Ultra L-Topologies in the Lattice of L-Topologies

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS1489

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Ultra L-Topologies in the Lattice of L-Topologies


Raji George

Department of Mathematics, St.Peters College, Kolenchery -682311,Ernakulam Dt ,Kerala State,India.

T. P. Johnson

Applied Sciences and Humanities Division,School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin-22,

Kerala State, India.


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We study the principal and nonprincipal ultra L-filters on a nonempty set X,where L is a completely distributive lattice with order reversing involution. Using this notion we study the topological properties of principal and nonprincipal ultra L- topologies. If X has n elements and L is a finite pseudo complemented lattice or a Boolean lattice, there are n(n 1)mk principal ultra L-topoogies, where m is the number of dual atoms and k is the number of atoms. If X is infinite, there are X principal ultra L-topologies and X nonprincipal ultra


Keywords. L – filter, Principal and Nonprincipal Ultra L-Topologies, Simple extension.

AMS Subject Classification. 54A40

  1. Introduction

    The Purpose of this paper is to identify the Ultra L-Topologies in the lattice of L-Topologies. For a given topology on X , T. P. Johnson [5] studied the properties of the lattice S,L of L-Topologies defined by families of scott

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    continuous functions with reference to on X. In [5] Johnson has proved that S,L is complete, atomic and not complemented. Also he has showed thatS,L is neither modular nor dually atomic in general. In [3] Frolich proved that if X = n there are n(n 1) Principal ultra topologies in the lattice of topologies. In [8] A. K. Steiner studied some topological properties of the ultraspaces. In this paper we showed that if X = n and L is a finite pseudocompleted chain or a Boolean lattice, there are n(n 1)mk Principle Ultra L- Topologies, where m and k are the number of dual atoms and atoms

    in L respectively. If X is infinite, there are |X| Principal Ultra L- Topologies and |X| Nonprincipal Ultra L-topologies. Also we studied some topological properties of the Ultra L Topologies and characterise the T1, T2 L-topologies.

  2. Preliminaries



    Let X be a non empty ordinary set and L = L( , , ,/ ) be a completely distributive lattice with the smallest element 0 and largest element 1((0 = 1) and with an order reversing involution a a/ . We identify the constant function with value by . The fundamental definition of L-fuzzy set theory and L-fuzzy topoogy are assumed to be familiar to the reader (in the sense of Chang [2] and Goguen [4]). Here we call L-fuzzy subsets as L-subsets and L- fuzzy topology as L-topology. For a given topology on X, the family S,L of all L-topologies defined by families of Scott continuous functions from (X, ) to L forms a lattice under the natural order of set inclusion. The least upper bound of a collection of L-topologies belonging to S,L is the L-topology generated by their union and the greatest lower bound is their intersection. The smallest and largest elements in S,L are denoted by 0s, and 1s, respectively.

    In this paper, L-filter on X are defined according to the definition given by A. K. Katsaras [6] and P. Srivastava and R. L. Gupta[7], by taking L to be the membership lattice, instead of the closed unit interval[0, 1].

    Definition 2.1. A non empty subset U of LX is said to be an L-filter


    i.0 / U

    ii.f, g U implies f g U and

    iii.f U , g LX and g f implies g U .

    An L-filter is said to be an ultra L-filter if it is not properly contained in any other L-filter.

    Definition 2.2. Let x X, L An L-point x is defined by x(y) =

    ( if y = x

    where 0 < 1

    0 if y x

    Definition 2.3. In a filter U , if there is an L subset with finite support, then U is called a principal L-filter.

    Example 1: {f LX |f x, where x is an L-point}.

    Definition 2.4. In a filter U , if there is no L subset with finite support, then U is called a nonprincipal L-filter.

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    { | }

    { | }

    Example 2: f LX f > 0 for all but finite number of points . Let f be a nonzero L-subset with finite support. Then U (f ) LX defined by U (f ) = g LX g f is an L-filter on X, called the Principal L-filter at f .Every L-filter is contained in an ultra L-filter. From the definition it follows that on a finite set X, there are only Principal ultra L-filters.

  3. Ultra L-topologies

    An L-topology F on X is an ultra L-topology if the only L-topology on X

    strictly finer than F is the discrete L-topology.

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    Definition 3.1. [9] Let (X, F ) be an L-topological space and suppose that g LX and g / F . Then the collection F (g) = g1 (g2 g) g1, g2 F is called the simple extension of F determined by g.

    Theorem 3.1. [9] Let (X, F ) be an L-topological space and suppose that F (g) be the simple extension of F determined by g. Then F (g) is an L-topology on X.

    Theorem 3.2. [9] Let F and G be two L-topologies on a set X such that G is a cover of F . Then G is a simple extension of F .

    Theorem 3.3. [3] The ultraspaces on a set E are exactly the topologies of the form S(x, U ) = P (E {x}) U where x E and U is an ultrafilter on E not containing {x}.

    Analogously we can define ultra L-topologies in the lattice of L-topologies according to the nature of Lattices. If it contains Principal ultra L-filter, then it is called Principal ultra L-topology and if it contains nonprincipal ultrafilter, it is called nonprincipal ultra L-topology.

    Theorem 3.4. [1] A principal L-filter at x on X is an ultra L-filter iff

    is an atom in L.

    Theorem 3.5. Let a be a fixed point in X and U be an ultra L-filter

    not containing a, 0 L. Define Fa = {f LX |f (a) = 0}. Then

    S = S(a, U ) = Fa U is an L-topology.

    Proof. Can be easily proved.

    Theorem 3.6. If X is a finite set having n elements and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain or a Boolean lattice, there are n(n 1)mk Prin- cipal ultra L-topologies, where m and k are the number of dual atoms and atoms in L respectively. If k = m there are n(n 1)m2 ultra L-topologies.

    Illustration :

    { } { }

    { } { }

    1. Let X = a, b, c , L = 0, , , 1 , a pseudo complemented chain. Here

      is the atom and is the dual atom.



      Figure 1:

      { | }

      { | }

      Let S = S(a, U (b)) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b}, S does not contain the L-points a, a , a1 Then S(a, U (b), a ) = S(a ) = simple extension of S by a = f (g a ) f, g S, a / S is an ultra L-topology, sinceS(a1) is the discrete L-topology. similarly

      if S = S(a, U (c)), thenS(a ) is an ultra L-topology. if S = S(b, U (a)), thenS(b )

      if S = S(b, U (c)), thenS(b )

      if S = S(c, U (a)), thenS(c )

      if S = S(c, U (b)), thenS(c )

      Number of ultra L-topologies= 6 = 3 2 1 1 = n(n 1)m2, where n =

      3, k = m = 1

      { }

      { }

    2. Let X = a, b, c , L = [0, 1], then there is no ultra L-topology, since [0, 1] has no dual atom and atom.

    3. Let X = {a, b, c}, L =Diamond lattice {0, , , 1}




    Here , are the atoms as well as the dual atoms. Let S = S(a, U (b)) =

    {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b} , does not contain the L-points a, a , a1. Then the simple extension S(a) contains the fuzzy point a also. Let S1 = S(a). Then the simple extension S1(a ) contains all L-points and hence it is discrete. So S(a) = S(a, U (b), a) is an ultra L-toology. Sim- ilarly the simple extension S(a ) = S(a, U (b), a ) is an ultra L-topology. If S = S(a, U (b ) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b } , Then the simple exten- sions S(a) and S(a ) are ultra L-topologies.That is corresponding to the

    elements a and b there are 4 ultra L-topologies. Similarly corresponding to the elements a and c , there are 4 ultra L-topologies. So there are 8 ultra L-topologies corresponding to a. Similaly there are 8 ultra L-topologies cor- responding to b and 8 ultra L- topologies corresponding to c . Hence total ultra L-topologies = 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 3 2 2 2 = n(n 1)m2, where n = 3, k = m = 2

    4.Let X = {a, b, c}, L = P (X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, X}.1 =

    {a}, 2 = {b}, 3 = {c}, 1 = {a, b}, 2 = {a, c}, 3 = {b, c}. Atoms are

    1, 2, 3and dual atoms are 1, 2, 3

    Let S = S(a, U (b1)) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b1}, does not con- tain the L-points a1, a2, a3, a1, a2, a3, a1. Let S1 = Simple extension of S by a1 denoted by S(a1).Then S1 contains more L-subsets than S,but


    1 2 3

    1 2 3


    Figure 3:

    not discrete L-topology. Let S2 = S1(a2) , Simple extension of S1 by a2. Then S2 contain more L subsets than S1 but not discrete L-topology. Let S3 = S2(a3) , Simple extension of S2 by a3, which is a discrete L-topology. Hence S2 = S1(a2) is an ultra L-topology, which is the L- topology generated by S(a1) and S(a2). Also L-topology generated by S(a1) and S(a3) and L-topology generated by S(a2) and S(a3) are ultra L-topologies. That is if S = S(a, U (b1)), there are 3 ultra L-topologies. Similarly if S = S(a, U (b2)), there are 3 ultra L-topologies and if S = S(a, U (b3)), there are 3 ultra L-topologies. So corresponding to the el- ements a, b there are 9 ultra L-topologies. Similarly corresponding to the elements a, c there are 9 ultra L-topologies. Hence there are 18 ultraL- topologies corresponding to the element a. Similarly corresponding to each element b and c there are 18 ultra L-topologies. So total number of ultra L-topologies = 54 = 3 2 3 3 = n(n 1)m2, n = 3, k = m = 3.

    5.Let X = {a, b, c, d}, L = P (X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {a, d},

    {b, c}, {b, d}, {c, d}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, {b, c, d}, {c, d, a}, X} . Let {a} = 1, {b} =

    2, {c} = 3, {d} = 4, {a, b} = 1, {a, c} = 2, {a, d} = 3, {b, c} = 4, {b, d} =

    5, {c, d} = 6, {a, b, c} = 1, {a, b, d} = 2, {b, c, d} = 3, {c, d, a} = 4 If

    S = S(a, U (b1)), there are 4 ultra L -topologies. If S = S(a, U (b2))

    If S = S(a, U (b3))

    Figure 4:

    If S = S(a, U (b4))

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    So corresponding to the elements a, b,there are 16 ultra L-topologies. Simi- larly corresponding to the elements a, c,there are 16 ultra L-topologies and corresponding to the elements a, d, there are 16 ultraL-topologies. Hence there are 48 ultra L-topologies corresponding to the element a. Similarly corresponding to each elements b, c and d, there are 48 ultra L-topologies. So total number of ultra L-topologies = 48 4 = 192 = 4 3 4 4 = n(n 1)m2, n = 4, k = m = 4. In general if X = n and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain or a Boolean lattice, there are n(n 1)mk ultra

    L-topologies where m and k are the number of dual atoms and number of atoms respectively. If k = m, it is equal to n(n 1)m2.

    Remark 3.1. If L is neither a finite pseudo complemented Lattice nor a Boolean Lattice, we cannot identify the ultra L-topologies in this way.


    Let X = {a, b, c}, L = D12 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}




    1 2


    Figure 5:

    Here the atoms are 1 = 2, 2 = 3 and dual atoms are 1 = 4, 2 = 6 . If S = S(a, U (b1)) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b1} ,L-topology generated by S(a1) and S(a2) does not contain the L-pointa2. It is not a discrete L-topology.So we cannot say that S(a1) is an ultra L-topology.

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    Theorem 3.7. If X is infinite and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain or a Boolean lattice, there are X principal ultra L-topologies and X non principal ultra L-topologies.


    If X is countably infinite, cardinality of X, |X| = 0. If X is uncountable,

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    X > 0

    case 1: X is infinite and L is finite

    Let X = {a, b, …..}, L = {0, , , 1} a pseudo complemented chain.LetS = S(a, U (b)) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b}. S does not contain the fuzzy points a, a , a1. Here S(a ) = S(a, U (b), a ) is a principal ultra L- topology since S(a1) is the discrete L-topology, where S(a ) is the simple

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    extension of S by a . Similarly we can identify other L-topologies. Hence corresponding to the element a, there are X 1 = X principal ultra L- topologies. Similarly corresponding to each element b, c, d, …… there are X principal ultra Ltopologies So total number of principal ultra L-topologies

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    = |X||X| = |X|. If S = S(a, U ) = {f |f (a) = 0} U , where U is a non- principal ultra filter not containing a, 0 /= L. Then the simple extension of S by a = S(a ) = S(a, U , a ) is a nonprincipal ultra L-topology since S(a1) is discrete L-topology. So there are X non principal ultra L topolo-


    case 2: X and L are infinite

    LetX = {a, b, c, ….}, L = P (X). There are |X| atoms and |X| dual atoms.

    Number of Principal ultra L-topologies corresponding to one element= |X||X|(|X|

    1) = |X| Hence total number of principal ultra L-topologies= |X||X| = |X|. Let S = S(a, U ) = {f |f (a) = 0} U , where U is a nonprincipal ultra filter not containing a, 0 /= L . There are |X| nonprincipal ultra L-filters . Corresponding to a there are |X||X| = |X| nonprincipal ultra L-topologies. So total number of nonprincipal ultra L-topologies = |X||X| = |X|.

  4. Topological Properties


    Let X be a nonempty set and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain. If S = S(a, U (b) = {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f y}, then a principal ultra L-topology = S(a, U (b), a ) = S(a ) , which is the simple extension of S

    by a = {f (g a ), f, g, S, a / S}, where a, b X, and are the

    atom and dual atom in L respectively.

    Let X be a nonempty set and L is a Boolean lattice. If S = S(a, U (b)) =

    {f |f (a) = 0} {f |f b} where a, b X, is an atom, then a Principal

    ultra L-topology = S(a, U (b), aj ) = L-topology generated by any(m 1),

    S(ai) among m, S(ai), i = 1, 2, …, m, j = 1, 2, …, m, i j if there are m

    dual atoms 1, 2, …m, where S(ai) = S(a, U (b), ai)

    Theorem 4.1. Let X be a nonempty set and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain or a Boolean Lattice. Then every principal ultra L- topology is L T0 but not L T1.


    Let X is a non empty set

    Let L is a finite pseudo complemented chain and a, b X, , are atom and dual atom in L respectively. Take two distinct L points a1, b. b is an open L subset contain b but not a1. SinceU (b) = {f |f b}, any open set contain a1 must contain b. So S(a, U (b), a ) is L T0 but not L T1. Let L is a Boolean lattice and a, b X, is an atom and 1, 2, ….. are dual atoms in L. Take two distinct L-ponints a1, b.b is an open L subset contain b but not a1 . Since U (b) = {f |f b}, any open set contain a1

    must contain b. So S(a, U (b), aj ) is L T0 but not L T1.


    Definition 4.1. An L-topological space (X, F ), F LX is called door

    L-space if every L-subset g of X is either L-open or L-closed in F .

    Example : Let X = {a, b} and L = {o, .5, 1}.Define f1(a) = 0, f1(b) = 0, f2(a) = 0, f2(b) = .5, f3(a) = 0, f3(b) = 1, f4(a) = .5, f4(b) = 0, f5(a) =

    .5, f5(b) = .5, f6(a) = .5, f6(b) = 1, f7(a) = 1, f7(b) = 0, f8(a) = 1, f8(b) =

    .5, f9(a) = 1, f9(b) = 1 . Let F = {f1, f9, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6}. Thenf7 and f8 are closed L-subsets. So (X, F ) is a door L-space. Let X = {a, b, c}, L = [0, 1] and the the L-topology F = {0, µ{a}, µ{b,c}, 1}.Then (X, F ) is not a door L- space sinceµ{b} is neither an L open set nor an L-closed set. In a principal ultra L-topology S(a, U (b), aj ) every L subset of X is either open or closed

    if L is a finite pseudocomplemented chain or a Boolean lattice . So the principal ultra L-topological space is a door L space.

    Definition 4.2. An L-topological space (X, F ) is said to be regular at an L-point a if for every closed L subset h of X not containing a, there exists disjoint open sets f, g such that a f and h g.(X, F ) is said to be regular L-topology if it is regular at each of its L-points.

    Theorem 4.2. Let X be a non empty set and L = P (X). Then the principal ultra L-topology S(a, U (b), aj ) is not regular if |X| 3.

    Example: let X = {a, b, c}, L = P (X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, X}.1 =

    {a}, 2 = {b}, 3 = {c}, 1 = {a, b}, 2 = {a, c}, 3 = {b, c}. Atoms are

    1, 2, 3 and dual atoms are 1, 2, 3 . Take = 1 in the principal ultra L-topology S(a, U (b), a3). Consider a1. a3 is a closed L subset not con- taining a1.Consider the open sets f, g such that f (a) = 1, f (b) = 1, f (c) = 1, g(a) = 2, g(b) = 0, g(c) = 0.f is an open set containing a1 andg is an open set containing a3 but f g /= 0. That is f and g are not disjoint.

    Definition 4.3. An L topological space (X, F ) is said to be Normal if for every two disjoint closed L subsets h and k , there exists two disjoint open L subsets f, g such that h f and k g.

    Theorem 4.3. Let X be a nonempty set and L = P (X). Then the principal ultra L-topology S(a, U (b), aj ) is not a normal L-topology if

    |X| 3.

    Example: Let X = {a, b, c}, L = P (X) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, X}.1 =

    {a}, 2 = {b}, 3 = {c}, 1 = {a, b}, 2 = {a, c}, 3 = {b, c}. Atoms are

    1, 2, 3 and dual atoms are 1, 2, 3.Take = 1 in the principal ultra L-topology S(a, U (b), a3).a2 and a3 are disjoint closed L subsets. There are no disjoint open L subsets containing a2 and a3.


    Let X be an infinite set and L is a finite pseudocomplemented chain. If

    S = S(a, U ) = {f |f (a) = 0} U where U is a non principal ultra L-filter

    not containing a, 0 L .Then the non principal ultra L-topology=

    S(a, U , a ) = S(a ),is the simple extension of S by a = {f (g a ), f, g,

    S, a / S},where a, b X, is the dual atom in L.

    Let X be an infinite set and L is a Boolean lattice. If S = S(a, U ),

    Then a non principal ultra L-topology S(a, U , aj ) = L-topology generated by any(m 1), S(ai) among m, S(ai), i = 1, 2, …, m, j = 1, 2, …, m, i /= j if there are m dual atoms 1, 2, …m where S(ai) = S(a, U , ai). Here m can be assumed infinite values.

    Theorem 4.4. Every non principal ultra L-topology S(a, U , aj ) is

    L T1.

    Proof. Let a, b be any two distinct L-points. Since U is a nonprincipal ultra L-filter,there exists L open sets containing each L-points but not the other.

    Theorem 4.5. Every non principal ultra L topology S(a, U , aj ) is

    L T2.

    Proof. Let a, b be any two distinct L-points. Since U is a nonprincipal ultra L-filter, we can find disjoint open sets f and g such that a f, b / f and b g, a / g

    Theorem 4.6. Every non principal ultra L-topology is a door L-space. Proof. In S(a, U , a ) every L subset of X is either L closed or L open,

    if L is a finite pseudo complemented chain . If L is a Boolean Lattice,in

    S(a, U , aj ) every L subset is either L cosed or L open

    Theorem 4.7. If X is an infinite set and L is a finite pseudo comple- mented chain or a diamond lattice, then the non principal ultra L-topology S(a, U , a ) is a regular L-topology.

    Proof. It is trival.

    Theorem 4.8. Let X is an infinite set and L = P (X).Then the non principal ultra L-topology S(a, U , aj ) is not a regular L-topology.

    Proof. Let X = {a, b, c….}, L = P (X). Let 1, 2, …. are atoms and 1, 2, … are dual atoms in L. Consider a1. Then there exists a closed L subset ai for some i not containing a1. But we cannot find disjoint open L subsets f and g such that f contains a1 and g contains ai.

    Theorem 4.9. If X is infinite set and L is a finite pseudo complemented chain or a diamond lattice, the non principal ultra L topology S(a, U , a ) is a normal L topology.

    Proof. It is trivial

    Theorem 4.10. If X is an infinite set and L = P (X), then the non principal ultra L topology S(a, U , aj ) is not a normal L-topology.

    Proof. Let X = {a, b, c, ….}, L = P (X). Let 1, 2, … are atoms and 1, 2, ….. are dual atoms in L. Then there exists two closed L subsets ai and aj for some i and j . But there doesnot exists disjoint open L subsets f and g such that f contains ai and g contains aj .

    Theorem 4.11. Let X is an infinite set and L is a finite pseudo com- plemented chain or a Boolean lattice. An ultra L-topology F is a T1 L topology if and only if it is a non principal ultra L-topology.

    Proof. Suppose that the ultra L-topology F is a T1 L topology. We have to show that F is a non principal ultra L-topology. F is a principal

    ultra L-topology implies F is not a T1 L topology. So we can say that F

    is a T1 L topology implies F is a non principal ultra L-topology.

    Next assume that F is a non principal ultra L-topology. Then by theorem

    4.4 F is a T1 L topology.

    Theorem 4.12. An L-topology F on X is a T1 L topology if and only if it is the infimum of non principal ultra L-toologies.

    Proof. Necessary part

    Any L-topology finer than a T1 L topology must also be a T1 L topology. So a T1 L topology can be the infimum of only non principal ultra L topologies.

    Sufficient part

    Each non principal ultra L-topology on X contains non principal ultra L- filter. So there exists distinct L points a, b where a, b X; , Land L opensets f, g such that a f, b / f and a /, b g. This is also true in the infimum of any family of non principal ultra L-topologies since every L points are closed in non principal ultra L-filters. So infimum of any family of non principal ultra L-topologies is a T1 L topology.

    Theorem 4.13. Let X is an infinite set and L is a finite pseudo com- plemented chain or a Boolean lattice . Then an ultra L-topology is a T2 L topology if and only if it is a non principal ultra L-topology.

    Proof. Suppose that an ultra L-topology is a T2L topology. This implies that the ultra L-topology is a T1 L topology. Hence it is a non principal ultra L-topology.

    Conversely suppose that the ultra L-topology is a non principal ultra L- topology. Since a non principal ultra L-topology contains a non principal ultra L-filter, for any two distinct L points in the non principal ultra L- topology there exists disjoint L open sets contains each L point but not the other. So it is a T2 Ltopology.

  5. Mixed L- topologies

    In[8] Steiner studied the mixed topologies. Analogously we ca say that a mixed L-topology on X is not a T1 L topology and does not have a principal representation. Thus a mixed L-topology is the intersectionof a T1 L topology and a principal L-topology.

    The representation of a mixed L-topology as the infimum of a T1 L

    topology and a principal L topology need not be unique.


    Let C = {µA|X A is finite} 0 , is a T1 L topology and and / be the principal L-topologies given by = aX{b,c}S(a, U (b), aj ) ,

    / = aX{b}S(a, U (b), aj ) , is an atom and j s are dual atoms in L.

    C = {µA|b A, X A is finite or f = 0} = C / is a mixed L-topology.

    Here c andc / /. That is the representation of a mixed topology as

    the infimum of T1 L topology and principal L-topology need not be unique.

  6. Conclusion

    In this paper we identified the principal and non principal ultra L-topologies and studied some topological properties. Also we introduced mixed L-topologies.

  7. Future scope

    Study some properties of mixed L-topologies.

  8. Aknowledgement

    We would like to thank Dr. T. Thrivikraman, Former Head, Dept. of Math- ematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala State, India for discssions and suggestions. The first author wishes to thank the University Grant Commission, India for giving financial support.


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(On FIP)

Department of Mathematics,

Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin-27, India.

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