- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 79
- Authors : Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh
- Paper ID : IJERTV8IS080241
- Volume & Issue : Volume 08, Issue 08 (August 2019)
- Published (First Online): 02-09-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Uses of Medicinal Plants In Traditional and Modern Medicine
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh
J P University Chapra
Abstract:- Medicinal plants have played an important role in the development of human culture. This study illustrates the importance and uses of traditional and modern medicinal system in the treatment and management of human diseases and ailments. According to WHO, 80% of the people in rural areas are dependent on herbal plants and other medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, swelling, insects bites, pains etc. People living in urban areas use medicines that; directly or indirectly come from medicinal plants. The main point is; the conservation of medicinal plants is indispensable.
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Traditional and Modern medicines, Herbal medicines.
Traditional medicines are still the most affordable and the most accessible sources of treatment in the primary health care system. The poor have been using traditional methods of treatment since time immemorial. The Ethno – Botanical plants are a rich source of natural drugs all over the world. Although, Modern medicines exist side by side with such traditional practices.
Medicinal plants are sources of new drugs and many of the modern medicines are prepared directly or indirectly from plant species. It is estimated that there are over 250,000 species of flowers. The study of Ethno – Botanical medicinal plants helps us to understand plant toxicity and protect human and animals from natural poisons. In this review, the objective is to consider the past and present value of medicinal plants such as Ocimum sanctum is used in both traditional and modern practices as bioactive natural compounds
Here, we will study some medicinal plants. These are used in traditional as well as in modern medicinal system to cure lots of diseases. These plants are aloe vera, brahmi, bacopa, monnieril, pun net, euphorbia hirtal, cascuta reflex roux b., salanum nigrum linn, pudina, menthe arvensis, ocimum sanctum, azardirichata, manfera indica, babool, semal, madhuca longifoliya, golden apple etc.
For the study of these plants many places were visited between saran, siwan and Hajipir. Every study site has degraded land. Some plants specially grow on the bank of rivers, canal e.g. terminalia arjuna, seasum.
The following information has been gathered from our study of the district :- Dubh / durbha
Scientific name: cynodom doctylon Family: panicum dactylon
Small perennial grass with selendar creeping culms leaves, base glucous acuminate sheath, smooth ligule has a rim of hairs inflorescence spike 2-8 digit ate green or published tinged rachis compressed lemma as long as the spikelets.
Flowering and fruiting : February to May.
Medicinal importance :- traditional as well as modern, juice, anti – catarrhal, demulcent, antidysentric, astringent, divretic laxative stypic used to treat anasarca, hemoptysil, hemorrhoids, cephalagia, lephrosy etc. Fresh juice is applied to cuts and woonds, cold infusion is used to stop bleeding.
Scientific name: menthe piperita l. Family: lamiaceae.
Erect annual herb, leaves alternate 6-10 cm long, crenate 2-3 seriate pappus of scates present achiness angled flowers, careminative, gastric stimulant, antiseptic, used in cold cough, sickness, vomiting, physical pains, headache etc. It is specially cultivated for preparing medicines and medicinal products. It has been used traditionally and has applications in modern medicinal system as well.
Scientific name: ocimum sanctum l.
Family: lamiaceae
ocimum sanctum erect, aromatic, annual leaves; ovate to lancelate entire serrate 2.5-6 cm long acute, flowers purplish white in wharls of racemes, calyx lobes 5, glabrous with in upper lobe broad, pedicel longer than calyx, corolla 2 lipped 7-
9 mm long.
Flowering and fruiting – throughout the year. Medicinal importance :
It has been used traditionally and has applications in modern medicinal system as well. ocimum sanctum is used to treat catarrh, bronchitis, ringwarms, cutaneous diseases, gastric disorders of children, hepatic affactions, juice with honey is given to children to cure cold and cough and constipation. It is given with ginger to cure cold fever. It's juice is applied on the affected area in case of insects bites, it is and taken as blood purifier, juice with common salt is applied in ringworm, juice is applied over the body to remove unwanted spot. seeds are used in case of genitor -urinary system disorders, roots are used to treat string of wasp and bees bites (amonoymous2005).
Aleovera (ghritkumari) Scientific name: alovera
Aloevera is describes as wonder plant, 1to 2m long green light thormy herb. Medicinal importance:
It has been used traditionally and has applications in modern medicinal system as well. It contains more than 500 species of flowering succulent plants. Many aloes occur naturally in Bihar. It is cultivated all over the world. Primarily, as crop for aloe gel which comes from the leaves. Today, Aloevera is widely used in cosmetics, food supplements etc. Aloevera is used to cure constipation and many other stomach related diseases. It also helps in removing boils and pimples. It also removes dark spots. Aloevera juice is used with awala juices to increase hair growth and remove wrinkles from the face. It has lots of applications in modern medicinal system.
Scientific name : trachspermum ammi Famlily : apiaceae
Ajwain is like small oval shaped seeds, fruits are pale brown which resemble the seeds of other plants. Ajwain is used in the treatment of diseases such as stomach disorders such as indigestion, flatulence, diarrhoea etc.
Ajwain is also helpful in gastric problems, constipation, digestive problems etc. It is used in various dishes. It is helpful in curing maternity problems. It cures asthama, cold, cough, acidity and menstrual problems. It helps in losing weight.
Making medicines from the medicinal plants and their uses.
Scientific name / medicine use in Various diseases/ making and doeses cure the diseases.
Is it safe to use traditional treatment? Several problems must be addressed as these ingrediants are incarported into modern practices. Many of the traditional medicines are now used in developed countries as a part of health promotion and in prevention from diseases. The current situation is people in urban areas; both in developing and developed countries use modern medicinal system for their treatment wheres people in rural areas; both in developing and developed countries use traditional medicines. Modern medicines are costly. However, their main ingredients are natural. Alongwith plants, chemicals are also used in the preparation of modern medicines. Traditional sources of medicine are cheap and are easily available. The most important and the most humongous task is to preserve this valuable knowledge for our future generations.
Plants have been major sources of medicine since time immemorial. Saran is situated between 25 36 and 26 13 north latitude and 84 15 east longitude. Saran district has got very important place in Bihar because it is rich in Ethno – Botanical medicinal plants. Different plants are found in different habitats.
Medicinal plants are the principlal health care resources for most of people rural areas. Rural people believe in traditional medicines and use these plants in treatment of diseases.
A lot of medicinal plants such as garlic, ginseg,ginger ispaghol etc. are popular for their medicinal values. The impact of journals, publishing data on medicinal plants is increasing. There is also a rising trend to include phytothe- rapy in the curriculum of medical schools.
Therefore, the use of medicinal plants with anti- oxidant properties is important and should be considered.
Herbal medicines do not differ greatly from conventional drugs. The study of traditional human uses of plants is recognised as one of the effective way to discover future medicines. Medicinal plants are considered as rich resoureses of ingredients which can be used in drugs development and synthesis.
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