Wireless Electrical Vehicle Charging System

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV11IS05074

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Wireless Electrical Vehicle Charging System

Praveena Anaji Dept. of EEE

Jain Institute of Technology Davanagere, Karnataka, India Praveena.anaji@gmail.com

Sanjay M K Dept. of EEE

Jain Institute of Technology Davanagere, Karnataka, India mksanjay724@gmail.com

Basavaraj N Banakar Dept. of EEE

Jain Institute of Technology Davanagere, Karnataka, India Basavarajbanakar84@gmail.com

Sanju G M Dept. of EEE

Jain Institute of Technology Davanagere, Karnataka, India Sanjugm1234@gmail.com

Pruthviraj R Dept. of EEE

Jain Institute of Technology Davanagere, Karnataka, India Pruthvirajpruthvi572@gmail.com

Abstract Wireless charging transfers power through an electromagnetic field across an area. To achieve greater reliability of the battery charging process, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a better alternative to reduce pollution. Electric car batteries can be charged at charging stations or wirelessly. Depending on the application, wireless power transfer can be implemented as a static or dynamic charging system. Through inductive power transfers, transformer windings can transfer power from the source to the charging batteries. Dynamic battery charging stations can be set up on pre-planned routes. In addition to increasing the use of electric vehicles, they will also be more reliable and efficient for long-distance travel. The paper exceptionally presents an assessment of how the end of EV development and remote charging strategies can be updated.


    Electric Vehicles (EV), speak to an unused concept within the transport segment around the world. The advertising share of EV is anticipated to exponentially develop, comprising 24% of the USA light vehicle armada in 2030, speaking to 64% of light vehicle deals this year. In this setting EV battery charging handle must be controlled to preserve the control quality within the control frameworks. In any case, with the multiplication of EV, a considerable sum of vitality will be put away within the batteries, raising the opportunity of the vitality stream within the inverse sense. Within the future shrewd networks, interactivity with the EV will be one of the key advances, contributing to the control network independent operation. The concept of the onboard bidirectional charger with v2g and v2h innovations is presented. The electric vehicle has ended up more competitive when compared to the customary inner combustion motor vehicle due to lower carbon dioxide outflow and raising fossil fills. Be that as it may, the EV was not broadly received in the advertising due to a few confinements such as

    the tall vehicle fetched. Constrained charging framework and restricted all-electric drive. EV are vehicles that are either in part or completely fueled by electric control. Electric vehicles have moo running costs as they have fewer moving parts for support and are too exceptionally naturally inviting as they utilize small or no fossil.

  2. Problem statement:

    Current advances as it allows electric vehicles to be charged via a plug-in cable. In any case, the problem occurs when the client must find a charging point and the charging cable is lost or damaged. The venture is planning a remote-control exchange for nearly all electric vehicles. This venture concept is suitable for manufacturing any electric vehicles such as buses, cars and lights. He plans to use a non-invasive way to recharge the batteries of electric vehicles instead of using traditional plug-in cables. With the use of Wireless Control Exchange WPT in an electric vehicle charging arrangement, there is no physical connection or contact between the vehicle and the control supply. The method is completely robotized, whereby no human taking care of works are required to perform the charging handle. Even though remote-control exchange concept is well created and has been connected in mechanical application, its applications within the transport division are still developing. Besides, another genuine issue happened with current plug-in cable for electric vehicles is individuals tend to urge an electrical stun in case the cable framework is harmed. With remote charging approach for electric vehicle can avoid this occurrence happen since no wire or cable is required and its exchange in electromagnetic frame. Since these vehicles run on battery the most downsides are tall taken a toll, brief separate travel and long charging time.


    Figure 1: Simplified Diagram of car and Wireless Charging System


To consider and examine remote control exchange. A strategy utilized in our inquire about is an inductive reverberation coupling strategy. To transmit control from essential coil source to an auxiliary coil stack. To plan the remote-control exchange for electric vehicles by utilizing the concept of inductive reverberation coupling strategy. To demonstrate it, a model will be built.

  1. It is outlined for battery reinforcement whereas blackout of framework region.

  2. It is versatile Yield of this battery is DC frame.

  3. I/P of the control can be taken from Sun powered control source.

  4. It is dependable for longer duration.

  5. The weight of gadget is less.

  6. It can be step up for higher rating in case required.


      The transmitter is fueled by 12V DC through an connector that changes over AC220V to DC 12V. IC 3525 could be a PWM pulse generator. It makes a exchanging beat that's connected to the door pins of the two MOSFETs. The deplete stick of the MOSFETs is associated to the terminals of the essential winding of the tall recurrence exchanging transformer. The center department of the transformer is associated to a voltage of 12V DC. MOSFETs then again turn on and off with a stage contrast of 90 degrees. When the primary MOSFET is on, it actuates a current within the to begin with half of the essential winding within the HF transformer. The primary MOSFET at that point turns off and the moment MOSFET turns on, creating a current within the second half of the essential winding that's inverse to the current delivered within the to begin with half of the winding. So, in a total cycle, rotating current is created within the transformer. A full AC yield will be created on the auxiliary winding of the transformer. which is AC 12v at 65 kHz. This will be given by the transmitter coil. The coil on the receiver side gets an induced AC voltage when it is close to the transmitter coil. The HF AC output is converted to DC using a bridge rectifier based on a fast-switching diode. The DC voltage is filtered and smoothed using a capacitor. Finally, a DC voltage is obtained at the output of the receiver, which can be used to drive the motor or charge the battery below:

      Transmitter Circuit Diagram

      Figure4.1: Transmitter Circuit Diagram

      Vehicle Receiver Circuit Diagram

      Figure 4.2: Vehicle Receiver Circuit



      Farther charging is important in murdering the require of conductive wires and in this way conduction incidents which can take put through wire can be completely cut out. As well the human taking care of wires the charging plan for plug in and plug out can presently and after that be unsafe in case not done precisely. Consequently, the human intervention can be kept up a vital remove from for security purposes. Without a doubt in show disdain toward of the reality that farther charging shows up to be time saving and compelling, it comes with certain restrictions. The foremost pint of view of utilization is the improvement in establishment which must be done to suit the reason. This will require a colossal hypothesis of capital during all stages of the work and in this way, it can be a costly issue. The essential inaccessible charging development to be created was stationary, the system having been arranged to charge EVs in carports or open ceasing spaces, when the vehicle isn't working for an opened up period. Since a physical affiliation isn't required, there has been major captivated inside the credibility of charging EVs where as they are in travel. Charging an EV though in development is called lively remote charging.


      1. Advantages:

        • High control exchange efficiency.

        • Possibility of high-speed charging (but expanding costs).

        • Low support requirements.

        • Virtually no electromagnetic emissions.

        • Provides higher unwavering quality as the charging frameworks are worked consequently without reliance on individuals to plug, unplug, and operate.

        • Less probability of electrical deficiencies, such as brief circuits.

        • Protection against peril of erosion as circuits and gadgets are encased, giving shield from water and oxygen in air.

      2. Disadvantages:

        The inductive remote charging frameworks utilizing moo control (less than 100 watts) may have the taking after disadvantages:

        • Due to the slower charging and lower proficiency, the gadgets take longer to charge with the same provided power.

        • Drive gadgets and coils utilized within the charging gadget increment the complexity and taken a toll

        • Electric car can travel less distance. EVs on average has a shorter range than gas running and fuel running cars.

        • If BMS (Battery Management System) fails this system cannot charge the vehicle.

      3. Application:

        • Wireless EV has a bright future in wireless power distribution. The application power is unlimited. Some apps have the ability to power mobile phones, laptops, and other devices that often require batteries or plug cords to run.

        • An electric power application must work on near electric power devices where the device automatically charges without being connected to a power source.

        • Using wireless power, batteries are not needed or remember to charge the batteries periodically. If each room is powered to power the whole house Wireless power supply has many medical applications. It is used to power many medicinal plant products.

        • Other applications of this technology include messaging. It does not affect weak radios; they are cheap and effective.

    3. Result & Discussion:

Wireless electric vehicle charging systems, also known as wireless EV charging, have been developed as a way to eliminate the need for physical connectors and cables when charging electric vehicles. These systems use electromagnetic fields to transfer energy between the charging infrastructure and the EV, making charging more convenient and efficient for drivers.

Recent research and development in wireless EV charging systems have yielded promising results. Here are some of the key findings:

  1. Efficiency: Wireless charging systems have been shown to have an efficiency of up to 95%, which is comparable to traditional plug-in charging systems.

  2. Convenience: Wireless charging systems eliminate the need for physical connectors and cables, making charging more convenient and user-friendly.


  3. Safety: Wireless charging systems are designed with safety in mind, with measures in place to prevent electrocution and minimize the risk of fire or other hazards.

  4. Cost: While the initial cost of installing a wireless charging system can be higher than traditional plug-in charging systems, the cost can be offset by the convenience and long-term cost savings associated with wireless charging.

  5. Scalability: Wireless charging systems can be scaled to meet the needs of a wide range of applications, from personal electric vehicles to commercial fleets.


In this Project, we displayed a controller that can be utilized in remote EV charging frameworks to charge electric vehicles without wires. The proposed controller is able to naturally tune the exchanging operations of the converter to the reverberation recurrence of the WPT framework and so kills the require for tuning the exchanging recurrence. It also enables delicate switching operations within the converter, which can lead to a noteworthy increment within the efficiency of the control electronic converter. Contactless electric vehicle charging based on inductive control exchange (IPT) frameworks may be an unused technology that brings more comfort and security to EV utilize. Because it dispenses with electrical contacts, it would not be influenced by rain, snow, tidy and soil, it may be a secure, dependable, strong and clean way to charge electric vehicles, decreasing the chance of electric stun.


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