The Power of Positivity

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV12IS03030

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The Power of Positivity

Assi prof(Mrs.D.Chitra),Assi prof(Mrs.K.Devadharshini), Mohansai.P, Rajasekhar.M.,,,

UG\ B.E. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Arjun College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.


The power of positive Norman Vincent Peale says there is no problem or obstacle you cant overcome with faith and a positive mind This self-help classic outlines the practical techniques of applied Christianity to help you take control of the events in your life rather than be directed by them.

Norman Vincent Peale was a Reformed minister who served as the pastor of Marble Collegiate Church in New York City from 1932-1984. He was also an influential author and public speaker, largely because of The Power of Positive Thinking's success.

Those three categories form the foundation of his system for living a rich, fulfilling life and accomplishing your goals. Well begin with Faith, as your underlying beliefs are the basis for everything you do. Next, well discuss Positive Thinking, which is about actively keeping yourself in a healthy, happy, and productive mind. Finally, well move on to specific, practical techniques that Peale suggests for putting his ideas into practice.


Positive thinking means you look for solutions and expect to find them.

In this guide, well organize Peales lessons into three categories: Faith (underlying beliefs), Positive (minds), and Practices (good habits and practical techniques). We'll also compare and contrast Peales Christianity-based ideas with those found in other schools of thought, both religious and secular. Additionally, well examine ways to put Peales suggestions into practice, regardless of your personal faith.

ideas fall into three categories:

  • Faith (underlying beliefs)

  • Positive Thinking (minds)

  • Practices (good habits and practical techniques)

    You dont ignore problems, but instead of complaining about them or letting them overpower you, you actively look for ways to overcome them. You take responsibility for your life on a consistent basis because you understand you are in control of how your life progresses.

    A positive thinker finds the benefits or the bright side of challenges and expects things to work out well.

    Weve all felt a rush of energy after hearing a speech on the benefits of positive thinking, so let that be your sign that it works!

    Having a positive attitude means you have an optimistic outlook. An optimistic attitude means you have hope. You believe things will work out well and ultimately you will have success.

    Scientists have been studying the health benefits of positive thinking for a long time. Research suggests that positive optimistic people tend to have better mental health and physical health and even live longer.

    Having a positive outlook can give you a reduced risk of having a heart attack, getting a cold, and being


    Positive thinking can lower a persons risk of death from serious illnesses, including cancer, infections, heart disease, stroke, and lung conditions. It improves the outcomes of patients with brain and traumatic brain injury and boosts your immune system.

    Feature selection:

    A decade of research reveals the benefits of positive emotions for mental and physical health; however, recent empirical work suggests the explicit pursuit of happiness may backfire. The present study hypothesized that the pursuit of happiness is not inherently self- defeating; in particular, individuals who seek positive, as exemplified by how they make decisions about how to organize their day-to-day lives, may be happier.

    This individual difference is label prioritizing positive. In a community sample of young to older adults, prioritizing positive predicted a host of well-being outcomes (positive emotions, depressive symptom ology). In addition, people high in prioritizing positive have greater resources, and these links are explained by more frequent experiences of positive emotions. In sum, the present study suggests that seeking happiness, although a delicate art, may be a worthwhile pursuit.


    The power of our positive thinking, The book will help you approach your personal, financial, spiritual, and relationship decisions with a positive minds, allowing you to replace your negative thoughts confidently.

    Along with this, the author has given some essential ways that can help you in solving your problems,

    • The author says that you should believe that every problem has a solution.

    • Stay calm because stress increases negative thinking; the mind cannot work correctly under pressure.

    • Never force your mind to get your answer; keep your mind clear and let the answer be visible.

    • Pray about your problems.

    • Trust in the time of insight and intuition.

Trust Yourself

To succeed in your life, first, you must learn to trust yourself; no matter what you do, do it confidently. Then, to start any work, you must have faith, which comes from trust.

The author says that we in ourselves and our abilities. We cannot be happy or prosperous without the correct belief in our strengths; also, keep in mind that low self- esteem is very strange and makes you a failure. Whereas with strong confidence, you can be successful.

Insecurity and annuity come with your expectations. In contrast, with confidence, you get to know everything yourself so that you work with a positive attitude to be successful in life, so we should always be confident as well as our own.

It would help if you also believed our strength gives us the power to understand our self-confidence and willpower. So you start making good decisions in your life and progress on the path of success.

A calm mind brings strength:

When our mind starts thinking, many problems also come before us. To get out of those problems, we must keep our minds calm.

In the book The Power of Positive Thinking, the author asks us to change the wrong thinking coming into our minds into right thinking.

We should also find the good in the wrong to take our review positively. Our eyes should have a reasonably accurate understanding of the difference between good and evil. If we learn to differentiate between good and bad, we start seizing more and better opportunities.

There may be some with whom you feel calm after telling about your problems and sorrows; that person will be whom you trust.

If there is someone in your life whom you

.Can trust and say anything, that person will always keep you and your mind at peace, and having a calm mind brings a positive force.

So always try to keep your mind away from negative thinking. And always have a person with whom you can talk about all your worries and sorrows.

Existing System:

  1. Use affairments:

    Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that you can repeat regularly to yourself or leave notecard around where you will regularly see them. They should be positive, in the present tense, and state something that you want. Keeping them

    brief makes them easier to remember and repeat. Try saying something to yourself such as: Im alive andwell or today is going to be a great day! It sounds too simple, right? Youd be surprised at how effective this practice can be in creating positive energy.

  2. Remind yourself to focus on the good things no matter how small they are:

    Try attaching thought triggers to items you use every day to remind yourself of things that make you happy. For instance, you could change your phone wallpaper to trigger a memory of a certain place, put a sticker on your water bottle that reminds you of your favourite hobby, wear a bracelet that was given to you by your best friend, or even make the password you use everyday something that reminds you of something you are grateful for. Little triggers like this can build up over the course of a day and make a difference.

  3. Do something nice for someone:

    Dont wait for someone to inject positive into your day. Instead, take charge and create a positive moment for someone else. You will likely find that doing nice things for others can lift your spirits and be just as fulfilling as having someone do something for you. It doesnt have to be grand, either. Just giving a friendly gesture to someone else as you pass by can make you feel positive. Since smiles are covered by masks at the moment, try waving, nodding, or simply giving a happy hello

    to a stranger. (We are all going to get good at smiling with our eyes this year!)

  4. Focus for the present moment:

    Many times, we let negative memories from the past affect our current thinking. Or we let worry about the future affect how we are thinking about the present. Try to remove this worry about past and future moments and focus on what you can control right in front of you. Remember that nothing ever happens in the past or the future. Things happen in the present. Each moment you are in, however small or seemingly insignificant, can be a positive one if you dont let worry about other moments get in your way. If you focus on your present situation and what is affecting you right here and now, you might realize how unimportant some of the things you may have been worrying about are.

  5. Surrounding yourself for positive thinking:

Youve likely heard that we end up being the average of the five people we surround ourselves by, or some similar adage over the years. While it may be dangerous to make such concrete conclusions about your own character based on who your friends are, we can still use this principle as a guide to create healthier environments for ourselves to harbour positive. Ask yourself: Does this

person lift me up and support me? Or do they put me down to make themselves feel better? Sometimes the answer may be harder to discern than youd imagine. Seek out people who support you and lift you up and then do the same for them. The more you hear positive thoughts and outlooks from those around you, the more likely you are to have your ways of thinking impacted.

Even if you cant put all of these tips into practice immediately, try one or two.

Positivist tends to compound over time. Think of each little step you make towards changing your mindset as being a drop of fuel in your tank. Even if its not full, it has the ability to get you to where you need to go.

Proposed System:

There is one thing which we do throughout the day. We do it even when we are asleep at night. And this is thinking. Thoughts never stop. There is not a single moment in our life when we are not doing it. In order to make our life a successful one, we really need to master what to think and what not to think more than anything else. Thinking can make us content or dejected. That is why we need to focus on learning this art of thinking. It is a mental exploration. Many people do

not even realise the kind of freedom they have needed to meld their own emotions. If we realise how powerful our thoughts are then we would never think negatively.

Positive thinking leads to the development of virtues within us. It is the master key to a great life. Our thoughts can create heaven out of hell and a hell out of heaven also. It is basically depended on how we can handle our thought process. The first principle of positive thinking is what we repeatedly think, we will become. If it is about ourselves, we will become what we are repeatedly thinking. If it is about something else, then that thing will manifest in our lives. Developing and manifesting a positive attitude brings optimism into life and makes life happier and easier to avoid worries. It will definitely make us a winner & will also help us to move forward in life when the going gets tough. That is why we should not think beyond reality and always try to stick within the actuality. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is our attitude. Every day may not be

good but there is also something good in each day. Being negative only makes our daily life a strenuous journey.

We really need to understand that to lead a peaceful life, positive thinking is very much necessary. Positive energy attracts more positivity, in the form of new opportunities and good relationships. In contrast, when we lack positive energy, we tend to feel wiped out, anxious and inhibited. It can also improve our immune system. Positive thinking is not magic and it wont make all of our problems disappear. What it will do is to make problems seem more manageable and help us to approach hardships in a more positive and productive way. Living in the energy of love will always attract more positive energy to us and align with the highest of frequencies. A positive attitude is like a tree trunk grounded into the earth and positive thoughts are the branches that stem from the trunk. When something bad acquires we automatically blame our ourselves.

The inferiority complex can also prevent us from getting what we want.

That is why we have to consider our problems as the opportunity to learn new things. We all have a section in our brain called the Amygdala, which processes our emotion, memory and capacity of taking decisions. Even one negative word or negative thought can produce stress hormones from Amygdala and it affects our decision-making capacity. These negative thoughts not only affect our emotion but also our body. Many types of research prove that negative thoughts can bring stress to our mind and body. But positive thoughts can provide power to our mind and confidence to our body.

Result analysis:

Positive thinking is important because it can have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental well-being.

People who maintain a more positive outlook on life cope better with stress, have better immunity, and have a lower risk of premature death

Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses.

  • Increased life span

  • Lower rates of depression

  • Lower levels of distress and pain

  • Greater resistance to illnesses

  • Better psychological and physical well- being

  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke


    In conclusion, the power of positive thinking is a force that can transform our lives. By consciously choosing to focus on the positive, we can enhance our mental health, strengthen our relationships, and improve our physical well-being.

    cultivating a positive mind is crucial for achieving happiness and success in life. Positive thinking can improve mental and physical health, increase self-esteem and confidence, improve relationships, and enhance problem-solving skills.

    Future work:

    Positive thinking makes a variety of improvements across an organization. It can help to boost morale, reduce stress, improve employee commuication, and even increase productivity. However, creating a positive and comfortable work environment that elevates morale and quality of work is no easy task.

    Providing opportunities for employees to bond at work are a key component of how to be positive in the workplace. From team-building activities, like office trivia, book clubs, or sports teams, to simple exercises, like asking and sharing what employees are grateful for at work.


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