Webproxy, DNS Hijacking, Layer Seven Level Security Approach: To Protect SAAS From Web based DDOS and Web Service Based DDOS Attacks In Cloud

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS2214

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Webproxy, DNS Hijacking, Layer Seven Level Security Approach: To Protect SAAS From Web based DDOS and Web Service Based DDOS Attacks In Cloud

S.Tamilselvi1, Dr.S.Tamilarasi2,S.Loganathan3

  1. M. tech , ISCF, Dr.mgr educational and research institute, chennai

  2. Associate Professor, CSE, Dr.mgr educational and research institute, chennai 3.Assistant Professor, ECE, Paavai Engineering College , Namakkal, Tamil Nadu


Cloud computing is an emerging trend in business world. Provide services to its customers on demand, services like Infrastructure services , Platform services , Software services , Network services so on. Resources are maintained in the virtual datacenters for both private and public clouds. Saas contains web application services, windows application services, tools services, console application services, third party software services so on. In web application services web based distributed denial and web services based distributed denial of attack is easily implemented hacker because web application transmitted through hypertext transfer protocol and web services through XML, WSDL .In this paper we introduce DNS hijacking security, Web proxy implementation, application level security to resolve web based and web services based distributed denial of service attacks.

KEYWORDS: web application security, web service security, ddos attacks, DNS hijaking security, web proxy implementation, cgi security.


    Cloud services offers platform services, software services, infrastructure services via web services. these type of services increases vulnerability which invite attackers. common vulnerabilities are

    Security level attacks:

    1. Dictionary attacks

    2. Brute force attacks

    3. Spoofing

    4. Credential theft

    5. Password cracking

Management level attacks:

  1. Credential theft

  2. Elevation of privileges

  3. luring

Infrastructure layer security attacks:

  1. Side channel attacks

  2. Tampering

  3. Eves dropping

  4. Privilege elevation

  5. Physical access

Platform layer attacks:

  1. Buffer overflow attacks

  2. canonicalization

  3. Encryption

  4. Tampering

  5. Confidential data disclosure

  6. SQL injection

Application layer attacks:

  1. Connection pooling

  2. Privilege elevation

  3. Open redirect

  4. CSRF

  5. SQL Injection

  6. Buffer over flow attacks

  7. Encryption

Client Level attacks:

  1. Session modification

  2. Cookie manipulation

  3. Privilege elevation

  4. Buffer overflow attacks

  5. Key loggers

  6. Device theft

Service delivery level attacks:

  1. Cookie replay

  2. Ip spoofing

  3. Dos attacks

  4. Encryption

web based and web service based ddos attack is very dangerous when compare to other attacks.

    1. Software services in cloud

      Delivers application to its clients. all the back office details of application provided as service.

      websites accessed in the internet considered as software services. for example gmail or yahoo mail provides email services. Share point as software service online via web browser.

    2. cloud service




      Fig 1.Cloud service

    3. cloud service providers

Software services includes web application,SCMsoftware,CRM.software.serviceprov iders Google apps, Microsoft dynamics, sales force soon. Plat form services includes Application Dev, Middleware, Enterprise portals. Plat form service providers are windows azure, Google App engine, Force.com. infra structure service includes networking, servers, storage. Infra structure service includes Amazon web service, Verizon, backspace so on.


    Day to day cloud faces new attacks. This paper is mainly focusing on web based and web service based DDOS attacks.

    commonly cloud security focuses on API ,service hacking, attack on firewall, attack on browser, confidentiality sign on, authentication problems and integrity, risk profile, data leakage, shared technology vulnerabilities so on. We analyze DDOS attacks and mitigation techniques through online, international journals, corporate solution white papers, international conference papers. According to the literature survey web application crashes under DDOS attacks in few minutes. Private and public

    Double signature by again attach some SOAP parameter sign

    Double signature by again attach some SOAP parameter sign

    clouds are affected by Denial attacks in few minutes.


    Cloud clients





    Hijack ing

    Attach SOAP header with client IP address

    Attach encryption key in SOAP message header





    Attach decryption key in SOAP message header

    Attach decryption key in SOAP message header

    Fig 3.Attaching double signature and security keys in soap and wsdl

    C)security key attachments

    Fig 2.System Architecture


  1. Now a days web services via XML and WSDL

    .REST web services uses HTTP and representational state transfer protocol principles. To avoid XML INJECTION and XML DDOS we using XMLVALIDATORS.

    <!DOCTYPE transaction

    <!DOCTYPE Transaction system file> b)parameter double signature

    protection against XML rewriting by making some SOAP parameters signed again and kept with SOAP header.

    Encryption and decryption key attached in WSDL and SOAP request message

    <wsp:Policy Xmlns: wsp=policy link Xmlns: wsu=

    Fig4.Encrption key attached in WSDL

    <wssp: decryption <wssp : message> Wsp: Body/wssp: msg>

    Fig 5.Decrption key attached in SOAP 5.CLOUD SPACE CREATION

    Fig 6.cloud space creation

    1. CGI security

      1. In private and public clouds we introduce cgi security byMD5 hash authentication

        ,Locking normal hypertext transfer and secure hypertext transfer. This is a infrastructure security.

      2. CGI security on IIS by

        • Web service extension for IIS6.0

        • role service for IIS7.0

    2. DNS hijacking analyzer

      Analyze and scan the tcp dump of the victim.

      Commonly used hijacking tools are Hjsuite.

    3. IP CAPCHA

Capture the suspected IP by means of

Increased no of IP

Increased no of IP

Increase no of Ip, same domain name request,. ip spoofing verified with hardware address, unique frequency.

Fig 7.workflow of system 8)PROXY IMPLEMENTATION

It works as middleware between cloud server and browser. It detects system name, IP address, request URL, time which is invoked by client.


    • To scan the request.

      CGI SECURITY authenticates transport and socket level transactions. If any unauthorized actio takes place means lock the http and https. Dns hijacking analyzer detect the ip spoofing. If any suspected ip means deny the request.

      Ip capcha responsible for monitoring suspected ip by help of MAC address verification, unique frequency of IP soon.

      proxy web service responsible for detect the IP, time request, system name so on.


    10.1) Audit log

    Same domain name request

    Same domain name request

    Suspected ip

    Verify MAC address

    Verify MAC address

    Suspected ip

    Suspected ip

    Deny the request

    Wrong decryption

    Wrong decryption



    Web baseddd os

    The audit log file must be encrypted and stored in network segments.

      1. Attach providers information 10.3) Reduce of risk patches

        • Use isv to reduce risk.

    10.4) Several factor authentication

    More than password to prove identity . must for admin who are unable to onsite but access the production.

    Signature mismatch no



    Webservice ddos attack

    provide cloud service


    Now a days cloud DDOS attacks are challenge for medical and banking domain. Enterprises also attacked by web based and web service based ddos attacks.

    To avoid this we introduce CGI authentication, DNS hijacking analyzer, IP CAPCHA , proxy web services for web based DDOS attacks.

    security key and double signature to avoid web service DDOS attacks. IPCACHA uses MAC address verification , frequency verification, same domain name request.

    These techniques will helpful to avoid the web based and web service based DDOS attacks.


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