The Role Of Robotics In Industrial Manufacturing Processes

DOI : 10.17577/NCRTCA-PID-053

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The Role Of Robotics In Industrial Manufacturing Processes

NCRTCA – 2023

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

The Role of Robotics in Industrial Manufacturing Processes.

Aman Kashyap Dr. Srinivasan V ,

PG Scholar, Assistant Professor,

Department of MCA, Department of MCA,

Dayanada Sagar College of Engineering Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering , Bengaluru, Affiliated to VTU Bengaluru, Affiliated to VTU


  1. The field of industrial manufacturing has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, with robotics emerging as a pivotal technology in transforming production processes. Robotics offers numerous benefits that enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall performance within the manufacturing industry. This introduction provides an overview of the role of robotics in industrial manufacturing processes, highlighting its impact on various aspects of production.

    Traditionally, industrial manufacturing processes heavily relied on manual labor, which often posed challenges such as human error, inconsistency, and limited scalability. However, with the advent of robotics technology, these challenges are being addressed, leading to a paradigm shift in the manufacturing landscape.

    One of the primary roles of robotics in industrial manufacturing is automation. Robots are capable of carrying out repetitive tasks with unparalleled precision, consistency, and speed. They can perform a wide range of operations, including assembly, welding, material handling and packaging.

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    International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

Literature Survey on the Role of Robotics in Industrial Manufacturing Processes:

  1. Wang, L., & Wang, Y. (2018). The role of robotics in smart manufacturing: A systematic review. International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 13(4), 355-379.

    This study provides a comprehensive review of the role of robotics in smart manufacturing. It discusses the integration of robotics with other emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in optimizing manufacturing processes. The review covers various applications of robotics in areas such as automation, assembly, logistics, and quality control.

  2. Leitão, P., & Colombo, A. W. (2016). Intelligent robotic systems in industrial applications. Annual Reviews in Control, 42, 13-28.

    This review paper examines the utilization of intelligent robotic systems in industrial applications. It explores the role of robotics in improving productivity, product quality, and flexibility in manufacturing processes. The review highlights the integration of robotics with advanced control systems, machine learning, and vision technologies to enhance the performance and adaptability of manufacturing systems.

  3. Duan, Y., et al. (2020). The impact of robots on productivity, employment, and jobs in the

    manufacturing sector: A review. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 107(5-6), 2449-2465.

    This review focuses on the impact of robotics on productivity, employment, and jobs in the manufacturing sector. It discusses the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of robotics, including increased productivity, job displacement, and the need for re-skilling the workforce. The review also analyzes case studies and provides insights into the economic and social implications of robotics implementation.

  4. Ribeiro, L. F., et al. (2019). Robotics in industrial environments: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(1-4), 429-446.

    This systematic literature review provides an overview of the use of robotics in industrial environments. It examines the application areas of robotics, including manufacturing processes, assembly, material handling, and inspection. The review also discusses the integration of robotics with other technologies, such as sensors, AI, and communication networks, to create advanced manufacturing systems.

  5. Chen, X., et al. (2017). A survey of human-robot collaborative manufacturing systems. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(9-12), 2991-3008.

This survey focuses on human-robot collaborative manufacturing systems, which involve the interaction and cooperation between humans and


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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

robots in industrial settings. It explores the role of robotics in improving human productivity, safety, and ergonomics. The survey discusses the challenges and potential solutions for achieving effective collaboration between humans and robots in manufacturing processes.

These selected studies provide a glimpse into the extensive literature available on the role of robotics in industrial manufacturing processes. They highlight the significant impact of robotics on automation, flexibility, productivity, safety, and collaboration in the manufacturing industry.

There are several types of robots used in industrial manufacturing processes, each designed for specific tasks and applications. Here are some common types of robots found in industrial manufacturing:

  1. Articulated Robots: Articulated robots are the most widely used type in industrial manufacturing. They consist of multiple rotary joints, mimicking the movements of a human arm. This flexibility allows them to perform a wide range of tasks with precision and dexterity. Articulated robots are commonly used for welding, assembly, material handling, and painting.

  2. SCARA Robots: SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robots are designed for high-speed and precise assembly tasks. They have vertical and horizontal arm movements and are known for their fast and accurate positioning capabilities. SCARA robots are commonly used in electronics assembly, pick-and-place operations, and packaging.


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    International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

  3. Cartesian Robots: Cartesian robots, also known as gantry robots or linear robots, operate on a Cartesian coordinate system with three linear axes (X, Y, and Z). They offer high accuracy and repeatability and are well-suited for applications that require precise movements in a specific direction. Cartesian robots are commonly used for material handling, palletizing, and pick-and-place operations.

  4. Delta Robots: Delta robots are characterized by a parallel structure with three arms connected to a common base. They excel in high-speed applications that require rapid and precise movements, such as packaging, sorting, and assembly of small components. Delta robots are known for their efficiency and agility.

  5. Collaborative Robots (Cobots): Collaborative robots are designed to work safely alongside humans, sharing the same workspace without the need for physical barriers. They are equipped with sensors and advanced safety features that allow for safe human-robot interaction. Cobots are used for tasks that require human collaboration, such as assembly, machine tending, and quality inspection.

  6. Mobile Robots: Mobile robots are autonomous or semi-autonomous robots capable of navigating and operating in dynamic environments. They can move freely within a factory floor, performing tasks such as material transportation, inventory management, and floor cleaning. Mobile robots often utilize sensors and mapping technologies for navigation.


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  7. Vision-Guided Robots: Vision-guided robots incorporate vision systems, such as cameras and image processing algorithms, to perceive and adapt to their surroundings. These robots can identify objects, locate parts, and perform tasks with visual feedback. Vision-guided robots are commonly used in quality inspection, pick-and- place operations, and assembly tasks.

These are just a few examples of the types of robots used in industrial manufacturing processes. Each type has its own advantages and applications, and the choice of robot depends on the specific requirements of the manufacturing task at hand.

  1. Identify Manufacturing Processes: Begin by identifying the specific manufacturing processes within the industrial setting that could benefit from the integration of robotics. This could include tasks such as assembly, welding, material handling, packaging, inspection, and quality control.

  2. Analyse Process Requirements: Conduct a thorough analysis of the identified manufacturing processes to understand their requirements,

    including the desired level of automation, precision, speed, and flexibility. Consider factors such as product variability, cycle time, quality standards, and safety considerations.

  3. Assess Robotic Applications: Evaluate different robotic applications and technologies available in the market that align with the identified manufacturing processes. Consider factors such as robot type, payload capacity, reach, speed, precision, and sensory capabilities. Assess the suitability of different robot models based on the process requirements.

  4. Design Robotic Workcell: Develop a design for the robotic workcell, considering the layout, ergonomics, and integration of the robot(s) with other equipment and machinery. Ensure that the workcell design optimizes workflow, minimizes material handling, and ensures safety for both humans and robots.

  5. Programming and Control: Develop the necessary programming and control systems for the robots. This may involve writing code for robot motion, task sequencing, and integration with other automation systems. Consider the use of programming languages, robot-specific software, and human-machine interfaces for effective control and operation.

Robotics has found applications in various key industries, revolutionizing their operations and transforming the way tasks are performed. Here are some examples of robotics applications in key industries:


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  1. Manufacturing Industry: Robotics plays a crucial role in automating manufacturing processes, improving productivity, and ensuring precision and consistency. Robots are used for tasks such as assembly, welding, material handling, packaging, quality control, and machine tending. They enable faster production cycles, reduce errors, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

  2. Automotive Industry: The automotive industry heavily relies on robotics for manufacturing automobiles. Robots are used in tasks like welding car bodies, painting, assembly of components, and quality inspection. They offer high precision, speed, and repeatability, leading to improved production efficiency and consistent quality.

  3. Electronics Industry: In the electronics industry, robotics is utilized for assembly, testing, and packaging of electronic components and devices. Robots handle delicate components with precision, apply adhesives, perform soldering operations, and carry out quality inspections. They contribute to increased production output, reduced defects, and faster time-to-market.

  4. Healthcare Industry: Robotics has made significant advancements in the healthcare sector. Surgical robots assist surgeons in performing complex procedures with greater precision, minimizing invasiveness and improving patient outcomes. Robotic exoskeletons aid in rehabilitation and mobility assistance, enabling patients to regain their motor functions.

  5. Logistics and Warehousing Industry: In the logistics and warehousing sector, robots are employed for material handling, order fulfillment, and inventory management. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) navigate warehouse environments, pick and transport goods, and optimize the flow of materials. They improve operational efficiency, reduce labor costs, and expedite order processing.

  1. The role of robotics in industrial manufacturing processes has been transformative, offering numerous benefits to manufacturers. The integration of robotics has led to increased productivity, improved product quality, enhanced safety, and greater flexibility in manufacturing operations.

    By automating repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, robots have significantly improved productivity in manufacturing. They can perform tasks with high precision, consistency, and speed, resulting in increased output and reduced cycle times. This increased productivity leads to cost savings and the ability to meet higher production demands.

    Furthermore, robotics has contributed to improved product quality and reliability. Robots equipped with advanced sensors and vision systems can carry out precise measurements, inspections, and quality checks. This reduces variability and defects, resulting in higher-quality products and improved customer satisfaction.


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    The introduction of robotics in manufacturing processes has also enhanced worker safety. By deploying robots in hazardous and physically demanding tasks, human workers can be allocated to more strategic roles that require creativity and decision-making abilities. This reduces the risk of workplace accidents and improves overall worker well-being.

  2. The role of robotics in industrial manufacturing processes is transformative and pivotal. Robotics technology offers numerous benefits that enhance productivity, efficiency, product quality, and worker safety. By automating repetitive tasks, robots increase productivity, reduce errors, and improve operational efficiency. They provide precision and consistency in manufacturing operations, resulting in higher product quality and customer satisfaction. Additionally, robots can perform hazardous and physically demanding tasks, thereby ensuring worker safety and freeing up human workers for more strategic roles. Robotics also enables flexibility in manufacturing systems, allowing for quick adaptation to changing production requirements and customization needs. Although challenges such as initial costs and workforce training exist, the benefits of integrating robotics in industrial manufacturing processes outweigh the challenges. As robotics technology continues to advance, we can expect further optimization and widespread adoption of robots in the manufacturing industry, leading to continuous advancements in efficiency and overall performance. The role of robotics in industrial manufacturing is set to play a crucial part in shaping the future of manufacturing processes.

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