance/Bankers
Competency Development
Most of these topics have been a part of entrepreneurial training for decades. Perhaps some of them are new to the subject and have shown a significant contribution in management of business environments. Concepts like Supply Chain and Competency Development are very important for sustenance of business today. Also concepts of personality traits and qualities of entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas in the field as research suggests.
The booming of Information Technology has also brought up with a need to develop a self-sufficient website and development as per relevant need.
Entrepreneurs – key driving force of our economy. Entrepreneur is a person who habitually creates and innovates to build something of recognized value around perceived opportunities.
Technical entrepreneurs are a special breed. Because of their training and practical experience in technology, many of them are engineers or technologists.
The fusion of engineering, technology and business management gives rise to entrepreneurship. Thus engineering and technology are integral part of entrepreneurship.
Time highly supportive for 'Innovation and entrepreneurship'. Technology switch-over' so rapid as it is today. Industries, based on latest technology coming up.
This is the phase of creative destruction as emphasized by Schumpter(1943:83).
The technology change presents an invaluable opportunity. The role of SSI is vital in economic development of any nation.
The present status of SSI sector and its contribution in Indian economy and future challenges posed in front of this sector due to liberalization and globalization are crucial for study in order to understand the need of entrepreneurship training in todays market.
Following table depicts the results of a study conducted amongst 113 entrepreneurs in state of Maharashtra by the Author in another study. Motivating factors are listed in the table below.
Rank |
Motivating Factor |
Weighted Average |
1 |
By knowing successful stories of other entrepreneurs |
4.263158 |
2 |
By attending some course, seminar, workshops, by reading on entrepreneurship |
4.052632 |
3 |
Advice member |
of |
a |
family |
4.026312 |
4 |
Advice of the friend |
3.842105 |
5 |
Advice of the employer |
3.710526 |
6 |
Advice of the teacher |
3.263158 |
In order for entrepreneurial competency development programs to work successfully, an awareness is already created amongst entrepreneurs. Still advice of teachers will e important in order to improve the motivational conditions.
A study was conducted in order to understand underlying factors responsible for development of techno- entrepreneurship in selected SSI in Maharashtra. The outcome of the research are few important factors which contribute to success and growth of technical entrepreneurship in SSI. Achievement Motivation Training of Entrepreneurial Competency Development are based on findings of the research
The factors are discussed below
The questionnaire was prepared meant for finding the opinion of entrepreneurs. Two dimensions were to the information.
The first dimension – compilation of criteria. The criteria are presented in the following six categories
Psychological Characteristics (54 Variables)
Personal Capabilities (11 Variables)
Technical Skills (14 Variables)
Organization Support (16 Variables)
Social Aspects (7 Variables)
Other Aspects (11 Variables)
The second dimension – the level of importance assigned.
Following list gives an idea about factors for growth of entrepreneurship in SSI in India.
Positive Outlook
Opportunistic Vision
Directed Diligence
Driven by feedback
Consistent Problem Solving
Team Spirit
Assertive Stability
Excellence Through Feedback
Dynamic Leadership
Impartial Behavior
Educational Background
Managerial Skills
Planning and Execution Skills
Financial Skills
Time Management
Influential Contacts
Marketing Skills
Consultancy Supports
Technology Management
Institutional Support
Governmental Support
Social Hindrances
Techno – Economic Conditions
Supplier Relationship Management
Drive for Venturing
Protective Environment
Outcome of the said study has got practical impact. The factors being contributing to the success, are part of everyday activities for the entrepreneurs.
Some of the factors are not contributing to their actions directly. This varies from case to case. All the factors dont contribute together in each case.
There is a close resemblance between the experts recommendations on Entrepreneurial Competency Development program and the findings of the study. As per discussions with one of the faculties at IIT about findings of his research, there are some interesting findings which make results differ in different parts of India. His research suggests that there lies a Trustworthiness with the entrepreneurs whereas Authors findings are with Affiliation and Power Motivation. Technology management explains the need of time to understand the technology management concepts and implement it in practice.
Techno-economic conditions explains the combined role of technology and economy played together in success of an enterprise.
The factor tenacity supports the importance of adaptive persistence. The concept like philanthropy has been proved for the first time in this study.
Development of qualities such as risk taking attitude, positive thinking, tenacity may be emphasized in EDPs.
This could be done through present methods of AMT (Achievement Motivation Training) and also making use of some oriental practices. Develop such qualities through time tested oriental practices. A special subject on the management of SSI should be introduced.
Also for S & T entrepreneurs, technology being an asset, they should be motivated to work in laboratories for extended hours.
Working on techno-economically feasible projects for the final year degree/diploma dissertation.
Commercialization of final year project work is the best way of developing hi tech entrepreneurs with a professional approach.
Case studies of successful local/regional entrepreneurs to be documented. Entrepreneur may be invited to the class room for in depth discussions.
The students may be advised to visit entrepreneur and prepare biography. This will enable to create confidence in the mind of the student.
Special lectures/ popular lectures may be arranged to develop qualities such as self-reliance, outward looking, etc.
The technical HEI (Higher Education Institute) should start techno-managerial advisory cells for the nearby entrepreneurs.
In order to develop conducive social environment for entrepreneurship, some special TV, Radio programs can be planned.
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