Unveiling Dynamics of Malware Development on Operating System Using Rust Programming

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV13IS030116

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Unveiling Dynamics of Malware Development on Operating System Using Rust Programming

Published by : http://www.ijert.org

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181

Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024

Reddyvari Venkateswara Reddy, J. Mounika, M. Krishnakalyan, G. Saketh

Associate Professor, Department of CSE (Cyber Security), CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Student, Department of CSE (Cyber Security), CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Abstract In Today's world the cybersecurity landscape is rapidly growing where it leads to development in security aspect to be ahead of exploiters. This paper explores the creation of a malware using rust, encode it and establish the connection with Metasploit. The aim is to provide security professionals with instrument that is utilized in the procedure for pen-testing and other ethical activities to evaluate the safety of the system. This help in identifying the potential vulnerabilities. This Piece of writing delves further into the technical aspects of payload creation and the benefits it gives to the security professionals.

Keywords: Evasion technique, MSF venom, MSF console, Rust language, Vulnerabilities


    The digital world's ever-growing threat landscape demands that security procedures advance constantly. In the area hacking, the capacity to design highly personalized and tailored payloads is just as important as the Metasploit structure, which has been a standard tool for security professionals. The purpose of this research study is to investigate the process of developing payloads in this way using the Rust programming language, which is well- known for its effective memory management and performance characteristics.

    A key component of ethical hacking techniques is payload development, which enables security experts to mimic actual attack scenarios and find weaknesses in systems. We can create resilient and discrete payloads that can avoid detection systems and create covert connections using the popular MSF console by utilizing Rust's capabilities. This paper will offer a thorough and in-depth analysis of the sequential steps needed in building payloads with Rust. It will go into the specifics of the Rust programming language, namely its unique characteristics that support production of safe and effective payloads. Emphasizing the significance of responsible and ethical usage, it will also look at the possible consequences of these payloads in ethical hacking scenarios


    Durganath Rajesh, Arbaaz Ahmed, and Venkateshwarlu Bollapalli undertook a project focused on malware creation and detection. They most likely created malware samples for their study using an assortment of methods, including code injection, obfuscation, and exploit kits, to simulate numerous malware kinds, including Trojan horses, worms, viruses, and ransomware. They would then have used malware detection methods to locate and categories these samples, such as behavior-based detection, signature-based detection, and machine learning models.

    The project likely involved analyzing the behavior, capabilities, and potential impact of the created malware through static and dynamic analysis. Finally,

    they would have evaluated the efficiency of their detection techniques, measuring metrics such as detection rate and false positive rate. The results and methodology of their research would have been documented in a report to summarize their findings and conclusions, emphasizing the importance of conducting such research ethically and ensuring that the malware samples are used solely for research purposes. Stuart E. Schechter and Saranga Komondors "Password Strength

    K. Sahay, Ashu Sharma, and Hemant Rathore K. Sahay, Ashu Sharma, and Hemant Rathore conducted a project that delved into the evolution of malware. carried out a study that examined the implementation of malware. Their investigation most likely concentrated on tracking the historical evolution of malware, looking at the ways in which various malware subtypes have changed over time Regarding effect, functionality, and complexity. Understanding the patterns in malware production and the accompanying developments in cybersecurity defences will be made possible with the help of this study.

    They probably have to study the many kinds of malwarefrom the first viruses to the most recent ransomwareto see how their strategies, methods, and complexity have changed over time. Their initiative probably sought to give insights into the future of cybersecurity threats and the creation of more potent defence tactics by examining the evolution of malware


    The main objective of this malware's development was to act as a vital resource for cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers. The primary objective of developing such frameworks is to give security specialists the tools to assess and fortify computer systems' defenses. These innovations, which are especially designed for security testing and vulnerability assessment, let experts identify gaps in networks, systems, or applications. Authorized users can simulate actual cyberattacks through penetration testing and ethical hacking, identifying possible weaknesses before malevolent actors have a chance to take advantage of them. This proactive strategy guarantees the resilience of systems against ever-evolving attacks and helps enterprises address security problems.

    Moreover, these payloads make a substantial contribution to current security r and d projects. To staying in front of advancing dangers, security specialists use apparatuses, for example, Metasploit to comprehend the different assault courses and procedures utilized by programmers. Moreover, Metasploit fills in as an educational device, giving online protection experts functional guidance to work on their capability in moral hacking and entrance testing. These advances are oftentimes remembered for confirmation projects to guarantee that experts are ready to deal with security worries in reality.

    Furthermore, these payloads are essential to defensive and incident response plans. Security experts can improve their readiness for real-world events and hone their incident response skills by modeling attacks. Organizations can minimize the effecting of prospective assaults by developing effective


    1. Hardware: A dedicated server or virtual machine (VM) with sufficient resources such as CPU, RAM and processor i5 and above

    2. Operating System: The malware is encoded and the connection is established with the help of Metasploit framework so kali Linux is best and suitable one.

    3. Internet Connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is necessary for the connection to another system for surveillance.

    4. High-level Programming language: in this case we have used rust as our programming language to create a malware

      Fig-1: Kali linux


    In our computerized age, the heightening issue of malware represents a critical danger to online protection, information security, and PC framework dependability. Programmers are consistently contriving creative malware with refined avoidance strategies. This seminar highlights the critial need for understanding and preventing malware creation to safeguard our digital realm. Let's explore strategies to counter this evolving threat and protect the integrity of our online world.


      1. Cobalt Strike: this comprehensive commercial penetration testing tool tailored for red teaming and advanced threat simulations. It excels in payload generation, offering the Beacon payload for communication and control. Cobalt Strike allows for the customization of network indicators using Malleable C2 and provides a range of automated post- exploitation modules. Additionally, it features

        securitymethods based on an understanding of how exploits operate. In conclusion, by encouraging a proactive and knowledgeable approach to cybersecurity, the ethical use of frameworks like Metasploit helps to establish a more secure digital environment.

        collaboration capabilities, making it suitable for team engagements during security assessments.

      2. Canvas by Immunity: Immunity is a commercial penetration testing platform that specializes in post- exploitation operations, exploit creation, and vulnerability finding. Its payload delivery capabilities and automated exploitation make it stand out. Canvas offers real-time vulnerability analysis and lets customers customize payloads and exploits. The platform's total efficacy is increased by its smooth connection with other security products.

      3. Empire: Known for its easy-to-use interface for handling post-exploitation chores, Empire is an open- source post-exploitation framework. With a focus on flexibility, Empire streamlines payload production by utilizing a PowerShell-based methodology. With integrated modules for privilege escalation and lateral movement, it facilitates multi-user teamwork and communication. One of Empire's main advantages is that you can utilize it as a flexible tool for ethical hacking and module building.


    1. Signature-Based Location: Payloads and exploits might be identified by signature-based antivirus and interruption recognition frameworks or payloads may trigger alerts, limiting effectiveness in environments with robust security measures. Similarly, other frameworks may also experience difficulties with signature-based detection, especially if their methodologies or payloads become recognized by security solutions.

    2. Single-Vector Exploitation: Primarily focuses on single-vector exploitation, and its effectiveness heavily relies on specific vulnerabilities. In environments with multiple layers of security, exploiting a single vulnerability would not be sufficient for successful compromise. Similar frameworks might share this limitation, focusing on specific vectors and vulnerabilities, potentially missing broader attack surfaces.

    3. Commonly Recognized Framework: Widely recognized and extensively studied framework. Expert in security and system administrator are often familiar with its signatures and behaviors, making it easier to recognize and address to Metasploit-based attacks. Commercial tools like Cobalt Strike and others may also be well-known within security communities, making them susceptible to detection and response.

    4. Dynamic Environments: In highly dynamic environments with rapidly changing configurations, Metasploit may struggle to adapt quickly to new vulnerabilities or unique network architectures. Similar challenges may be faced by other frameworks when dealing with dynamic and evolving target environments.


    Fig-2: Work Flow

    1. Malware Code (Using Rust): Develop a malicious Rust code to perform unauthorized actions on a target system, potentially exploiting vulnerabilities or compromising security.

    2. Code to Executable (Compilation): Compile the Rust code into an executable file (.exe) that might on be executed regarding the intended system, facilitating deployment

    3. Encode the payload (Using MSF Venom): Encode the payload using MSF Venom to obfuscate or modify the signature of the malware code, making it harder for antivirus or security software to detect.

    4. Sending to Target: Transmit the compiled executable in the intended system, often through methods like phishing, social engineering, or exploiting vulnerabilities.

    5. Establishing the Connection (Using MSF Console): Utilize tools such as Metasploit to establish a covert communication path between the assailant and the victim system, enabling remote control.

    6. Getting the Information: Set up the server-side foundation to get and handle information sent by the malware on the compromised framework.

    7. Acquiring Control: Exploit the laid-out association with oversee the objective framework, possibly permitting the assailant to execute orders and control records.

    8. Performing activities: Execute malevolent exercises

    on the compromised framework, like information burglary, situation control, or further abuse of weaknesses.


    All in all, this exploration reveals insight into the procedures and devices utilized in the formation of malware. By understanding the complexities of malware creation, we can all the more likely safeguard against such dangers and foster more successful safety efforts. It is basic to move toward this information dependably and pursue defending the computerized environment. All through the trial and error and execution assessment, we acquired important bits of knowledge into the viability and productivity of the made malware. The outcomes showed the capacities of the created payload in sidestepping identification and laying out associations. Nonetheless, it is urgent to underline the moral contemplations and lawful ramifications related with such exercise.


Fig-3: Encoding payload

Fig-4: Establishing the connection

Fig-5: activities perform

Fig-6: Gaining control over the command prompt

Fig-7: windows defender not identifying the code

Fig-8: giving the command to reboot the system

Fig-9: system reboot by command


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