- Open Access
- Authors : Vansh Gupta , Manya Kakkar , Jai Garg , Dr. Sanjay Kumar
- Paper ID : IJERTV10IS100015
- Volume & Issue : Volume 10, Issue 10 (October 2021)
- Published (First Online): 07-10-2021
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Threat Detection using Machine Learning in Public Places
Vansh Gupta, Manya Kakkar, Jai Garg and Dr. Sanjay Kumar §
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi, India
AbstractAirports are subject to tremendous demand and at- tempt to meet a variety of interconnected performance objectives. Airport aspects, such as safety and security, also include inside baggage detection of dangerous items. This subject is irrespective of the size and importance of the airport. A large proportion of aviation safety is the identification of risk objects with X-ray baggage scanning pictures. Currently, most screens still depend largely on human specialists to discover potentially dangerous items manually. Presently, automated learning, which enables computers to find solutions to problems themselves, is the most fascinating branch of artificial intelligence. The study introduces a threat object identification system in ML, such as Open-CV and Keras with Tensor Flow using the convolutions of neural neural networks and specific libraries. The themes discussed include the creation of the neural network, data increase strategies utilised, testing and detection rates utilising X-ray images
Index Terms:- Computer vision Deep learning, automatic de- tection, threat object detection, machine learning, airport safety.
We may argue that machine learning is the most fascinating artificial intelligence branch. With computers being able to learn how to solve issues alone, machine learning has pro- duced several breakthroughs that formerly appeared virtually unattainable. Computers can understand human speech, recog- nise an object or detect the face of the human person and the car can also be used by computers.
The interaction of the human-machine system has also been strengthened by the development of robots that can imitate human behaviour[1]. But every robot is restricted and only one domain may be specialised. However, technical progress continues, and a computer is attempting, like a growing kid, to develop and expand its knowledge area alone.
While now one of the technologies most sought after and is expanding very fast in many sectors, it is fairly difficult to change artificial intelligence from one level to another and until the grand dream of people takes time to develop robots like humans[2].
Today, imaging gadgets have gone to a new level by provid- ing better functionality and broadening their range. For many picture-related activities, automatic image content processing is helpful. The processing of a picture in computer systems entails transmitting information at the pixel level to people with the same images.
With the growth of computer power, mechanical education takes a shorter time to scan all the data necessary to learn.
Fig. 1. System arhitecture
Systems can predict items presented once all pictures have been trained through the study procedure in the article.
This smart object identification system is on a simple camera level, but can be implemented on a very large array of devices that have a number of advantages as well. An example would be items identified and shown on a monitor during the check line at airports.
The system presented is one for the recognition at the airport of hazardous objects. The overall architecture of the system is shown in figure 1 and the stages are performed to achieve the ultimate outcome.
It must be trained to achieve the final level and the system of properly recognising the things. The workout is conducted utilising profound learning algorithms applied to the data collection. There are two techniques to load the data set:
The first way is to activate the webcam using a code and capture the picture with a key with a specific function on real- time computer view.
The second approach is the loading of the data .
Once the data set has been prepared, a number of operations follow it to become a numerical form.
The training model was developed after getting the data to the necessary form. A variety of layers are used to filter, simplify and model frames in this model. A probability vector that frames the content of the picture in an initially generated image class is the output of this model or network.
Data Collection
OpenCV is a library dealing with computer vision in python, which is designed to make applications computational. This library contains an application based on the web camera of the computer. A reference to the computers regular webcam was established once it was imported. He built an item for VideoCapture.
The objects parameter is the room index we refer to, as seen in figure 2 for our index 0. This change enables us to obtain the desired outcomes by providing much more information on the computer. Data may comprise various information, such as the distance at some point from the framed item or the camera. The motion of the camera in an image or image transformation sequence in black and white tones is another characteristic of computer vision.
The processor will perceive the pictures in numeric arrays and the noise component of any values in that array. This is the maximum that computer vision can accomplish. An example of picture coding is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 2. Image encoding
The data vector is now ready to fit the model function, which also creates a matrix that has the binary values that match the labels of each data set. First, in the Num Py library we have the concatenate feature, and then in the keras.utils to categorical feature (figure 5).
Fig. 3. The image processing function
Structure of the CNN CNN used consists of:
The fundamental unit of these sorts of neural networks is two convolutionary layers. A converting layer conducts a sequence of linear filtering operations in the matrix, using
Fig. 4. Example of The concatenation functions
image processing techniques, resulting from the input picture or image from the preceding layer, also known as the feature map. Two levels of pooling replace the area value in the feature map with the area statistics. Within the system, the grouping feature MaxPooling was employed. This substitutes a highly defined region with the maximum area, leading to a smaller map while keeping the most essential information. Four drop-out layers – The drop-out layer is extremely useful to prevent overpackage in neural networks. This layer assumes that some layer weights are disregarded and that several networks with features are simulated with fewer. A single layer of flattening after certain convolutionary layers it must be possible to utilise completely linked layers. The tensor derived from the convolution layers therefore becomes a 2D vector. The dense layer is the standard layer of an MLP network, with weight nodes and compensations 3 dense (compact) layers (bias).
The grouping layers (we set the size of the window for each layer) and the drop-out layers (we define the ignition rate for each layer) normally occur in a sequence of convolution layers. The flattened layer is then displayed. Then we have fully linked layers (the number of neurons is defined for every layer).
A table describes the architecture and number of layers of the neural network:
It must initially be compiled prior to training the model. The compile function is used to compile. Three parameters are required for this funcion: a loss calculation tool, an optimization tool and a measuring technique. It will now be
assembled after defining the model generation function. In order to training the model, it requires the data acquired in the form of an image, the labels (in the form of a binary-value matrix) and the time (epoch). The model itself was trained by use of the fitting feature.
Three types of items such as weapons, cords and grenades have been selected to observe the performance of the program. The following findings have been achieved after the testing of the data sets comprising of these three classes, as shown in the Table II.
The first exam was conducted in 10 seconds in a really short period, but was not very excellent, save for the class with knives. The second exam had roughly five and a half minutes of somewhat longer processing time. The performance was not particularly encouraging, but rose in the case of firearms. It took 10 minutes for the third test. Although the non-processing time has doubled, all three courses have achieved considerably better outcomes, even with a 100 percent ratio of weapons classes.
We may thus infer that the performance in identification of the application also rises, albeit not always, by increasing the training data set. The increase in the data collection also results in increased processing time. Several hazardous things were chosen as identification models, including a knife, a pistol, or a grenade. Articles which an aircraft passenger would not be allowed to have.
In the future, it will enhance the system in order that the computer is simulated on an airport to recognise and notify the unpackaged objects in your luggage. For this, the kind of items not permitted should be increased and the network improved to improve precision.
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