- Open Access
- Authors : Prayag Raj Mishra
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS110028
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 11 (November 2020)
- Published (First Online): 09-11-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Topology Optimization and Structural Analysis of Brake Rotor and Bell Crank of a Formula Student Car
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Prayag Raj Mishra
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Sambalpur, India
Abstract- Over the years various optimization techniques were used to find out the optimal shape and size of engineering structures, under various constraints. So, topology optimization is a mathematical method to optimize the material layout within the design range. So, this study mostly aims on designing an optimal brake rotor and bell crank for the formula student car and performing the structural analysis on both.
KeywordsSolidworks,ANSYS, Topology Optimization, Total deformation, Equivalent Stress, Brake Rotor, Bell Crank.
Topology Optimization is a tool uses mathematical method helps in generating the optimal shape of mechanical structure within a design range. Topology Optimization has a varied range of applications in aerospace, automotive, machine and civil engineering. Currently, engineers mostly use topology optimization at the concept level of a design process.
Formula Student Vehicles are mostly formula 3 prototype that consist of different automotive parts. In this study we discuss about the brake rotor and bell crank, we will see mainly the total deformation and equivalent stress acing on both in different boundary condition and try to optimize and get an efficient design by using Topology Optimization using ANSYS 18.1. Our main aim of using Topology Optimization will be to minimize the weight of the part subjected to given conditions. The idea of topology optimization is the removal of material which is less efficient in the structure. To find the efficient structure one should increase the number of iterations in the analysis, when number of iteration and element increases accurate solution of optimization achieved. Static Structural Analysis is done using ANSYS where FEA is used to determine the Equivalent stress and Total displacement of the structure. FEM is the numerical method used to perform FEA seeking an approximate solution of displacement in stress analysis. It is basically done by splitting the problem domain into small (finite) bodies or units formed by nodes. FEM calculates at node points and then interpolates the result for the entire domain.
Topology Optimization is a tool to find the optimal design of a structure. Many such investigation and research are already done in order to reduce the weight of the structure and to get a suitable design. This research mainly focuses on the objective of achieving a suitable design for the brake rotor and bell crank for the formula student prototype by reducing
the weight. The model of the brake rotor and bell crank is designed with the help of Solidworks with considering proper dimensioning. Then it is converted to step file and imported to ANSYS.
Brake Rotor Once the step file of the rotor imported to static structural, the holes were given as the fixed geometry. Pressure were applied on both faces of rotor and a rotational velocity given to the rotor.
The pressure that is applied on rotor are the pressure exerted by the brake pads to the rotor while the rotor had a rotational velocity. After this we got the total displacement and Von-mices equivalent stress. Solution was then transfer to the setup file of Topology Optimization.
In topology optimization we set the iteration to 500 as default keeping the response type as compliance and minimize the mass in a static structural environment, keeping the retain percent to 50.
Geometry of Rotor.Geometry of Bell CrankANSYS Process for both Rotor and Bell CrankNow the result of bell crank
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